

EASY PEONY CARE TIPS! Join flower Farmer Kelly Lehman for a step-by-step guide on how to care for your peonies . Learn about her favorite flowers like Sarah Bernhardt peony and Annbelle hydrangea as she teaches you easy tips on how to keep your peony flowers looking fresher longer . This video is great for both beginner gardeners and seasoned gardeners.
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Thank you for watching EASY PEONY CARE TIPS

hey flower tribe it’s Kelly Leman from cranberry Fields flower farm and I’m coming to you from behind the camera today I wanted to give you a few quick tips on how to keep your peie flowers looking fresher longer since peie season is so short we want to enjoy them as long as we can and I wanted to give you a quick pey update on this beautiful arrangement that we made 4 days ago so we cut these flowers from the farm 4 days ago this is what they’re looking like a few days later and they’re starting to really open up and do their thing but I wanted to tell you how we kept them looking fresh so long so penies do not like to have any kind of like direct sunlight on them all day when they are fresh cut from the plant so once they hit this phase I make sure that they’re away from all sorts of heat sources I make sure that they’re not uh you know having sunlight coming in from Windows like we have a really nice little you know window of eating area here but as you’ll notice I have them moved over here to like this little table where it doesn’t get any kind of sunlight or there’s no heat sources around it and the fireplace we don’t we’re not you know using because it’s summertime so that’s not a source of heat but what I will do is I’ll move this Arrangement over to the table at night you know when there’s no more sunlight and as we’re eating you know it’s just like a really beautiful arrangement to look at or like right before we sit down I’ll make sure that it’s here and it’s just really gorgeous to kind of take a look at all these flowers at the table before before we’re eating and let me just show you some of the flowers that are actually in here so these are Sarah burnhard the bulk of them because that’s the number one peie that I grow here on the flower farm it seems to be everybody’s favorite and it’s got these gorgeous pink double blooms on them and they have a really nice vase life and then we’ve got a couple other double whites in here that are really pretty I like a lot of the double pees and the peie bombs because they just have like lots and lots and lots of thick thick petals on them and I just think that they look spectacular I know other people like the panies that are more delicate and they’ve got like just like the single layer of blooms around them and they’re just as pretty but they don’t have a terrific vase life so the double blooms and the bombs are the ones that I I tend to you know gravitate towards and we’ve got a couple other additions in this Arrangement so the green things that you’re seeing here are just um kind of like immature Annabel hydrangea blooms so the Annabel are usually those white puffy blooms that you’ll see in Midsummer but this is what they look like before they turn white and they have a good vase life at this stage of the game when they turn white and puffy somehow they like flop in the vase after 2 or 3 days but we’re in when they’re in this kind of this almost looks like broccoli here this is another one when they’re in kind of like this broccoli stage or just a little bit open like the one I just showed you over here they tend to have a really nice vase life so they’ll last in the vase for like maybe six or seven days so that makes for like a good filler flow and then I’ve also got some princess spa in here I know a lot of you might have princess spa in your Landscaping this makes for a really nice uh addition as like you know like a little filler flour and just don’t use too many of these because it has a little bit of a musty smell and it might make your house smell a little musty if you use a lot of stem so I’m going to spin my Arrangement around so you can kind of see that I only use them like very sparingly there’s one here uh there’s one here and then I’ve just got some um leaves from some of the trees and shrubs around the flower farm kind of mixed in and this is what the whole Arrangement looks like I’m going to give you a slow spin around so you can kind of enjoy all the blooms and then know that I do change the water uh like every day I try to do every day sometimes every other day but I won’t lift the arrangement out of the vase because a lot of times these petals start to fall apart if you like manhandle it too much so what I’ll do is I’ll just gently like tilt the vase in my kitchen think to let you know the majority of the water run out and then I’ll have the fresh water come in and then kind of purge the rest of that old water out and then fill it up with fresh water each day I also get a few extra days of vase Life by bringing my pees outside at night when temperatures are cooler outside than they are in my house especially in Spring a lot of times the temps will drop down to like the 60s at night and my inside temperature is usually warmer than that so it just keeps them cooler and once again cool is key for peonies and uh letting them last longer in the vase so if you can either put them outside or maybe in a cooler garage overnight that would help them last longer I wanted to give you some quick peie tips for the peonies that may be in your garden right now so when we Harvest our peonies I make sure that I leave a ton of the green leaves in place you can kind of see them in back of me because the peonies need to feed themselves for the rest of the season um most of the time when I harvest my peonies they’re in a much tighter stage these are full-blown open and that’s because we had a huge Heat Wave so if you want longer vase live definitely cut them when they’re not so fullblown up and we had to do it this way this year because of uh the crazy weather if your peonies are not blooming I know that’s a very popular question that I get uh it may be because they’re planted too deep so sometimes people uh put more than uh an inch or two of soil above the highest eye and that will give you gorgeous green leaves but it probably will not give you any blooms because pees do not like to be planted too deeply and for the most part I feel that pees thrive on neglect so I hardly ever fertilize my peonies I just make sure that there’s not a lot of weeds by the base and um they’re in full sun panies Love full sun don’t worry if your yard doesn’t have full sun if it has partial sun that’s okay and I have to say that I have a friend of mine Susan she actually grows peones in a place that gets dappled sunlight and that’s usually you know you normally hear full sun full sun for pees but hers are doing pretty darn good so um full sun is usually best but try out your garden everybody’s Garden’s different and uh give him a shot and um yeah so those are some of my peie tips that’s our peie update and guys know that I made a whole playlist of how to grow penies in your own Gardens and you could check that out that will be in descriptions below and it will also be at the end of this video so let me know if you guys are fans of penies if you grow them uh if you’re interested in growing them and let me know what else is coming up in your Gardens at this time of year it’s about June right now or let me know what’s coming up in your Gardens at any time of year I’m always loving to to know what’s coming up in our flower tribes Gardens and let me know what the weather’s like in your neck of the woods so right now it’s June and we’re having some beautiful weather it’s just one of those perfect days where it’s like 78° and bluebird blue skies and it’s just one of those spectacular days so God is good I love you guys and I will see you in the next video thank you so much for joining us in this video and please say hi to us over on my cranberry F’s Instagram page you can also find us on Tik Tok and I made a whole bunch of podcasts for you you can find those wherever you listen to your podcast and please also let me know where you’re viewing this from in this great big beautiful world I love to see how our flower tribe is growing around the globe each week also check out our Kelly lemman flower tribe Facebook group because there’s thousands of gardeners from all over the world and they’re asking and answering loads of garden questions over there and know that YouTube has allowed me to have a super thanks U button attached to this Channel and if you like to buy us a cup of coffee or let us know if you appreciate these videos uh that would be terrific or you could just give us a like or a comment below I would appreciate that and I will see you guys in the next video [Music]


  1. Thank you for watching EASY PEONY CARE TIPS
    Please let me know where you are viewing this from in this great big beautiful world . I love to see how our Flower Tribe is growing around the globe each week ! 🌍😊🌸👋

    Let's connect 🤗 ➡

  2. mine were beautiful this year, but lasted only 2 days on the plant and then withered and browned. Similar to my neighbors. Very disappointing.

  3. Such an informative and lovely video of your peonies. They are simply spectacular.
    We have Peonies in my family for 6 generations, Each mother has gifts, their daughter or son with the Peonies plants, and each mother continues the process when it was my turn. It was exciting. I already had a place picked out to plant! It was part of our history of my family and our tradition to do for my daughter after she and her husband built their own home. It truly is my favorite flower.
    The delicacy, the beauty. It's just lovely.

    Once again, thank you for sharing. Have a blessed weekend.

    I'm viewing you from outside of Atlanta, Georgia.

  4. Beautiful! I only have three plants and they all opened up on me in one humid weekend! Then the forecast was high winds and rain! I hightailed out to harvest all of the blooms! I made 10 arrangements and gave them out to neighbors and friends to enjoy! Thanks for all of your tips!

  5. I had no idea how large the peonies I planted would get! I’m having trouble finding a tall enough peony support for the Sarah Bernhardt. The one I used this year wasn’t tall enough to keep all those blooms up! Any suggestions?

  6. Thank you for the tips! I have two peony plants,one is light pink and one is dark pink. I wasn’t able to get the wire cages on them before my grass was cut. A couple of the stems got cut off by the landscapers because they were flopping all over the ground. I did manage to cut one arrangement for my house and have been enjoying them in the house this week. Most of the flowers are open on the plants now and the petals are falling so I had to deadhead the flower tops yesterday. I wish the flowers bloomed all summer. I live in the south shore suburbs in Boston, mass. Your peonies are spectacular!

  7. My Sarah Berrhart Poenies are just beginning to open from being tight little balls, Lavendar is a mass of deep purple and the Hydrangea Annabel's are that pretty green colour. The only bulbs still hanging on after Spring bloom are the Aliums that still look very cool even when they fade I'm in Ireland & I love your arrangement of flowers, they're exquisite – the Sarah Bernhart remind me of big bowls of vanilla strawberry ice cream 😊❤

  8. The best peony bouquet I’ve ever seen! I took a screenshot of it so that I can enjoy it anytime and use it as an inspiration when I make my own bouquet. Thank you for sharing, especially for the little complementary flowers 💐 Absolutely love it ❤

  9. I love peonies! They are so much easier than roses for me to grow. Question Do I add sugar to the cut flower vase? 🌸

  10. Beautiful Peonies! Blessings from the great Pacific Northwest, Lakewood, Washington! 💛🖤💛 Stacy

  11. Do you have a video on how to water an herbaceous peony that I just planted? Also how to water the itoh and tree peony tubers I will plant in the fall.

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