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Apple announces plan to boost Siri with ChatGPT | BBC News

Apple is set to boost its Siri voice assistant with OpenAI’s ChatGPT, as it looks to catch up in the AI race.

At its annual developers show, the iPhone maker announced a makeover to Siri, as part of a new personalised AI system – called “Apple Intelligence”.

Updates to its iPhone and Mac operating systems will allow access to ChatGPT through a partnership with developer OpenAI, and is expected to become available in the autumn.

Tim Cook, Apple chief executive, said the move would bring his company’s products “to new heights”, though the company’s share price fell by 1.91% on Monday, the day of the announcement.

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and apple unveils new plans to integrate artificial intelligence into its [Music] products well let’s get more on that because after months of speculation Apple has revealed its plans for artificial intelligence in a move that chief executive Tim Cook has called the next big step the tech giant is to boost its Siri voice assistant and operating systems with open AI chat GPT as it seeks to catch up in the AI race it is part of a new personalized AI system which it is calling Apple intelligence get it AI Apple intelligence well let’s speak to our technology reporter Chris Valance Who is in Edinburgh for us uh this morning so Chris I’m interested that Apple who’ve LED technology for a long time they are using chat GPT rather than their own technology well I think from Apple’s point of view there’s a lot of their own technology in the new offer Apple intelligence I mean they made a big play about how um privacy preserving this will be because a lot of the processing will be done on the the device itself there’ll also be um a kind of secure Cloud when device has to be done when when processing of AI type requests has to be done um by the uh large servers the big Banks of computer that Apple operates but it does admit that there are some questions that Siri can’t kind of answer if you like from the data what it calls your personal context about how you use the phone um at your contacts your apps that sort of thing so I guess you know you’re talking about requests like you know um what’s the best way to I don’t know um you know P plant a particular kind of plant in my garden you know that’s not something necessarily apple is going to get from the data on your phone so it goes out to um chat g to g GPT 40 open ai’s latest model and then gets um data back now you know it has been controversial Elon Musk has got some pretty um unkind things to say about that team up but I think for others you know it’s it’s a kind of an interesting sign of Apple um perhaps acknowledging that it doesn’t have all the answers and it it needs a partnership here yeah on the Elon Musk criticism um he’s taken to X saying Apple has no clue what’s actually going on once they hand over your data to open AI they’re selling you down the river does he have a point there well I think Apple would say absolutely not and I open AI certainly say that you know when when requests are made of their system in this Arrangement they don’t keep the data and they do other things like um you know masking IP addresses your your internet address so so they are both I think Keen to stress that from their point of view this is this is they’ve thought about privacy very carefully um you know that has been a concern we’ve seen Microsoft uh misstep in this area and have to change some things about a planned uh AI based product product of is it’s called recall um but I think you know for for for Elon Musk there’s also a lot of commentators have suggested some um you know perhaps a bit of bad blood between Elon Musk who was one of the founders of open AI uh and and then left the company um back in I think in about 2018 and has been quite critical of the new dire New Direction of the firm so again maybe there’s there’s a bit of uh rivalry between himself and open Ai and we must remember that musk is in the AI business I mean he has xai uh with it own sort of chat model called grock and um well Tesla uses a lot of AI as well Chris Valance uh fascinating topic thank you very much for taking us through what apple is planning appreciate your time thank you


  1. I posed the following question to Chat GPT 4 the following question:
    If Trump Senior has 5 kids by 3 wives and is traveling south at 50 mph, and Trump Junior has 5 kids by one wife and is traveling west at 40 mph, how many felonies until the 2 men meet in prison?
    It replied: Trump has 15 children.

  2. I still don't know what the new Apple AI offers or is supposed to do. I still don't understand what any AI tech on a mobile phone is supposed to offer.

  3. Well things are moving faster and faster isn't it. won't be long before AI has enough mobile phones acting as bit lock chain, not that people wil notice, cause their Android system are already infected, so in the end bashing Apple only proves to be idiotic.

  4. Elon musk has no idea also, cause he is still making and using AI, so be quiet, but our X AI is also compromised same way Russia AI has been.
    So be quiet, the time of AI has been decided, you can moan a lot, but that is the way it is.

  5. That is people choice if they want to use old phones without need for wifi or other internet browsing capacity, but it seems the majority of the planet population doesn't mind at all.
    Especially when people sell their bioritimic scans for 50 Euro, so AI can fake them once the robotic bodies are ready.
    Honestly at the current moment in time, I honestly say I find the AI more logical then Human beings who are broken. and remember it is 21st century, not the 14st century.
    With everything at your fingertips. but people rather make up broken stuff, illogical stuff, rather be scammed and scamming.

  6. So: Apple attempted to developed its own AI, wasn't successful, purchased the same proprietary software Microsoft bought into, and they're now marketing it as Apple Intelligence.

  7. Most inaccurate title from BBC I’ve ever seen. All of the new features they mentioned are in-house

  8. Will this mean exclusively for apple or will android still retain the chat gpt app because literally means nothing otherwise really 🤷🏼

  9. Building artificial intelligence on a foundation of junk data sounds like the start of a modern day parable or a near future apocalypse.

  10. A trillion dollar company doesn't yet have what it takes to take over the AI market… Google same, Microsoft same… There is always time for small cats to make some money and get fat…

  11. To fully utilise Apple intelligence in your iPhone you require the A17 chip which was only shipped on iPhone 15 pro and 15 pro max. Not the basic 15. The up cycle and super cycle on older model iPhones is going to be wild once consumers see the benefits.

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