Gardening Supplies

NEW Cure Lids Automated Air Exchange Smart Brain for the Perfect Cure

From the inventor of Burp Lids come the brand new release Cure Lids. This product is exceptionally well built and we are excited to share our thoughts on this new product. Enjoy the video and let us know your thoughts on this new product. If you’re interested in picking up one of these Cure Lids for yourself you can check out and there will be some direct links below.

Cure Lids Automated Air Exchange FAE Smart Brain:

Cure Lids Automated Air Exchange FAE Smart Brain

Cure Lids GAMMA LID Automated Air Exchange FAE Smart Brain

Cure Lids GAMMA LID Automated Air Exchange FAE Smart Brain

The Smart Choice for Effortless Curing and Automated Air Exchange
Start Curing In 3 Easy Steps:

Step 1:
Install the Smart Brain onto the lid on your bucket, c-vault, or tote. Make sure it has a proper seal.

Step 2:
Touch the Cure Lid with your hand to turn it on.

Step 3:
Press the auto button.

That’s it! You’re done! Now let the lid do the rest.

Peace of Mind
Cure Lids is your personal assistant working 24hrs a day. The built-in battery lasts months before recharging.


#gardening #hydroponics #indoorgardening #curing #herb #hemp #cultivation #postharvest #growtent #soillesscultivation #gardensupplies #mushrooms #mushroom #growingherbs #growingmushrooms #shrooms #fae #monotub #growchamber #newproducts

hey guys got a special one today this is Jesse with Garden Supply guys we’re going to talk about cure Lids you probably don’t know what cure Lids is yet because we didn’t know until these were sent to us ahead of even a release we have a sneak peek at something that is what we’re thinking may get everyone to the perfect cure level what is curing how do we struggle with it in our store we hear everybody curing using jars buckets desin packs we’ve got paper bags we’ve heard it all and if you’re going straight into a vacuum sealer you’ve entered straight into tarpine hell straight down straight to hell to The Boiler Room of hell all the way down sometimes I pull them out just so they think everything is going to be okay but then I put them right back in good good that makes me happy so before we get into anything else and I’m really excited to talk about these this is super cool let’s just show you the unveiling of cure Lids keep your Harvest fresh and potent with our new cure Lids product this amazing new product gives you the perfect cure every time by automatically venting out gases and exchanging it for that fresh air your Harvest needs here’s how it works step one install the locking ring and spin the Cure lid on your bucket make sure it’s tight to ensure a proper seal step two touch the Curel lid with your hand to light it up step three press the auto button do you hear that it’s your personal curing assistant working for you that’s it you’re done let the lid do the rest you don’t have to do anything else cure Lids fits all of your five and seven gallon buckets and will automatically burp them every 12 hours through a carbon filter this gives you peace of mind since it blocks Airborne contaminants from entering that could potentially destroy your Harvest we also included a way for measuring key indicators such as temperature and humidity so that you can always keep an eye on those factors when you get curious so what are you waiting for cure Lids will streamline your curing process saving you hours of time and money kit on the weight list today there is a limited Supply so make sure you save your spot now so after watching the unveiling are you guys excited as I am now we’re going to basically take a look at what this is now to us once we’ve received them and got them in our hands you know John and I were taking a look at this and we’ve seen gamma seal Lids all over the place everybody’s using them but really you got to ask yourself hey a gamma seal lid’s great but you still always have to remember to burp and open and do your air exchange and what we got here is is we’ve got the combo we got the gamma seal with the smart brain installed when you put this onto a bucket oh God you put this onto a bucket we’re going to secure the gamma lid no air in and out we turn this on and we hit Auto One More Time listen to that what we have is a little smart assistant helping you along the way making sure that your cure is being exchanged with air every 6 hours or every 12 hours depending on which mode you set a or b mode so it’s it’s pretty slick it’s got a little rechargeable port on the side of it so you never have to change out batteries a charge will last normally up to a month or two before you even need to recharge it which from what we saw it takes about 2 hours to recharge a battery so what we’re hearing right now is the box is basically suctioning air out of the container pulling it out actually creating a negative pressure and it’s going to hit a pressure level right there did you hear the click that’s it detecting a pressure level that is negative where it actually releases and like a lung pulls fresh air in from the suction so I’m I’m I’m really I’m impressed about this because a lot of people struggle with achieving what we would call like the perfect cure the stress of always having to remember when to get home or relying on a staff member if you’re in a larger facility on always burping at the right times to not ruin the end product this is it and then we looked at it in other other factors like what about mushroom growing this is technically an Fae when you take this gamma seal lid off and we look inside here there’s a little carbon filter in there so nothing on this box nothing here is getting in or out without you having to actually remove this this little brain is doing the work for us so it also just to show you guys if you zoom in and I don’t know if you can see that when you do turn the module on you can check the temp and humidity of each unit that this is installed on and if you think Cur Lids isn’t as powerful as I say these are check out this Phil Swift Flex Seal moment [Music] ooh it’s sucky oh yes that is marvelous how oh it’s very sucky it’s very [Music] [Music] [Applause] so we’re going to talk about just the DIY section here and point out that we have solutions for both the gamma seal lid combo but also just the the smart brains available where you can install this on anything a SE volt a 3.5 gallon a 5 gallon or a 7 gallon bucket with just a regular lid this is a regular lid where we actually installed one of these in seconds using a drill bit just like that and the interesting thing about this guys when we ran a test using this bucket lid we were very impressed with the fact that when it did run we actually physically saw this thing Bowing in pressure tight with no seal this little Cur lid smart brain it’s powerful just to let you know this thing is powerful and we even installed one on one of these standard totes that everyone’s familiar with and we’re still just kind of doing a little testing when it comes to sealing this to see if the smart brain will manage AG an entire tote to be continued on that we just haven’t finished it but we believe it will do it and the reason why we had some questions already about how big of a capacity can this brain box actually handle does it have limitations and when does it know to turn off well there’s a selenoid in there that actually detects the negative pressure that we know occurs when it reaches a certain pressure level the valve or selenoid will pop and release thus pulling in the fresh air like a lung like I explained but if it isn’t in installed in anything like if it was just turned on and off sitting on the table or it was in a bin that wasn’t properly sealed it has a 60 SEC a 60c runoff time uh where it will run that long and if no negative pressure is detected within it just turns itself off so it won’t run dead pretty cool safety guard if you if you ask me so what is not to really love about this this thing is doing the work for you and from what we see we’ve got a real winner here uh I hope you guys like this video too because this one is definitely a pretty cool product and we were excited to put this out on the market for you what we want to also show you is kind of the function breakdown too as we go into these um what we have basically a lot of this runs right off of the auto button and the auto button if you hold it down it right now it is set to the off setting and if you hit the auto button you can turn the unit on by hitting the auto button just with a tap now if I hold the auto button back down it should turn off okay now if you tap the auto button you can turn it back on thus again holding it down for 3 seconds to turn it off and then if you hold it down again for three seconds you can switch from the a mode to the B mode the a mode does two burps per day once every 12 hours when you flip to B mode you’re getting four burps a day once every 6 hours pretty cool little feature if you don’t uh if you don’t mind I I got to say I’m just I’m super impressed with what uh what they did here this T this little uh clock thing it allows you to change between Fahrenheit degrees or Celsius and then it also displays your humidity you can hold this down also you have months and days and this will actually reset do you see where it says one day if we hold that down it should go back to zero there you go so what that does is it allows you to track months and days that this thing has been running in this container it’s it’s just so damn cool I I I can’t I can’t wait to hear you guys’ comments and messages I’m sure some people are going to say great things some people may have some other things to say but what we’re seeing with these tests is is pretty special and we’re also going to kind of show you a little snippet of a little mushroom bucket experiment in the meantime I’ll be right back so this is how it works you press the auto button you can hear it it’s pulling that oxygen out you can see your temperature there you can see your humidity there to get an accurate humidity reading you want to read this when the unit is on because the the humid humidity dude the the sensor for the humidity is inside the unit so when it’s pulling it’s going to have an accurate reading and like I said I’m doing this on one take no edits it’s raw cut what is this growing something that everyone’s doing lately I have no idea what I’m doing and let me tell you this I I don’t know what happened but this Fring chamber for mushrooms exploded with these Lids why these produce CO2 this unit it’s extracting all the CO2 and then it’s releasing that straight back in with fresh oxygen right here the solenoid popped it sucks fresh air through a carbon filter right back in you don’t have to worry about contamination like what I just did popping off this lid what I do recommend though add an air pump throw a little bit of water with a riser and whatever you’re growing in your substrate with your mushrooms that way it has a stable platform right you have your air bubbling you’re essentially making one of the best Fring Chambers possible and uh a lot of cool you can do with this lid but shout out to the hydro store um I’ve been working with they’re going to have the first units available for you guys so I hope that last little snippet got you guys excited if you’re into the mushroom growing uh if you do like this product also we’re going to have it featured on our homepage Gardens Supply we’ll also be putting some direct links in the footer of this video be sure to like And subscribe it means the world to us and hit the Bell notification for updates on our next video Drop we’re always kind of working on the coolest little unknowns and Cur Lids is going to be known trust me so thanks for watching [Music] guys what are you doing it’s over go [Music] home


  1. They really sound great but I’ll stick with Grove Bags since you don’t even need to burp them (or automatically have them burped) and scientifically designed for curing and storing long term (they can even be put in the freezer), it even has a protective inner layer that won’t have any terpenes sticking to it leaving all of it on your flowers. They are designed to let all bad fumes like CO2 escape through the bags layers while maintaining a perfect humidity level in your bag without needing humidifier packs. Check them out for yourselves if interested and no I’m not advertising for them but I’m moved always from jars because of them (plus takes up a ton of less space). I do give props to this company though truly an intelligent design and concept of self burping but of course only for huge containers lol. Have a great grow and harvest everyone, Namaste.

  2. Great idea. Literally watching this as I have had to burp my jars lol. Do they come in different sizes? Like for a 10 litre bucket and a 20 litre? Be interesting to see. Btw I liked the little Easter egg at the end. Can't believe ya got your hands on it hehe. Looking forward to the heater review 😊

  3. What is the difference between this product and a cure puck? Not being sarcastic, I wanna know. The cure puck might as well be made of gold for how much it costs.

  4. If you dry long enough and reduce your moisture content low enough then you don’t need an automated lid to keep releasing the aforementioned moisture in my opinion 😅👍 how much are these in the regular jar size? X

  5. Again amazing!! Curing is so important. Take the time to grow it you should take the time to cure it. 🎉🎉🎉❤

  6. Cure pucks are $600 and I'm sure these will be similar in price. As a home grower with 2-3lb harvest I'll just stay with grove bags.

    Learn how to dry & cure bud properly in glass mason jars. its a tried & true method that Cannabis grower have used for decades. This product will keep you from properly learning how to cure bud because it does it for you.

  8. Getting the correct temp and humidity for a perfect cure is still something to monitor every 12 hrs. So while I'm at it i may as well just burp it myself . Its cheaper that way .

  9. How could this work with a RH of 70-90%?
    It rains a lot here.
    To my mind Id still have to control the enviroment.
    What about nitrogen purging or curing?


  11. Been doing similar for years , gamma seal lids , one way valves and air pump on a timer !

  12. Next gen crazy tool…

    I'm really surprised what crazy helpers are iut there , will give it a try 😊

    Another cool vid ❤

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