Front Yard Garden

No One Can Explain This Video! These Mysterious Things Were Actually Captured By A Camera

No One Can Explain This Video! These Mysterious Things Were Actually Captured By A Camera

Have you ever fallen into a stupor when something unfamiliar flew in the sky above you? Well, when you were sure that it was not a bird, not an airplane, but an unknown flying object or mystical creature? Millions of witnesses around the world have reported their strange sightings, and the most savvy have caught them on camera. You’re on Top Facts, and we’re going to look back at the eyewitness stories to see for yourself: there are a lot of scary mysteries in the world! Hurry up and follow the strange lights and the goosebumps!

have you ever been left in a stuper when something unfamiliar flew overhead when you were sure it was not a bird not an airplane but an unidentified flying object or a mystical creature millions of witnesses around the world have shared their strange sightings and the most resourceful ones have captured them on camera you are on the topf channel and we will turn to the stories of eyewitnesses to confirm once again the world is full of terrifying Mysteries en enjoy watching a calm Night by the Sea can present the most bizarre spectacle even those who had not had cocktails at the beach bar saw two moons in the sky naturally some immediately talked about the end of the world but few could explain that there was nothing to worry about there are significant reasons behind the double moon phenomenon sometimes in the desert mirages can visibly double or triple objects this is one but sometimes real players come into play sometimes planets like Venus or Jupiter can be close to the moon and when lit by the sunlow the fragments we see then appear to us as a twin of the moon so you can just enjoy this rare site many City dwellers would like to rest in the clouds to go to the mountains or see unrealistically beautiful landscapes some residents of this Metropolis in China indeed managed to see a city Mirage such an illusion sometimes appears in the sky after a storm with rain and hail the clouds mimic the outlines of tall buildings and in the eyes of the eyewitnesses it looks like real cities in the clouds this Mirage called Fatam Morana is a result of light refraction an erroneous reflection an icy rid in the sky stretches the object vertically making it look like a castle wall or a cliff essentially layers of air with ice crystals are like a giant mirror that works the entire Sky though ghostly it is still beautiful we now know that the city in the clouds is just a cloud Mirage but I don’t think anyone can come up with an explanation for this story yes ice crystals in the sky can create reflections of the tall skyscrapers but what about the people walking on the Heavenly streets plus there were lights flashing like at a real intersection imagine seeing a parallel reality in the sky I feel like that might drive me a little insane gradually descending let us pay attention to the space above our roofs do you often look up a mythical creature was caught on camera in 2014 in the United States and frightened many for a few minutes some kind of dragon Flew Over the houses and then disappeared behind neighboring roofs the online World divided into supporters and opponents of this video’s authenticity but we clearly see something flapping its wings what do you think could this have been the remnant of a prehistoric past bird or a homemade costume by a local Craftsman what would you say if someone told you that ancient pterodactyls still appear in the sky you would probably laugh but what if you saw it yourself not just a big bird but something very large resembling the body of a dinosaur with Dragon w Wings we all know that terrasaurs are extinct and we also know that this video was shot not so long ago in Pennsylvania and made scientists double check the data from Recent years’s research the flying silhouette although blurry clearly shows features of a prehistoric animal even the flying style is not as smooth of that of the Giant Eagle or Heron convinced yet another story of a flying dragon when there are several of them that s begin to leave us with each story we are convinced that we can’t explain what creatures get caught on camera something paranormal is definitely happening in the sky the cameraman seemed interested in the storm clouds but suddenly something more exciting got into the frame at first it looks like a giant bird then like an electric ray and in the end like a dragon with abnormally large wings and a long tail personally this story is enough for me to call it a successful t testimony of the existence of prehistoric flying objects One Stormy evening the sky over Singapore was taken over by thunderclouds they burst with terrifying lightning and thunder but that was not all the show that they brought with them the final preparation amazed the onlookers after of a storm a black shadow hung in the sky resembling a serpent-like dragon we would take take it as a bad Omen but in the East the dragon is very revered and its appearance promises wealth and good luck always trying to think positively and don’t take what you see in the sky too close to Heart unless of course it’s a spaceship with green little men waving their three fingered long hands energetically at [Music] you on his way home a man looked at the sky and shuddered there was something ominous resembling a giant creature with wings spread menacingly he stopped and filmed the video to prove it wasn’t a fantasy scientists explain this as a periodic illusion it sounds fancy but when a cloud looks like a sheep or a mushroom this particular feature is the psyche at work the magical option of our mind picking patterns at random probably the man recently watched a Dracula movie and this pattern remained fresh in his imagination although if we asked 10 people probably nine of them would say it looks like a dragon and maybe only one will doubt maybe that one is you an inexplicable formation in the sky puzzled everyone who looked up it looks like a web with a loop or a ghost of a kite the black enti slowly unfr in the clear sky and seemed not to move anywhere if it was a piece of fishing or a mosquito net why was it not blown away in the wind if it was a stream of smoke why did the shape not change its mere presence was enough to puzzle the onlookers for a long time probably many of them perceived it as a bad Omen of the day a mysterious black ring in the sky was seen in different places some decided that the end of the world was coming and the others cursed the nearest factories but the cloud was in no hurry to dissolve like smoke or do anything evil a dense ring similar to acrid smoke moved without mixing with the air it felt felt as if someone in the Underworld was smoking a hellish pipe and blew the Rings upwards now let’s move on to the characters how can a body resembling a human move vertically through the air without any movement a mysterious object challenging all the laws of gravity and even levitation it flew across the sky over Glasgow we don’t want to start a discussion but the similarity of this figure to a black monk is quite obvious the long robe even a hood did it seem the same to you believe me everyone who observed the object firsthand and the commentators on the video online put forth the same assumptions this strange figure definitely did not look like Aviation equipment and it hardly looked like an alien another similar case on a nighttime Road unpleasant surprises often await a group of friends were on their way home when they enountered a strange creature hanging above they probably didn’t think it was a piece of cosmic thermal blanket the first thing that came to their minds was that this was an otherworldly figure catching The Souls of late night Travelers deciding it was a witch however Their Fear did not prevent them from filming The Horror Story on video and showing it to us what do you think if it were a witch would she have Avenged them those who have not watched Harry Potter probably don’t know what Dementors are and what they look like but you can see them right now what emerges from the clouds looks exactly like the embodiment of evil forces it even causes a lightning discharge as credible as it looks I remind you that these are not scenes from a movie but videos filmed by Ordinary People on cameras even with known distortions we can’t deny that this is a mirage maybe it’s around time to rewatch the movie if a crow were electrocuted it might look the same but it is unlikely that it would remain floating in the air people were also Frozen skeptically watching the strange phenomenon in the air there hung either a loofah or a fallen angel or the photographer was so terrified that he couldn’t even take a normal video if you look closely around while driving through city streets you would also notice this on a branch sat not a crow but a figure with Four Paws and two sharp Wings this creature definitely did not belong to the typical Urban inhabitants too small for a human too large for a bird and there it is again but thank God we did not distinguish the face the sunlight interfered but perhaps that was for the best otherwise we would have been quite convinced that demons exist there’s a word entity used to describe something that cannot be class classified as human or animal but emits some kind of energy villagers in Brazil shared this video hoping to get some answers but ended up with even more questions no one could understand what was sitting on the fence a head with horns on a birdlike creature caught in a net if something like that appeared in my yard I’m definitely calling off a [Music] work this video also puzzled many people on the internet no matter how you look at it what do we see some medieval creature desperately climbing up and down the wall perhaps this is where the Sayang drunk to the point of seeing demons applies but now it’s time for a smile our brain tends to dramatize everything turn the device and we’ll see that the video shows a duck peacefully swimming in the water a simple camera trick H see everything isn’t so terrible if you want to witness an anomalous phenomenon there’s no need to study other planets sometimes it’s enough to look at the sky and it will Amaze a strange semi-transparent object was spotted by a group of people and although they tried to capture it on a stable video it constantly moved as if trying to escape the outlines also changed it was impossible to evaluate the structure but everyone had the same feeling people could not shake the Sensation that they were observing an object of extraterrestrial origin this short video was enough to make dozens of people Believers the footage was taken by an unsuspecting person who noticed a winged creature majestically flying in the evening Sky besides the large Wings the unclear silhouette Witnesses felt some divine presence but the phenomenon was shortlived the wind creature disappeared behind thick clouds believe in angels if you want or believe in video editors now a duet performs residents in a remote Town observed the flight of two strange creatures in broad daylight they looked like angels dancing in a peculiar manner the spectacle was as poetic as it was mystical the nature of these movements were a little bit different than those of birds and besides there was clearly some semblance of a body between the Wings this entity in the sky looks like a humanoid traveler it was noticed by an ordinary family who went for a walk in Colombia but they didn’t get too far when they came across the strange floating object in the sky and started filming it when the zoom is increased we see a distinctly humanoid figure with arms and legs really hovering in the sky without a parachute it was definitely not a piece of an airplane or a balloon but a figure and something like a spacit however it seems hard to convince oneself of what is clearly visible but hard to believe sofas are supposed to stay at home not fly in the sky but once in Turkey a sofa decided to break the rules and was seen flying freely this happened due to a powerful hurricane that hit the city it’s unknown where the soft Furniture came from but it did not make a hard landing and luckily no one was hurt except for the sofa’s owner it’s unlikely that he could have held on to it do you believe that a palace can be built in one night maybe in fairy tales but when a tree grows inside a car no one can explain it how do objects end up in the sky land and take root in this manner all these people curiously examine the site with a giant tree growing from inside a car sometimes trees grow even on the tops of other trees and all they need is peace and time but for a tree to grow of this size it would need probably 40 to 50 years and the car looks much newer if the tree didn’t appear there yesterday then the marks of time on the car should also be noticeable but it’s as clean as it is new if we assume that due to some incredible teleportation or a tornado the car ended up on top of the tree then this wouldn’t be a tree but a sharp pole with a crown write to us in the comments about what you think sometimes nature presents us with puzzles at Sunset unsuspecting locals were admiring the sky when they suddenly notice something unnatural in the behavior of the clouds people are generally inclined to take what happens in nature personally and instead of enjoying the beautiful Hues they began to suspect that something was wrong why was there such a gap in the sky and what were those rays and what would happen next don’t worry it’s just an illusion the clouds and the Sun Setting Sun decided to play a little trick on us you will feel much more uneasy if you see such a phenomenon in the sky you might feel the need to repent for your sins a crucifix floating in the sky will make even the most hard and atheist shutter or it will make the most devout Believers Rejoice either way we see how brightly this special effect shines with a television antenna conveniently in view somewhat Eerie isn’t it we know that clouds sky are arranged in layers and sometimes form vertical figures but this Cloud shines much brighter than usual it is Illuminating by the perfect sunlight and again our imagination fills in details giving us this special meaning we could admire the beautiful mountains in Japan and an interesting phenomenon unfolded in the sky here it looked like a UFO and it seemed like a spaceship was disguising itself as a cloud in fact Mother Nature often plays tricks on us this cloud in a Halo of reflected sunlight shows its resemblance to an oyer shell or a flying saucer here we observe the freefall of an object whose purpose and origin we will not be able to decipher while watching this short video but one thing is clear it is an artificially created object with a light clearly visible inside it rotates and falls from above maybe it’s some kind of ammunition weapon if we observe phenomenon involving large large unidentified objects why can’t there be smaller ones like spare parts we know so little about the world in the universe that it’s foolish to limit all possible versions of our modest knowledge everyone is used to the contrails that planes leave in the sky and even the rants some comments and meteors occasionally penetrate the atmosphere trailing with a smoky tail but what we see in this footage doesn’t resemble Earthly flying devices and if it is a piece of large asteroid or UFO then the man takes a fantastic turn a helicopter tries to chase the object but the speeds are clearly mismatched the object also doesn’t look like a drone what do you think it might be if an object is unidentified and it flies we call it a UFO but if we’re sure it’s not a drone parachute or a known vehicle then we can only assume that it’s looking at something that is of extraterrestrial origin the mysterious flat shape and curious style of movement of this object gives us reason to suspect that there’s connections with aliens the thought that humans are not alone in the universe has crossed the mind of each of us for many what is captured in this video can serve as an answer to the question a group of friends went out for a walk and suddenly their attention was drawn to this object it looked like an alien ship it is strange to assume that airships from the early 20th century are back in the air but the speed of this object disproves that theory I must admit that this is the clearest evidence I have ever seen it could be a trick but one can only guess residents of Holland captured something completely mesmerizing a strange long object with some kind of appendages of floating in the foggy Sky since there were no explanations in the news or on the internet people were forced to interpret themselves a flying object cannot hover motionless a cloud does not have such a distinct shape and other popular examinations have yet to be found except to attribute this to Miracles or [Music] aliens the night sky in Brazil was illuminated by a strange device people noticed it brightly glowing and a giant trail head of light behind it due to a lack of knowledge about Cosmic processes they wondered if it could have been a meteor shower however when information from the eyewitnesses began to accumulate it turned out that a similar object was was seen in another area and it also hung motionless above it looks like someone was exploring Brazil from the sky purple lights in the twilight sky this is not a reflection of a chandelier in a window and not a fake now you might be able to see yourself this thing really hung in the air and the lighting is so bright that it’s a bit irritating there’s no Tower or mass next to them they are by themselves after these shots I personally have come to term with the idea that aliens exist and they are in front of us what this Observer captured leaves no doubt that we are witnessing something extraordinary not clouds not some glitch but the most shocking reality a biker went out for a ride with his children but the sky was gloomy and right above them hung something terrifying powerful stationary lights emitting electrical discharges they heard the crackle of electri El it and did not know what to think maybe an Ali an invasion if the light came from part of the clouds as a reflection of a distant storm then it would flicker like heat lightning not to shine continuously in general the stunned eyewitnesses gave us a chance to stand in silent amazement as well convincing to say the [Music] least so these were the most incredible scenes captured in the sky if you like this episode and want to see something similar or maybe the next part then like comment and subscribe to the topax channel and right now you can check out these previous videos


  1. The dragon looked and moved very mechanically. I grew up with my dad and his radio control hobby. Nowadays it is homemade drones. Remember the demon on a broom chasing golfers on the course and people in the park.

  2. The tree thru the car. Nobody looked under the car. could just be a hoax. A freshly cut tree stuck thru manmade holes in the car.

  3. Liked and subscribed as I enjoy your content and I have videos an pictures. But a
    fata margana Siri can play you up she knew exactly what I wanted so my point is you said a fata magana was city’s in the sky I’ve been led to believe it’s a say floating ship be it on a flat earth or seeing around the curvature of the earth. I may be wrong but my nan was a fire watcher during the war picking up all the others in a 4 ton truck dropping them off at high points around the city of Gloucestershire uk and the night Coventry was totalled by fire storms from Gloucestershire she could see the skyline in the sky but she was an amazing woman RIP NAN AND MUM little fact there for you @paddylove71 I’ll research cheers 👋

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