Front Yard Garden

MAY In The Garden 🌸| Front Yard Garden Tour | 2024 | Get Inspired!

May 2024 in the garden 🌸🏵️🌺🌷

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My name is Jess, and I make videos about indoor & outdoor gardening, DIYs, and Home Decor. I live in North Carolina and garden in zone 8a. I have 2 kitties & 1 dog and I love pretty much anything that allows me to be Kreatyve! If you are a houseplant lover, a gardener, enjoy DIYs, or home decor & room makeovers then please subscribe to join me!

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Pleasant Garden, NC 27313

#garden #gardentour #may

[Music] hey what’s up everyone it’s Jess welcome back to my garden for another video so today I’m going to be doing my May 2024 Garden Tour and we are starting right up front in my brand new bed that I just created about a month ago so everything that you’re going to see up here is a baby plant it’s only been in the ground maybe a month if that so we are going to start on the porch first which I don’t normally do but I think that would be the quickest all right so right up here in my front door I really kept it really simple you guys I just have my gorgeous wreath that I picked up from HomeGoods this year I also have a n planted up here with a geranium which hasn’t started putting out a second flush yet it’s putting out a lot of foliage but I think it’s because this is getting way too much shade it does get a block of afternoon sun but I may need to move this further up so that it can start put out some blooms for me but the blooms are gorgeous you guys they’re like a two-tone pink and purple I don’t know if you can see the remnants of this old Bloom I’ll see if I have a picture to insert up for you guys but this is a gorgeous geranium and then so up here in my front planter I have planted a walana this one is called Wisteria by Proven Winners it’s just starting to put out its second flush of blooms you guys this thing blooms its head off all season long and it fills out amazing so I love this little annual here I have another one planted over here this one is pink blooming so this one’s pink this one’s purple down in here I have some uh dichondra Silver Falls which is supposed to be trailing but I think it’s getting kind of crowded out it’s also been getting way too much water so if you guys will remember previously all of this little section that’s like the lighter color of concrete used to be garden bed and when it rained my gutters over spill here and it’s like a water fall so instead of it washing away my mulch now it’s hitting the concrete which is amazing it’s been doing great but this planter is getting doused with water so I may have to move this when we get a rain behind it in the back I have planted a hydranga that I picked up from Low’s on clearance for $7 BLS are starting to fade I did cut a few off I’m not sure if I’m going to get a second flush from this but if not the leaves are still gorgeous beside that y’all do y’all see this gorgeous h stranger oh my gosh like look at the blooms I just picked this one up last weekend on Mother’s Day here’s my hand for size like they’re massive and I’m I’m so obsessed with dis bloming hydranges right now but this one I made sure to pick one up that was not fully In Bloom so I have I think I counted in my last video 10 buds that are just starting to open so I’ll have blooms to enjoy for the next couple of months throughout the season but also the reason I picked this up not only for the blooms but these gorgeous leaves y’all see the serrated edges and this dark tone Leaf it’s so so pretty so I think I still have the tag on this one somewhere here it is so this one is called tuxedo it is a dark foliage hydrangea it does grow compact 3×3 it’s Hardy to zone six and it does take full sun to partial Shades so I do have plans to put it into a pot this is the original pot that it came in but I do have another pot just like this one that I’m going to be putting over on this side it’s sitting on my back porch speaking of this pot this is another one of the $7 clearance hydranges that I picked up from Lowe’s blooms are starting to fade now but oo it’s ping out a lot of new growth over here and is that a bud trying to come or are those leaves my camera will focus not sure but I will just enjoy the leaves if it’s all leaves for the rest of the season behind that in this small little planter I popped in a wallerana this one I got five for $5 on a deal from Lowe’s so this one was actually a dollar um I did pick up five of them so that’s one the other ones are planted in my backyard and then lastly over here in this planter I just repeated the same thing so I have another hydrangea in the back on clearance from Lowe’s for $7 this Bloom is just starting to open up so I’m excited about that I have two of the wanas from Proven Winners and then the dondra Silver Falls so that’s what’s in my pots up here and then in the back I do also have two gargia trees that I picked up from Home Depot y’all when I tell y’all these have been blooming their heads off and they smell amazing like I wish I had smell Vision so you guys could smell the fragrance that is specifically why I have them at the front doors every time I walk up here or when I’m sitting out here with Miss Gina y’all say hi to jaxley he’s just chilling um I can smell them just sitting here it smells so amazing and look y’all it is just loaded with buds so it’s loving its life over here this one I have not staked yet this is the steak that originally came with so I do need to get another green one so it’s not sticking out you know more aesthetically pleasing and then lastly over here I have a cute little house that I did get for Gina and her kittens she still has not brought the kittens over here yet but it’s here in case she decides to so that is it for the patio area swinging over here on my front walkway I just kept really simple you guys I do still need to come in and replace the papers that I removed from here so that will all be done in my next project where I’m redoing the line lining my driveway but over here I have my gorgeous yanish she is just doing amazing you guys I love this shrub I love the colors and the verification the POA yellow just it’s striking I love it beside it I do have a blue grob spruce that is coloring up nicely like this icy blue color is just amazing you guys look at that so so pretty so the inner side of the tree is a little bit more green just because it does require sunlight to color up to that nice blue color so the more shade that it gets the more green the plant will be so that’s why the interior is showing more green but loving that pop of glue against the yellow and the green I do still have plans to remove this lamp post here haven’t found what I want to replace it with yet so you guys just please ignore that I will not be planting it up it is going to come out down here I did used to have some mums that were perennial looks like they didn’t come back this year so I did just pop in some extra Bonas that I had left over to fill in the space Also I have two of my dianthus over here these are clearance dianthus that I picked up last year and they are just starting to come out of their full bloom you guys they did get trampled with all of the water that we received here as you can see my mulch does start to wash away so yeah y’all that is pretty much it for the front bed let’s move on to the other side all right and then stepping back I think I’m going to start over here where I always do this is my gigantic day lily y’all do y’all see how massive this is this is actually a clump of three so definitely need to divide this next year I’ll probably move some of the clumps to the backyard but look at all the buds I cannot wait for June they are going to open and be amazing they do only bloom for a day which is why they’re called day lies but the BL blooms are worth it you guys and this one actually gives me pretty long of a bloom cycle just because there’s so many in this area here down along my front swoop I have planted a drift of purple Sun Pati and they are starting to come into bloom they look so good you guys like I cannot wait to see this area just packed out um my boyfriend did just cut the grass so the papers have a little bit of grass clippings on them but y’all the border is holding up amazing and I love the way that it looks looks so good last time I did it I didn’t use the polymeric sand to fill in the gaps but it’s working phenomenal you guys I’m so excited about it um as my second row here I have planted some lemon Coral Sedum which has definitely beefed up since I planted it it’s also currently blooming which I wasn’t aware of but they do have some yellow but they do have some yellow blooms looking amazing so I don’t think this is particularly grown for the blooms but I’m loving the pop of color right now I did just come in this morning and cut back all of my daffodil stems in between them forgot a clump over here so I need to cut this one back but this one is still pretty green so I might leave it up for another week or so I did also plant a big drift of Bonas just to fill in space because I’m still trying to decide how I want to design this bed y’all these plantings have only been in the ground for like 3 weeks so yeah I am loving how full is looking everything’s growing nicely Rosie is claiming her front center position here behind her I have three flocks which I’m thinking I might have to move the one in the back it looks like it’s struggling a little bit um but these are opalescence so can’t wait to see their balloons I did also plant a o what is this one called I think this one is called invincibelle we white hydrangea it’s putting out four blooms for me y’all this was a baby baby planting when I got it so it did come in a quart size behind that I do have three three colus here o I cannot remember the name they are orange blooming colus again y’all I packed this bed out with annuals just to have some sort of impact until the plants grow up I do also have two of the new Eclipse hydrangeas that I picked up from Lowe’s planted here on either side love this dark foliage Leaf like look at that y’all so so pretty and the blooms themselves are amazing as well they’re a hot pink magenta so when I saw this come out I just knew I had to pick up behind them I have five tiny quick fire hydranges planted they are putting on a lot of growth so I’m excited to see those Bloom next year I probably won’t get any blooms this year cuz they’re so young and then lastly on the back row I have five winter gym box Woods I always get their name mixed up I did have to bump up a couple of them just cuz they were planted too low but they’re putting on New Growth doing phenomenal and I cannot wait to see them as my evergreen backdrop so that is pretty much it for the front curve and then as we move along over to this side I did also plant a drift of some caliber COA here I will insert the name I think this is Daybreak charm if I can remember correctly doing amazing you guys I did also transplant three of my purple profusion Salvia that were in the front bed when I did my makeover so that’s why these three are in bloom I did pick up a fourth one from Lowe’s just planted it I got it on clearance so it’s starting to push some buds y’all see that so hopefully next year they will catch up or I also can cut these back when they’re ready to do their second flush so that they’ll all be blooming at the same time and then I have my lambier here you guys I’m not sure what’s going on I think it’s getting way too much rain y’all it has been so wet here for the past 2 weeks it’s just getting like douse with water and Lamere does not like to stay wet but hopefully once it warms up it’ll perk back up and get its color back but loving the tight little ring around my emerald green arbu here and look how tall it is y’all it’s almost passing my first roof here so I’m excited about the growth y’all when I planted this it was the height of that boxwood like it was a tiny little thing and this is what almost 8 years of growth looks like and then stepping back behind me I still have my Limelight hydranga Tree on standard here doing great cannot wait to see that bloom I do still have my hedge of Manhattan yanus they are starting to put on some more New Growth you guys so I don’t know these things grow so fast the two over here that were having the issue with the leaf drop they still have not like Le oh wait I’ve got some new growth on it so hopefully it’ll rebound I have been treating this with copper Fungicide and just letting it like do its thing so I’m glad they’re recovering over here in my tree ring y’all I have done absolutely nothing so I do have plans to dig out these three hooka and move them to my back corner in my garden where the rest of the hookas are but I do have some verbina that came back from last year and I’m just waiting to see if I’m going to get some more on clearance to finish the ring but I really did not have plans to plant up my tree ring this year I just wanted to leave it nice and bare I haven’t even mulched it y’all this is the mulch from last fall so yeah that’s the tree ring and then down here in my mailbox bed everything is starting to get a little bit overgrown my ailia here is putting on so much New Growth you guys and I really need to cut her back which I’ll probably do maybe next week but I’m just enjoying I love her new growth like the new growth puts out these pretty orange tips and From A Distant it looks like Bloom so I’ve just been enjoying kind of like the wild look for now I do have two fluffy gold arbites planted in this and I still still need to give this one a trim from all the dieback from last year so note to self come out here and give it a trim Jess oh I do have a ooh I think this is a fire something barbar I can’t remember what it’s red blooming tucked in the base and then around the back corner here I have an arbor body fall that was transplanted off of my row along my driveway and then two Carissa holes doing amazing so let me step back and give you guys a front view of everything so I probably need to come in and trim some limbs back off of the tree just so you can really see everything but y’all do y’all see how my grass has filled in do y’all remember my lawn maintenance video from earlier this season where it was looking really patchy and dormant I told yall just give it some time and some fertilizer and it’s looking so Lush and full it looks so so good I’m loving it my Arbor V balls lining the driveway have gotten so big and full I love how chunky they are they’re doing amazing I do still need to come in and mulch this bed but I have not done that yet just because I do have plans to widen the strip which I’ve already made like the cut line in the grass I just need to come in here remove the grass redo the pavers get all of these weeds out of the cracks this is actually not a weed so I actually have some hent bulbs planted in between here that I need to just go ahead and cut back I think they’ve absorbed enough to be able to feed them to bloom next season so yes this will probably be my next makeover project swinging over to the other side of the driveway still have Arbor body balls doing great I did also transplant a bunch of plants out of my front garden bed before I did the makeover to this area all of them seem to be doing okay my boxwood this one here took the worst hit cuz I think I cut the roots really bad on this one um but everything is doing well I have two barberries over here one on this end y I know it needs a haircut but I just love the woolly look of these like these are probably the only plants in my garden that I will let just grow and look wild because I love like the variegation on its new growth so pretty in the center here I have a white variegated euronymous doing amazing and filling out nicely and oh look y’all it’s blooming I didn’t even realize that um so I have my two box Woods I just mentioned to you guys this is a dwarf Krypto Maria that I transplanted from the front yard doing great and then over here I have two Cityline Paris hydranges this one is starting to set its blooms when I tell yall I got no blooms on these last year I’m just excited to see a few little Buds and look you guys guys do y’all remember all the praying mantis cocoons that I saved they have all hatched and I have a little praying mantis friend here I’ve been noticing them all around the garden they look so cute when they’re little and then of course by the end of the season they’ll be the huge fullsize praying mantis but he has been doing his job keeping this bed pest free last but not least in this bed I do have a Christmas Jewel Holly that I planted here earlier this spring it’s doing great I do need to come in and give it a haircut just to encourage it to grow out and fill in the way that I want it to It’s So Young you guys he did tell me that this one I think was only maybe 2 or 3 years old from the nursery so yeah you guys that is it for the front curve my Fountain grasses are filling in doing amazing I do still have some um what is this this is lavender and then let me walk over here I do have a pot tucked in here this is actually I think a white blooming hibiscus and and then this is another golden yanmis that still need to find homes my Limelight hydrant Tree on standard y’all Y remember how low I cut this down actually I think I can show you guys here’s where I cut it down to like evenly all around all of this is New Growth that it has put on in the last 3 months so it’s doing great it is still leaning I think I’m going to leave it here just for this year and I’ll probably transplanted in the fall and then I do still have a little hodge podge of plants over here that I am just trying to to figure out where they’re going these three are the tough stuff aha hydranges that I dug up from my back Garden put them in pots to try and Rehab them it looks like this one’s trying to put out a bloom so I’m excited about that the leaves do look a little bit I don’t know y’all I think I need to treat this with something um I have a hosta back here that needs to get planted into the ground and then these three are the hydranges that I used to have planted in my shade garden under my window originally had five I did give one to a friend and I lost one unfortunately so these are the last three these do Blom white they’re setting their buds thinking about transplanting these to the backyard shade area and then last but not least I have a clearance plant that is from Lowe’s this is a lemon La Elderberry still waiting to get in the ground so this is my collection of plants y’all usually I have like a million to get in the ground but I think this is a controllable amount I don’t feel stressed all right so we are now moving on to my shade garden which currently is in Sun right now it’s about 9:30 in the morning this does get a strong block of Morning Sun and then by noon it’s in shade to protect it from the a afternoon harsh sun rays um my guacamole down here these are hookas they are getting a little bit sunscorch y’all so I’m thinking about transplanting these as well just because I don’t know I love their pop of color here but I do have another haa in mind that I can plant in their place to give me that same color so in the the back I have three dilium that I picked up on clearance from Lowe’s they are finally starting to fill out and look the way they should it has taken 4 years for them to finally fill out you guys they were in such bad condition when I first got them but loving their life right here in between them I do have two hibiscus trees that I just planted earlier this season these are called Chateau de Versa y’all and I cannot wait to see these come into bloom these were attacked by aphids right after my other um hibiscus were treated with Aid so I did order a second round of ladybugs which still have the little package that they came in down here I released them at the base and they have done their job y’all like completely aphid free so again if you are trying to get rid of aphids released some ladybugs I did get a lot of questions as to where I got my ladybugs from I got them on Amazon the link that I got them from the seller is completely sold out but y’all check your local garden centers because I’m getting alerts from all of the garden centers that I follow they have ladybugs in stock so just check your local garden centers you can also get them on Amazon as well okay so down in front of the two hibiscus trees I have two hearty geraniums these are called boom chocolada they bloom purple they’re by Proven Winners can’t wait to see those Bloom they’ll probably come into bloom probably late June early July so I’ll definitely give you guys updates in the next tours in between them I have two hostas this one is like delayed I don’t know why this one is struggling to come back so much I was tempted to pull it but it’s doing its thing and then down in front center I have a gorgeous massive plantain Lily y’ I had no clue that this gets this big but it is clearly loving its life oh I forgot to tell y’all this is my lung wart y’all did see earlier this season it was in full bloom the blooms are now at the base just dying back and we will now enjoy the gorgeous speckled foliage and look there’s another of the little pray mantis babies I’m telling y’all they’re all over the garden and I’m so happy that I saved those pray mantis cocoons moving right along I have a clump here this is a division that I did this was originally a big pot of agapanthus I divided it into three clumps so I have one planted here I have a clump planted on this side this one is just starting to open its buds so excited I love these blooms y’all like they just remind me of fireworks and then the actual blooms themselves look like little baby Lily blooms and y’all know Lily is my favorite flower if you didn’t know fun fact Lily are my favorite flower but I just love these you guys they’re so so cute um so I have one Clump here one Clump here and then I have another Clump in the back which I’ll show you guys when we get there I do have three of the we white hydrangeas planted here doing great I also have my Solomon Seal in the back filling in the space nicely I just want it to pack out this whole area which is doing its job down in front here I have my spiral this is an emerald green spiral which I probably need to come in and give a slight hair cut just so it doesn’t get out of control behind it I did transplant my pray pans hasta it has come in nicely down in front here I have a fire and ice hasta and y’all I love the leaf patterns on this hasta it’s so striking I did originally have a clump of three it looks like I only have one and then this little baby over here is struggling to come back but I do plan to divide it so it’ll be okay in front of that I have my gorgeous massive giant caily I get a lot of questions about this y’all know I rant and Rave about this every single video I did get this from my local farmers market about 5 years ago and I have yet to see it since I purchased it so that is where I got it from the blooms you guys the blooms are just perfect little cups and then y’all know I say it every video but I’m going to say it again look at this speckled ruffle foilage so so pretty behind it on the back row I do have a hedge of five invincibelle Sublime hydranges y’all they are giving what I wanted it to give they are finally almost starting to touch like I had hydranges planted here and they literally only got as tall as this Hosta and I really wanted to fill in this entire Blank Space still haven’t decided if I want to come in and do a window box or not debating on that but y’all they are setting their buds and oh wait this one is blooming look at that you see if I can get my shadow on it so y’all can see here we go so these have a gorgeous lime colored Bloom they stay lime the entire season and I’m just so happy with how much growth they’ve put on just in one season down in front of it I have a brother stuffen hassa doing amazing you guys I love the waffly texture and the teal and lime of these leaves I I did get this from the farmers market as well beside it I have two regular catales these are white blooming so they’ll probably come into to bloom they normally bloom in mid June they’re a little bit delayed behind the giant catales I do also have two helor planted here that I got on clearance and then down in front I literally just cut back my drift of highin bulbs this morning and I do have three plugs of dianthus left I had originally nine only three of them survived so I will eventually transplant these to another location in the garden and probably come in with a pretty annual just to fill up this space here another giant calill over here doing amazing with another emerald green arbiv spiral I do have a Japanese hon class doing great over here also a modge podge of helbor doing amazing in the back I have a wi hasta another brother Stefan and then right here here is my R to dendron y’all and I did have plans to dig it out I’m trying to give it a chance you guys it has rebound it’s looking more like it should I’ve been treating it um but I originally had plans to dig this out and plant my variegated hydren which y’all saw in my last video um so yeah still debating if this is going to stay here or not but I no longer have a very gr hydrant to put here in its spot so any who last but not least over here in the corner I do have a a canthus planted cannot wait to see that give me some blooms I love the oak weave leaves on that y’all remember how bald my topiaries were I have been treating them with super Thrive y’all when I tell you that super Thrive Works amazing if you have a distressed plant and it’s not doing what you want it to do try super Thrive like it has leafed out it’s not full like when I first planted it but y’all I’m just so encouraged with all the new growth it’s been pulling I was really tempted to pull these out these pots and replace them but they’re rebounding and I’m so happy with their progress last but not least over here on the West side of my house I have a hedge of Limelight hydranges which y’all know how I feel about these hydranges they are my favorite they are doing amazing haven’t started setting their buds yet these do Bloom Late July early August so I’ll give you guys updates but they have filled in amazing I do also have one Endless Summer hydrange here doing great as well setting lots of Bloods which so excited about I think this is probably the best Bloom that I’ve gotten out of this hydranges since I planted it seven years ago I do also have the entire hedge underplanted with some laiia which I did give a haircut it’s coming back beefing up every single year I cannot wait to see this like a full Mass grassy hedge but any who that is pretty much going to conclude my front garden tour for May I hope you all enjoyed seeing all of the blooms all of the changes that I’ve made in the garden it is starting to come to life and I’m so excited about it so you guys stay tuned for part two I will be doing my backyard garden tour in my next video If you enjoyed this video be sure to give it a big thumbs up like it share it with a friend leave me a comment down below and I will catch you in the next video peace [Music] I


  1. Your energy and enthusiasm are contagious! Love all the recent updates to the garden. It looks great! 👏👏

  2. Hi Jess, your front yard looks so colorful, green and healthy. I love you because you are so real if something don't work or look good to you, you change or fix it.❤

  3. Omg that color show in the front … Just extending it out a bit made it so gorgeous!!! ❤ Those hydrangeas 😍😍 I love watching you work in the garden, and you be doing it all by yourself!! ♥️ Me too!! Sometimes I cut you on and listen to you work, and I be working too.. 😂 your silent gardening buddy ♥️

  4. You are doing the thang! That garden looks like it was already there! Your new hydrangea is gorgeous! Why? Why… Did you show us that? I thought I was done shopping for this season! 😅😅😅 Thanks for sharing!

  5. Hi Gardenista. Been flowing with you for a couple of years. Beautiful improvements. ❤ your stone edging. Your tree ring looks lonely.😂 Can you plant perennials so that you don't need to worry about it? Will some bulbs, the lambs ear, daylilies, lungwort or hostas work? Looking forward to your future landscaping ideas.

  6. Thank you for sharing! Beautifuland my gosh you do work so hard to keep the garden in tip top shape!!! Cheers

  7. Love your front garden. I also love all those gorgeous hydrangeas. My favorite plant. And that grass… so beautiful. I’m really glad I found your channel. Bless you and your family.

  8. I remember your yard many many moons ago, and today, chefs kiss! Thanks for the inspiration. Many blessings 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽💐❣️

  9. Your front looks so good! I am loving the combination of plants, shrubs, and bushes. I can't wait to see another update in the summer. 🤩

  10. Hi Jes! What is the name of your fountain grass in the front yard? I'm looking some grasses like those, but i don't the name.

  11. Your front bed is gorgeous! My gardenia has begun blooming, I'll be doing a video of that soon. I love calla lilies. I just shot a short video this morning of mine in bloom now. Yeah that bed in front of your porch is a show stopper. Looking good Jess!

  12. I love that little elephants that make sure to make sure your little show but all your flowers are pretty too I have 30 gardens at memorial Park in New Kensington PA so 6B and I love being out there I'm out there all the time I get community service kids out there to help me and the valley high School kids come out too so the next whoever else I can get to volunteer talk to you later thank you my phone keeps going off sorry about that thank you bye

  13. Love all your plants! I’m new to your channel and I love it! Thank you for showing us your beautiful front garden!💓💐

  14. Looking good!
    They have some of those giant calla Lilly’s at a nursery in Raleigh called garden supply. They were so cool! I am kicking myself for not getting one.

  15. My flowerbeds are always full of weeds. I have to pull them once a week. What are you using to keep your beds weed free?

  16. Beautiful yard, but I would like to warn you that the lemon sedum will take over your flower bed. I’ve been working all spring pulling it out. It’s invasive. You don’t even have to bury it, just throw it on the ground and it takes off. So if you don’t want it to spread throughout, it would be easier to pull it out while it’s in tidy clumps.

  17. What state are you located in? Or garden zone? Your plants all look amazing! Do hydrangeas need shade? I have mostly sunny gardens in the mountains of SC.

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