Backyard Garden

Backyard Garden Tour – Behind the Scenes #plants #gardening #garden #growingplants #growingfood

Let’s take a walk around the backyard garden and food forest… I will show you what I’ve been trying to hide – and avoid dealing with… Lots of cool plants growing- see what’s going well and what has seen better days.

Chapters/Content Segments:

00:00 Backyard Garden Intro & Fig Babies
00:26 Cloning Fig Trees
02:46 Sage Explosion
03:41 Mulberry
04:10.2 Elderberry
05:05.5 Guess that weed! Comment invitation!
07:08.1 Walnut RIP & Dog Fiasco
10:09.8 Never Enough Thyme!
10:18 Why I Don’t Sleep Well
10:31 More of what weed? Did you comment? I bet some of you know what it is!
10:59 Thimbleberry
11:18 Milky Way Dogwood
11:34 Oregano
11:38 Sunchokes/Jerusalem Artichokes
11:42 Bug trap
11:55 Nopalitos Cactus/Prickly Pear
12:05 Junky Greenhouse
14:18 Say Hello to My Little Friend
14:28 Kitchen Shelf = Plant Stand
15:48 Garden Therapy
20:38 End- Comment – Like – Share – Subscribe

[Music] Hello friends this is Aubrey from Crybaby Su Homestead I thought I’d do a little quick walk around the back to show you a little bit of what I’ve got going growing on over here look on up this is another grape arber got some of that going on in the growing on in the front as well as in the back and lots of fruit already forming I know this looks a little bit nasty here but I wanted to show you just how easy it is to grow figs from cuting so each one of these will be its own individual tree this is a brown turkey fig tree and I just took cuting and I put them in this picture I’m going to actually go ahead and really quickly fill this up from my little simple ring Barrel this is just gravity pulling the water down in this bucket below I have more fig trees growing look at those roots this could not be simpler figs love to be propagated you just take a branch that you trimmed off and I went with all the crisscrossing branches and I have a certain shape I had in mind for my fig tree and all the extra pieces that I trimmed off look at this it’s crazy this is crazy how easy this is um so many trees almost every one of them is growing Roots now this one is going to grow roots you can tell but it hasn’t yet but all of these other ones it’s that’s nuts okay couldn’t be easier I’m going to put a little bit more water into that container there we go it’s beautiful wow easiest probably one of the easiest plants to propagate that is for sure H maybe a little bit more water ah there we go it’s so satisfying to me every single time I find new roots on a plant that I’m propagating I just it get it it’s just so exciting honestly um not that I’m surprised but it’s always a nice seems to me like it’s almost science fiction like it shouldn’t work but it does there ah there we go I recently cut back the sage to propagate it and now it is so much Fuller than it ever was I have these seed heads going on and so much more growth and it’s gorgeous I’ve been feeding some to the chickens I’ll take a long cutting and then take some of the lower leaves and feed it to the hens and then propagate what’s left don’t mind my hands so filthy I’m out in the garden digging around and doing all kinds of stuff but I am just super pleased with this vigorous growth on the stage this plant has been growing here for over a decade and and I propagate it all the time and I’m so excited about the flowers and the seed heads that is so gorgeous here is a mulberry tree what’s really cool about mulberries is that the fruit is obviously edible delicious too but so are the leaves so especially like the young leaves so if you’re not growing mberry in zone 8 or warmer probably even a little bit colder um you should be they are wonderful delicious and versal here is one of my Elderberry plants going to flower and this plant last year I wasn’t able to get a crop out of it because the birds found the flowers too soon when they started to Pro um provide the berries the birds ate them all up and I like to make um a home remedy out of the ber Beres there’s a whole process on that be careful with elderberries because you do have to process them in a certain way you basically heat the berries in water for like 45 minutes boiling or simmering really hot water and then you strain out all the seeds and the pulp and what you have left you have as Elderberry syrup I like to add like honey and basil ginger and cinnamon to mine it tastes absolutely Divine look at this beautiful plant wow it grows so vigorously I wonder if you can guess what it is you can almost jump up with this thing oh my gosh I have to do some weeding over here comment below if you know what the name of this beautiful plant is this beautiful weed I have oregano and dandelions growing around a lot of my potted plants and I actually prefer it that way these are edible and my chickens also enjoy them and I have these red currants they tend to get really infested with fruit fly larvae if they get infested I feed them to my hands and they get a little extra protein if they don’t get infested they are sure delicious and they remind me of when I used to live in Germany that’s the first time I ever had any kind of currents I’ve never seen them for sale in the United States as a crop I did buy this original plant from Burnt Ridge nursery and it’s gone kind of crazy of course we have strawberries growing just about everywhere even in the walkways it’s gone totally jungle amongst all the weeds in this bed I actually propagated a bunch of you can see they’ve been nibbled on a bit but this is actually red current um when I was pruning it I just stuck branches in here a couple years ago and now I’ve got a bunch of free plants all around in here and a bunch of stuff I need to weed out lots of oregano which is not a weed but it grows like one for sure and more of this lovely very lovely plant not the dandelion here what is this what do you think this is not intentional let’s have a talk right now about this tree this was a black walnut and it was doing absolutely beautifully until a German Shepherd Australian Shepherd mix decided this would make a great chew toy it also dug that giant hole let me step in it for perspective that is all the way up my leg so if you want to bury the dog I guess that’s about as deep as it needs to be here’s another hole of the dog dug lovely this whole Space here used to have grass and life and it’s all been dug by a German Shepherd if you are thinking about having a garden and having dogs choose one or the other cuz this is not working out nope not at all oh Lord this here was a plum tree that was part of my poly tunnel here those are American hazelnuts it was bushy and beautiful and now it’s not more remnants of my poly tunnel this one’s actually coming back okay but you can see the dog the dogs have been chewing here and here and here just a couple days ago this growth wasn’t here and I was pretty devastated I hope it’ll come back kind of like when my husband accidentally mowed over a couple of them with a lawn mower or a weed whacker um kind of De kind of devastating to see this this and that but to be kind to an animal I can’t keep it caged up you have to let it outside to run around and this is what it does so crap hits the fan you do not want a German Shepherd yeah this is sad chewed up pots more plastic chewed up pot that I had a plant in and part of the tree that was in the pot destroyed the devastating that hazelnut tree was big enough so it’s going to do okay this one did not become a chew toy this is my poly tunnel and all that inside has been wrecked by the German Shepherd and her accomplice the black lab but um yeah this is what has happened to my poly tunnel all of this is from the German Shepherd so I’m being honest this is why I don’t show the back yard is because of all that so this is a beautiful hazelnut next to it here I have another Mulberry amongst the weeds I have time there’s never enough time Boom the helicopters kept me up all night night last night must have woke me up at like 12: a.m. 3:00 a.m. I hope they will stop doing their drills and let me rest I need to clean up again I actually I actually like a week ago cleaned out like that whole half of that invasive plant right there and it’s already growing back because you just miss a little piece of it and it grows back crazy crazy crazy um but I do have underneath in there not quite sure if you can see it but I have some potatoes that actually over wintered and they’re growing on really really good these plants over there are thimbleberries and you can see that they’re flowering they make delicious fruit not a huge crop but they’re definitely worth growing and they they the plants are taller than I am you can’t tell how tall they are it’s crazy um they really like the under story they’re doing great that there is a Milky Way Dogwood very similar to The cusa Dogwood I love it it’s beautiful it does not like direct sun it gets burned every year whenever I try to put it out in a more Sunny position hates it so I’m keeping it underneath the trees and it’s very happy there got lots and lots and lots of oregano everywhere and over here got some more sunchokes and back there there’s a trap I’ll show you how to make those I actually will link a video of how to make them I need to refill it but I have those traps to get rid of the fruit flies um and they really do work they get full of all kinds of disgusting things right here inside my glass um Greenhouse I have napita toast Cactus and you can see that they are going to flower I will definitely have to my Greenhouse is truly a piece of junk we actually got it it was upcycled we got it from somebody some nice wealthy person who just bought a house and they saw this junk on the property and they’re like let’s get rid of it but let’s also make 300 bucks off some other poor people so we bought it for like I think we talked them down maybe to 200 or 250 my husband brought it here and we fixing it so you can see we kind of patched it with plastic we didn’t realize that the panes of the glass were going to be so expensive each pain especially the ones that are curved are very very pricey like just to replace the Pains of the greenhouse would cost more than we paid for it the other thing he did for me was he put it up on wood so it’s actually taller than it was originally which means there is a gap of space underneath to keep the dogs out I just tempor put a few little garden gates to block it we’ll figure out what to do with it later um but I have all kinds of succulents and cacti and banana yucka and I have a few um pomegranate trees is growing in there as well I’ve got a lot of work to do in there it’s such an eyesore I do have plans to repair these pieces I’m G to take that part down and I’m going to reuse um like plastic Greenhouse material and I’m going to use that kind of metal tape that they have there and I’m going to tape it in it’s still going to look like trash to be honest but I’m all about Recycling and repurposing to me it’s more about the function over how it looks um I know a lot of people don’t feel that way they want everything to be really pretty but when you see everything growing inside of there that is pretty to me and spending $8,000 on a glass Greenhouse just is not something that’s affordable right now so that’s it’s a work in progress but look here my grapes going over the side of it it’s not it’s not charming and that gives me loads of grapes in the in the summer time very late summer say hello to my little friend and look my cute little frogs lighting up these have been out here for quite a while I thought this was a cute idea I haven’t seen anybody else doing it this way but this is actually for the kitchen and I bought it at a secondhand store I actually do hang from here a little um bird uh hummingbird feeder sometimes um not doing that right now cuz I’m really focusing on the front of the house keeping the birds out there I don’t want getting hurt by the dogs and also I don’t like walking out here it’s a mess but I have a bunch of succulents growing up here these succulents went to seed I’m going to GA I’m really happy that the potatoes have overwintered they do I have them in several places say I’ve got some pots in the front I’ve got some growing in the dilapidated poly tunnel um growing back and I love that because it’s a much more reliable staple crop if you can get it to grow year round and keep it in the ground over the over this the winter time so that you don’t have to store it it’s actually is stored very well under the soil all year long so if you miss a tuber when you’re um harvesting then your potatoes will grow back next year I actually have an order of like 300 sweet potato slips totally different animal um and I will be doing something on those later on but lots of stuff going on here it is a hot mess I have been avoiding this area because of what the dogs had done to the yard seeing the back area is not for the faint of heart it’s kind of a jungle wild mess lots of like lots of things I don’t really want to acknowledge and deal with because every time I see it I get upset about it but there’s hope we keep trying different strategies and eventually something’s going to stick I know with one of the dogs she was much worse oh birds are up here um she was much worse when she was younger and so I’m hoping that the shepherd will also get better with age and won’t be so mischievous but we will be fencing off my Gardens from the dogs so they cannot get over here they will be very limited in the space unfortunately if you’re naughty you don’t get to have free rain so they’ve been naughty and we’ve tried training them they do not listen um yeah they think they’re the boss so they’re going to have part of the yard for them not all of the yard and then when I come back here I can actually see progress happening that doesn’t always get unraveled every time I walk away and um I don’t have to se also step in dog poo this is a real Garden this is a real Garden um in its Glory it can look kind of like the Garden of Eden overgrown with hops and and grapes and kiwi Vines and all kinds of wonderful splendors I’ve got um a lot of interesting things baby shipova Chay um lots of cool stuff that you probably don’t see on on your everyday Garden so if you want to see more like that follow like subscribe comment below empathy only empathy and camaraderie only do not judge this I never claim to be Martha Stewart I don’t have a a staff to come out here and help me oh lord it’s embarrassing but it is what it is and it is a work in progress all the time especially if you are a working mom life is busy and then guard buring is my therapy it’s my respit and my relief from all the chaos in the world so I’ve been doing more of that in the front since when I come in the back I usually find something something I just discovered has been destroyed and it’s a little upsetting so there are some things out here that are my fault um because I didn’t deal with them but I’m very happy I’m seeing the grape vines coming up to life in the front yard I have lots of grapes already developing I lot lots of apples developing out here a lot of currants um and all kinds of different berries so I even have some yellow raspberries growing in the poly tunnel that’s basically destroyed I’m thinking I might slice off the plastic and remove the parts that have been chewed and then replace it with maybe like um a shade cloth staple it in and then partition the dogs off so they can’t come back and destroy it again but I do want to keep it because they’re really really does provide me a space when it’s raining and cold to go and continue working um and it’s warm I all kinds of gr lights in there I noticed that the gr lights have been dug out pulled away so they probably thought they were true toys and have destroyed those as well luckily they’re from the Dollar Tree so I can buy some more but I’m going to do that after I figure out what to do with those mangy Rascals my daughter’s lucky I love her so much so um but all of that there did you guys guess what it was did you comment below what is that weed that’s going crazy this is a volunteer that has always been on this property even since before I moved in and it’s been a nuisance a beautiful nuisance ever since all right everybody I will definitely put up something soon that looks a little bit more tame um although that’s not really my my for he or my goal or objective but remember be good be sweet and grow a garden if you want to eat I’ll see you next time [Music] he


  1. Chapters/Content Segments:

    00:00 Backyard Garden Intro & Fig Babies

    00:26 Cloning Fig Trees

    02:46 Sage Explosion

    03:41 Mulberry

    04:10.2 Elderberry

    05:05.5 Guess that weed! Comment invitation!

    07:08.1 Walnut RIP & Dog Fiasco

    10:09.8 Never Enough Thyme!

    10:18 Why I Don’t Sleep Well

    10:31 More of what weed? Did you comment? I bet some of you know what it is!

    10:59 Thimbleberry

    11:18 Milky Way Dogwood

    11:34 Oregano

    11:38 Sunchokes/Jerusalem Artichokes

    11:42 Bug trap

    11:55 Nopalitos/Nopales Cactus/Prickly Pear

    12:05 Junky Greenhouse

    14:18 Say Hello to My Little Friend

    14:28 Kitchen Shelf = Plant Stand

    15:48 Garden Therapy

    20:38 End- Comment – Like – Share – Subscribe

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