Container Gardening

Container Gardening: How to Plant SunPatiens & SuperTunias for Summer! | Flower Patch

Yes, this video was a hoot to create, so many things went wrong, but you get to see it anyway. I am planting up my Sunpatiens and the Proven Winners Supertunias!

Hi, I am Pamela and I garden in the mountains of Northern California. I am in Zone 8. I defy convention and break many garden ‘rules’ yet my garden is a tapestry of color and unruly beauty! I want you to be inspired to create a beautiful garden without spending a lot of money.

#cottagegarden #sunpatiens #provenwinners

*Great Liquid Fertilizer Made from Food Waste:

Use this code to get 5% off: FLOWERPATCHREV

Ice Scoop:

*Garden Knife:

Pruners: (watch for them to go on sale, I paid $59)

*Garden Kneeling Bench (knee saver and it helps me get up):

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well I botched this whole video but you’re going to see it anyways all right welcome back my friends to Flower Patch it has been a day again one of those where I’m so disorganized but I’m going to plant up a few things with you and show you where I put one of my finds no two of my finds from Lowe’s on the bargaining rack and where I placed them for this year and then towards the end I will give you an update of a few new fresh blooms in the gardens that just opened up since I did the garden tour yesterday so let’s get rolling I’m going to ask for your forgiveness right up front started this video didn’t have my sound on so I’m going to voice over most of it there you go well here we are I think you can hear me and I didn’t know my microphone was not on and I’m showing you where I’m going to plant my sun patients and I’m walking back it’s kind of dark back there but where I had set them one was still in its pot and the other is in the ground but I will dig it up when I need to plant it but I was fixing the camera here so you can see better but I’m going to remove the lavender from the containers now when I went to put it in the ground and what I’m explaining to you here is I read on the pot that said that these will grow three times the size so they will get quite big and I thought okay it’s too big in the spot in the bed but it would be perfect in these containers and so I decided instead of putting it in the back barrels the barrels behind me that I was pointing to I had thought of that too and will get to those barrels later but I’m going to remove the lavender in these terracotta pots and put the sun patients in them and one of the things that said on there was also they don’t like to be fertilized but you just keep them moist and they will Bloom from now until first freeze and I thought that would be perfect for this these pots because the lavender it just doesn’t perform well in even though this is terracotta I try to over water they just don’t look beautiful they’re not a big statement and that color orange I think is going to be wonderful in these containers so I am going to grab my tools and I’m going to come on back and I’m going to plant them up in these pots so now I have my tools I needed the bench s kneeling on this cement is hard on my old knees so I got the bench and I was trying to have you in the camera not worry about where I was at but yeah I was digging out getting underneath the roots of the lavender and just working it out now it kind of is a bonus that you couldn’t hear um and I had to voice over cuz my neighbor was on her phone and she was so loud that I was afraid it would cause interference but since I have to voice over now is not a big deal but there you see I pulled out the lavender I am going to re plant them somewhere I’m not sure where yet where they will do better than they have here but you see now the sun patients what’s what’s great about them is they not only take the full s but they can take some shade so I have another spot if I run on to some more um to get I have another spot to put some perfect so you see how beautiful that is all right here I’m talking about maybe adding alysum to the container so that you’d have that little bit of white and maybe a draping plant maybe creeping jenny or even or even a lemon Coral Sedum would be pretty in here and yeah just add that little more chartreuse color it’ll blend well go well with the uh lime thyme that is behind me that’s the ground cover that’s so beautiful and sh chartreuse so that is an option for this but um for now I’m going to go get those plants alysum and I’m going to come back and I’m going to put them so I went and got some extra soil and I got the alysum I need to move my bench because it’s going to I have to move around the pot and try not to get in your way here but I wanted to put the Alys I’m going to put three three this is a six-pack three in each of the pots and then I can disperse them they all fill in beautifully but first I need to top up a little bit of the soil I think oh then I decided I need to set the a list some on there to see how much I needed to add so I wouldn’t have to dig it back out so don’t you think that white up against that beautiful it’s it’s a red orange is just a perfect accent for that and it’ll go well with the alysum that is running alongside the bed there the artist Garden planted so I’m going to fill up with the soil and then I’ll make sure that I have an irrigation piece that goes in there and I’ll put that back in there but just fill in with a good potting soil this is a I don’t like using ones that have ADD added fertilizers um and this doesn’t it just has good nutritious ingredients but I won’t add any more fertilizer to this come this summer because they don’t need it and sometimes when you over fertilize you get more foliage and less flowers so it’s better to air on the side of caution than to over fertilize a plant and you’ll notice if something is needing fertilization whether it’s the leaves not looking the right color or something of that nature but you’d be surprised many of these good quality potting soils they have um plenty of nutrients as long as you don’t overw waterer to flush out all of the all of the nutrients and here I’m just going to be trimming up some of the alysum so that it can bulk up a little bit more instead of just getting longer and taller and I’m also glean or cleaning up the impatient and dead heading it so that it’ll put on more blooms it is kind of an awkward spot for me but you do what you got to do to get things done I didn’t want to have to lift these like onto a table and then you know put them back down because they’re they get quite heavy with all that soil in it so yeah it’s looking good getting it all pruned up and pretty you can see I’m trimming on the Alysa on the other side of that plant my pruners are a little dull that’s what took me so long I need to sharpen them so now I’m going to move to the next container this is pretty much the same deal had some weeds to get out of the way and I’m just going to dig out the lavender I was talking about the pond I was looking over at my pond and saying I needed to dig up the footage I had on film where my nephews had dug this for me and we put in a little form and we filled it and then I was going to show you what it looks like now as I weed it and Etc but that’s what I was telling you about there so here I’m getting comfortable trying to to dig this one out and get it ready this one I think was a little bit had deeper Roots so I had a little bit harder time getting it out and um I still don’t know where I’m going to put them but yeah this one is sweet Romance lavender I had seen where this one stays shorter and supposed to bloom longer but it never really performed well for me um most lavenders don’t but I thought I’d give this one a shot cuz it is a is a proven winner selection and it’s supposed to do better but I just don’t have the conditions I suppose for good lavender growing um I do have one in back that it’s phenomenal and it has been a huge disappointment until and this last winter late winter it was looking so bad and Scruffy and out of shape and I just whacked that thing back hard back to the old wood even though they say not to do that I did and now it actually looks very very nice I should show you in an upcoming video I don’t think I got footage of it here for today but yeah that’s so you know some things you just need to stop trying I love lavender it smells so pretty but it just isn’t something that grows nicely for me that makes it worth a spot in my garden when you have a small garden you know you have to choose what’s really going to be gorgeous I thought this was a good time to get these weeds out of this place though soil was soft and so yeah I was they were bugging me they will all go out to the chicken pen the chickens love eating them up and then they give me good manure for me to compost so again just going to plant up the impatient I have to go dig it up out of the ground and basically so I’ve got my shovel it I just planted it in the ground a couple days ago so it wasn’t rooted yet so it was pretty easy I just wanted to make sure I didn’t Yank It Out by the by the plant so I got it dug up I’m just basically speeding this up because it’s the same as as the prior video I’m placing the alysum in there next to the sun Pati and filling it with soil getting it all filled in pretty and then I will clean up and water them in and get them going just pruning it up a little bit encourage New Growth make them stockier they’ll fill in all around in the soil hopefully they will also recede I all my ones from last year really receded now I’m just impa um that Iris that is done blooming so now it’s time to get the hose squirt off the sidewalk and water these in well the mo the soil was fairly moist um it hadn’t been that long since I had the irrigation on I’ve been working on that I was working on that this weekend um so but I’m just spraying off the sidewalk clean it up and then I will water them in so there’s no like air pockets between the roots and the new soil so pretty much what I’m doing here not too difficult I I turn the hose down so I don’t wash the soil completely out I just want to sink it down in there and make sure there’s good contact between the roots and the soil and getting it all nice and watered and here I wanted to pan over to show you some things look at the orange flowers I find it out there those are those ones that were in the greenhouse I can’t remember the name off hand but I mentioned that that in the prior one they’re a bulb but look at these Iris aren’t they doing gorgeous I like when there’s a bunch of them together like this it just makes a statement this is Alise’s and then the peachy colored one to the right that is coral passion in case you wanted to know the elisees I’ve had for several years and it does very well for me and seems to be pretty tough because this is a bed that the Gophers were chewing on some of my Iris so here are the super Tunas this is in one of those ready fill containers it’s supposed you’re just supposed to plop it into a prettier uh pot um and I got these on the bargain rack at Lowe’s I showed you in my bargain rack video of all the finds and this was one of of them and I’m going to put it in the barrel that is sitting behind it I dug out the Roses this past weekend that was in this barrel and there was a gar in there and I put it down in the garden but this is the barrel that these will go in and they’ll have plenty of room to spread out got my soil getting everything ready to roll and the the Tulips were just left over from the year before last they did okay but I don’t expect any more Bloom from them really not much so I’m not worried about you know leaving a leaves or leaving them I’m just going to pull these out clean it up to put these patunas in here um the Tulips probably wouldn’t have done well next year anyway so it’s no big deal I moved the irrigation hose out of the way very important I’ve have cut a few lines recently so I’m getting better at looking for it and not just digging in without remembering that I had dri so now I’m pulling this I had it in this container to soak because it has that spongy um Pete Moss what do you call it medium as that that’s what they were rooted in and it gets hydrophobic and that’s what was wrong with it at the low’s it just wouldn’t hold water and if you soak them they will but that’s one reason I’m not a big fan of using Pete Moss it does get hydrophobic especially when it fills with roots so I just loosened up the roots a little bit so that they would reach out into the new soil better or more easily it won’t hurt them one bit so I’m making sure I have a divot in the soil that’s in there deep enough I don’t add anything to this soil here I will Top it up with fresh potting soil and then I will use my Eco Organic liquid fertilizer on this and that will be plenty I don’t don’t have to put in a slow release or anything that works for everything I don’t need more than that to add to this I could water in with some of the organic rev which does help with transplant shock but um I didn’t do this at this moment I can go and back and do it later but yeah so the Eco organic fertilizer will be perfect and I will so now I’m doing the second one the same but there was a gar still in here that I need to dig out and I’m also pulling out the extra patunas and there was a strawberry there I don’t know how it got in there but so like I said pulling out the patunas and getting it ready for the container of the super Tunas I’m kind of excited to try these again I’m hoping that in this contain these containers that will do better super Tunas in the past you’ve heard me mention this haven’t really done well for me they just kind of don’t do anything um and then until the end of summer like September then they’ll start putting on beautiful Bloom and what have you all I can think is it’s our cool summer nights that maybe it likes it warmer and but you know I don’t know for sure and I’m hoping being in this spot where it will get some Morning Sun so mid-afternoon shade and then later on in the evening more sun that these will do well in the these barrels as well as being just in the barrels that they will stay warmer um the soil may stay warmer so it’s a it’s a hope it was worth a shot since these were at a Bargain Basement price um to just give them a try I always like to give things another try just to see if maybe it was the spot I had them in before or something like that so always try try again especially if it didn’t cost you that much and I thought this was great to fill in with these these barrels to provide the color now this is in this container is super tunia Vista bubblegum pink um the Vista silver berry and I think it’s the Vista fuchsia I only see one bloom of the fuchsia but we’ll see maybe it’s just taking its time but you know it’s a perfect size to put in these barrels I won’t need anything else in here unless I could put some creeping jenny to try to come out the sides but I don’t think it needs it there’s too much foliage around the barrel that kind of hides it so I don’t think even if I put something that Spilled Out that it would really be that noticeable and these patunas will Trail themselves so I think it would be Superfluous to put in anything else so I’m looking at my boxwood here um too cuz it looks like I might need to trim it down I try to keep them the same height as my barrels so yeah I’m measuring it so I see it’s quite a bit taller than the barrels it’s put on some growth this spring so now I’m going to clean up my stuff but I’m going to go get my trimmers after I have filled in with the extra soil and I’m going to excuse me chop back the boxwoods so that they’re at the right height so I’ve got my pruners and I’m just using the edge of the barrel as my my measuring line I want the boxwood to stay about the same height so it doesn’t hide what’s in the barrel I just wanted it to be an evergreen in my garden and have it kind of hide the barrels I didn’t think they were the most prettiest things so um I just wanted that pop of green there and these have done so well I’m thinking of putting more like towards where the terracotta pots that I put the sunp patients in to put some there every little bit of Evergreen I can add to the Garden really helps during those drab months when nothing is blooming sorry for the glare on my Suburban window I didn’t realize that was there this was poor timing of doing this usually I try to do these videos early in the morning before the Suns come over the trees but um I was away from home this morning and I couldn’t get that done the video done this morning so we will do it now and put up with all the little faux paw this video has so I was being careful not to chop my irrigation pipe because I’ve done that a few times this weekend I just forgot it was in a spot shoved my shovel in the soil and cut right through my irrigation pipe so yeah I need to be a little more mindful I just get going and doing stuff and I’m trying to fit things in and I get like even today’s video the way I just totally messed it up I was in too much of a hurry to get it going get it done for you and I just botched it I was putting here the Iration pipe back around I forgot to do that earlier so fluffing it up looking at it seeing where I need to dead head maybe some of the patunas and that’s pretty much it for I was cutting my auga back too the blooms were faded now to keep my auga in check I dig out where it’s spreading in areas I don’t want it and that seems to be good for me I know the Shadows are kind of in the way of seeing these well but they are just so bright and beautiful and if you notice I put those bulbs in the ground so that’s where I dug up the one need to fill that in but look how these are going to look gorgeous and I know they’re going to fill in just beautifully this one looks a little rougher I need to fill in a little bit and and prune a little bit so it can revive it but I wanted to let’s see which Iris have opened since I oh yes I tried to do this in the intro and um yeah I ended up not having the volume on so that’s my Huckleberry fudge now it is Browner in real life than it shows on the video but look at these all these together isn’t that gorgeous this one over here is called Coral passion and then I’ll take you over to this yellow one over here look at this I just love that one I don’t think that’s this is That’s all folks but it might be I had one called wedding gown was similar to I think that That’s all folks is a little more uh a darker yellow but I’m not certain so yeah oh I’ll show you where I planted the roses that uh came out of that barrel and I put them in cages so over back here you can see the rose cages which they are disguised by the surrounding foliage um you can see this one’s in shock that’s probably the piece of root that was in there and all the but I need to cut the buds off it I hated to move it before it got to bloom cuz it was full of buds let me see there’s one two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 yeah just full but I needed to do it get them in the ground so they can get a established and here’s the Mystic Spire Salvia and I’ll put another one in here so there’s plenty to really create that beautiful look so look down there where things are oh I know I know I know I know look at this isn’t that gorgeous there but down here look at this penny look at this aren’t those gorgeous this is first one and then those ones are getting ready but you can hear my neighbor talking look at this one I think this is drinks at Sunset but I’m not certain I have two that are similar and when I had to move things around in a rush I didn’t mark exactly where I put them but when if that’s not drinks at Sunset when it does Bloom I will know so here’s what I was talking about well I you couldn’t hear me cuz I forgot the sound wasn’t on I have to do voice over but you see I said I have plenty repeats and then I’ll pull out the extras so I could add a different color in so I think that’s kind of it for my uh Fox gloves are getting ready look at this one I think this is concertina um got moved down here it’s a it’s a shorty one okay I was down here is where I weed Eed the path and I put that Barrel there I’m thinking I’m testing that I’m going to put one of my Japanese maples there and it will create a visual block between here the back of my yard and their house and I think it’ll be really pretty I have a blood good I think it’s called blood good uh Japanese maple to put there so yeah okay oh butterfly I have seen more swallow Tails this year last year I despaired of that they had maybe uh disappeared but this year I have seen more more of them he’s flying up to the front now but I hope you enjoyed this video Even though I had to voice over most of it because I didn’t have my sound on like I said one of those days so I really appreciate you following along and putting up with all my faas here I’m sitting back and having me a sparkling water before I go in to edit this so I can share it with you all right I’ll see you guys in the next video bye


  1. Good morning Pamela! ๐Ÿ˜Š
    Your garden is really starting to show herself off! So lovely ๐Ÿฅฐ
    Those supertunias you found at lowes was a great find! They pop ๐ŸŽ‰in that spot next to the boxwoods.
    Enjoyed the video! I don't mind the voice over at all ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
    I'm absolutely in love with the yellow iris! Oh my goodness, what a beauty.
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. This was a GREAT video. Sorry for your extra work with it. However it made a really beautiful video. A little extra special I would say!!

  3. Supertunias are super heavy feeders. Proven Winners say to give them a liquid fertilizer feed every third watering, altho that seems a bit much.

  4. Hello there dear flower patch lady, my goodness me pam,,you have been so very very amazed, it must be extra busy filming whilst concentrating on those delightful plants. Especially when they change their minds and want to be elsewhere ๐Ÿ˜Š. I love the way you're irises are in clumps as the look so natural that way,and definitely pretty.goodness me yep lavender also has a fussy mind of their own,seems like my neighbour few doors up lavender love s living on her wall.and i try in large pots and not much joy, im not giving up though. My white one i bought this spring is doing reasonable, fingers crossed, looking at your garden in the different ways is lovely its full of delightful interesting plants. Very satisfying and always room for more goodies and change around s.i love it,so refreshing, oh im glad to see you had a little sit down with lovely refreshing sparkling water, just the job,,well chickens hello too.thankyou pam so much, from me and my garden girls ๐Ÿ”. Xx

  5. Thanks for a wonderful video, my dear friend thanks so much for all your kindness and your support and I am so glad I watched this video you gave me so much inspiration for the garden and how to work on our garden on a budget and still have something beautiful to see

  6. It brightens up your face when your hair is pulled back.
    And don't apologize about the sound. I've never said anything but I think having to voice over the video was my prayer answered…..sorry but I could easily do without the rooster noise. Only when it's so loud a person has to stop speaking.
    But it might've also been the other day when I came to your video right after watching a gal in Europe that had one going on through the whole video.
    I'm not kidding, I actually prayed you'd start voicing over your tour videos. ๐Ÿ˜† So you can blame me for the glitch. ๐Ÿ˜†

  7. enjoyed the video, looks beautiful. and as always such a delight to see those beautiful irises. thank you for taken us along on your tour. hope you have a great day!!!

  8. Thank you again for a wonderful video. Your garden is beautiful! I love your peonies and irises. All your hard work is paying off for sure .

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