Gardening Trends

10 Beautiful Perennials for Butterfly Gardens

Dive into the gardening world with the latest episode of the Top 10 Gardener podcast!
The full Episode can be found here on our YouTube Channel

Hosted by gardening expert Ken Lain, this episode is packed with valuable tips and insights to help you cultivate a thriving garden.

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so yellows and blues seem to attract pollinators better than anything else so you’re those are both yellows that are strong perennials those are all perennial come back every great perennials great perennials pin cushion flow is another really good one for the butterflies has that real pretty purple nice little pen cushion FL it looks like a pen cushion the flower does hovers what about 68 inches above the the foliage right just kind of waivers and you’ll see a butterfly on there the winds kind of blow them around they’re just sitting there eating the nectar right it’s fun Lantana is another great one so uh if you want a perennial one the Miss Huff Lantana which is kind of an orangey yellow one um there’s also Maryanne which is a yellow pink one it’s very is that peral as well it is oh marana’s perennial I had I had a customer come in I think last week and she was there this picture of this huge Bush and we’re like I’m like well she was what is that I said well that looks like the Maryanne Lantana

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