Gardening Trends


June is the perfect time to plant these 10 perennials, and there’s still plenty of time to enjoy them.

Many of these perennials, depending on how you sow them, will sprout flowers profusely throughout the summer and mature quickly.
00:00 Intro
00:21 Anise Hyssop
01:01 Balloon Flower
01:41 Butterfly Weed
02:16 Coneflower
03:00 Coreopsis
03:39 Sea Holly
04:20 Globe Thistle
04:55 Pincushion Flower
05:33 Shasta Daisy
06:13 Wild Indigo
06:51 Outro
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Tag : linda vater,garden answer,garden trends,garden media,perennial flowers,garden tour 2024,Frontyard Plants,Plants for Shade,Low-Maintenance Plants,Plants for Sun,Border Plants,Unstoppable Flowers,Perennial Plants,Long-Blooming Flowers,Every years Plants,Foundation Plants

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June is the perfect time to plant these 10 perennials and there’s still plenty of time to enjoy them many of these perennials depending on how you sew them will Sprout flowers profusely throughout the summer and mature quickly number one an I hop these tiny blossoms attract pollinators including bees butterflies and hummingbirds thanks to their abundance of nectar once established it needs very little irrigation to encourage more blooms dead head once the flowers have faded remember that Anis heop usually flowers 2 years after seeds are planted so if you want to enjoy their blossoms this season you should get a starting plant from a nursery near you number two balloon flower both a standard and a dwarf variety of this easy to grow annual are available when planted in groups with other low growing perennials balloon flowers make a lovely border plant because they can become leggy during blooming taller balloon flower varieties May benefit from being staked if you cultivate balloon flowers from seed they may blow Blossom this year this is because balloon flowers can bloom in their first [Music] season number three butterfly weed if the seed pods of the butterfly weed are left on the plant the seeds will sell so in the following spring new plants will Sprout from the seeds dispersed by the seed pods that have split open growing these seedlings from seed could take a while but the end result will be beautiful healthy plants simply remove spent blossoms from Plants to prevent their [Music] spread number four cflower these plants can keep blooming all summer long if you deadhead them regularly from June through August and sometimes even into the fall you can find eonia hybrids in flow just let the blossoms to remain on the plant if you want it to reproduce in the spring little Conn flowers will emerge from the soil where the seeds fell depending on your climate conlow seeds can still be planted now and after 2 to 3 weeks of germinating you can still Harvest blossoms from them [Music] number five coreopsis you can grow these plants with ease perennials can be purchased in pots from garden centers or grown from seed it is best to prune the coreopsis plant back by 1/3 once the first Bloom has faded your flowers will continue to bloom all the way into October if you do this s will encourage a second Bloom the blooming time is usually about about 60 days after planting from [Music] seed number six sea Holly a hearty perennial sea Holly has a long blooming period these evergreens are best suited for dry sandy soil and an untamed lifestyle actually they’re able to withstand quite bad soil conditions and thrive nonetheless starting sea Holly from seed can be a bit of a challenge if you want to see its blossoms before this growing season is over you should look for seedlings because it probably won’t flower in its first [Music] year number seven Globe thistle the Sun and drought are no match for the globe thistle the globe shaped PL blossoms Sway in the wind and are a lovely addition to a border garden the growth rate of glove thistles is quite rapid if you sew the seeds in June you should still be able to enjoy their flowers this season because they will flower just 6 day weeks from direct seed [Music] sell number eight pink cushion flow more people should pay attention to this beautiful summer flowering shrub these plants require little attention other than a moderate amount of water and full light if you want these flowers to bloom all summer long just dead head them as they go by from seat to bloom pink cushion flowers can take up to 3 months so depending on where you live you could be lucky enough to see them this season [Music] number nine Shasta daisy the baked traditional daisy flowers on these cheerful plants which are native to Northern California will Bloom from the middle of summer into the fall as long as they get enough water on a regular basis Shasta daisies will thrive in a wide variety of soils you should divide these plants and transfer the new one as soon as you see Central death starter plants are best planted in the spring or fall but June is still a good planting month to try whether permitting number 10 wild Indigo traditional Native American textile dying Methods made use of these plants which produce a stunning Indigo Hue because of its drought tolerance wild Indigo takes very little care in fact deadheading is not strictly necessary if you want to enjoy these plants blossoms this season you need get a starting plant from a nursery near you because they take a while to Bloom from [Music] seed well thanks for watching video from catchy Garden don’t forget to click like And subscribe button to always support our Channel Channel you can also turn on the notification Bell to get the latest videos from us we’ll see you in the next videos

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