Front Yard Garden

DIY Fancy Suburban Landscaping | Planning, Plant buying and Soil Prep

I started the front yard landscaping on my yard, beginning with purchasing the plants, getting some advice from the nursery, tilling my soil and laying out the landscape fabric.

Also talked about my ankle and hernia, Eva’s softball, and our cutie neighbor makes a visit.

Super & Son Nursery & Landscape
7095 Newark Rd.
Imlay City, Mi 48444
Office: 810.724.0050
Cell: 810.614.9828

Super & Son Nursery & Landscaping Home

00:00 – Project Overview
02:13 – Driving to Nursery
03:23 – Arriving the Nursery
03:30 – Gui Hua
04:06 – Prepping the soil advice
04:49 – Landscape Plan
06:57 – Prepping the Soil
09:33 – My Ankle Story
11:38 – Back from Hospital
13:34 – Eva Softball
14:29 – Landscape Fabric

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we’re we’re about to start another project on the house and I’m going to bring you along for it we are going to remodel the the front of the house and put some Landscaping here there’s some advantages to doing it on a new construction is you don’t have to remove any sod you don’t have to kill any grass you don’t have to cover up too much stuff as a matter of fact it’s sort of compacted on the top surface because the construction Crews have been through here so it’s kind of hard on the top but I’ve been running a bit of drainage test here and if you get underneath uh the top layer here like for example this is the top layer it’s sort of like concrete but once you get underneath it’s not too bad it’s red and fairly fairly porous I I made these holes pretty deep and I’m seeing how much they drain it’s been 30 minutes and I’ve got over 2 cm of drainage which is pretty good it’s pretty good so what I think I can do is do a standard install here where you dig a fairly deep hole make it wide enough take your plant put it in the hole expand the root bait base you know so that the root base is kind of open and and aired out mix it with some good compost and uh should be pretty good um what I’d like to do is have a nice ulating uh uh perimeter and then beyond that the grass is going to go in but first there landscaping Annie wants some flowers and uh I want some some shrubs and some sort of nice boxwoods and whatnot so tomorrow we’re going to go well I’m going to go to a nursery after I drop off feid school we’re going to take the trailer and uh we’re going to pick up some compost and some plants once I get the compost and plants in I’ll take another trip and get some uh wood chips uh kind of trying to decide between wood chips and stone obviously wood chips is a lot cheaper but also my dog really loves to lay on the wood chips and I don’t want you know it’s going to be right in front of the porch and she’ll like sitting out there and uh she can lay on the wood chips is fine but I think it probably wouldn’t be too comfortable for her to lay on the on the stones like lava rock and stuff so anyways that’s what we’re going to do hey guys how’s it going it is the next day the trailers hooked up we are headed to the nursery and we’re going to pick up some plants the test in the front yard went pretty well I actually think my soil is a bit more porous than I had originally suspected these drained in a couple of hours which is okay you know it’s not like it’s going to stagnate for days as long as I till this and mix it with some good stuff I think we should be good to go it’ll be good so Annie wants to have some some flowers so we’re going to go and see if we can find a mixture and a balance of uh color and also W there’s a car on fire over there I have my dad’s trailer on the back of the car for the first time and uh cuz I hooked up a uh aftermarket toe bar so the place that we’re going to right now is uh called super and Sun nursery and Landscape it was rated pretty highly on uh on Google so I gave him a call yesterday and Lee is the owner I’m going to probably meet with him or talk with him a little bit about uh what will work best for the yard [Music] there’s a plant in China my wife’s uses for all sorts of food and and uh treats and it’s called guoa o manthus so I’m going to try and find it so yeah the goal is to find some different colors some flowering uh annuals would be nice I kind of like the the look of some of these shorter Pines those are nice you can get some nice colors from them too [Music] so I’ve just been talking with Lee I don’t think I could put The Gua he he looked it up he said it’s more of a Southern Southern plant yeah he’s giving me some giving me some ideas sort of something I’m a little bit nervous about because my soil is not great soil and I want to see exactly how much should be above how much should be below he recommends a nice ulating hilly effect which I I I agree agree with so like for example this isn’t a tree that I’m getting but this base probably 3 in below the surface but the rest mounted up above actually he was saying three layers so you have your clay layer at the bottom your mixed uh compost and Clay uh middle and then you’re really good sweet spot on the top this is the plan so we’re going to go yellow we’re going to two figure heads we got the Japanese Maple and the Dogwood around the Dogwood is going to be some yellow Spa around the uh Japanese maple we’re going to have some juniper connecting the two is going to be a row of boxwoods in front uh some geraniums behind the boxwoods El hydrangeas next to that is going to be some roses then we have some spice baby that are going to be alongside the house this is why you got somebody with some knowledge of it because cuz he’s like well this is going to this is going to be uh blooming this period and that’s going to be blooming that period and you’re always going to have something that’s going to be eye-catching in your yard got some compost coming some edging and maybe some Stones if I can convince Annie Annie doesn’t want any Stones I think she could use some [Music] Stones can I pull off any yep so they start to fade you can you can take your fingernail and just pinch them off this is a seed head so if you just dead headed what what the what the rose wants to do is put energy into seeds yeah no we want flowers you know and to me it’s kind of therapeutic you know you’re just getting out here and you can’t overwater when they’re in pots but you can overwater when when they’re in the ground okay Lee the owner of super and Sun really took the time to go through and lay out the whole system for me he’s also going to provide me with a plan for irrigation and how to keep these plants successful I mean we we we really spent a lot of time I I think I’ve been here for it’s 1:00 3 hours almost so thank you Lee [Music] [Applause] [Music] I got to put all that dirt over here and mix it in that’s all good stuff was basically here and they sell to them in the weat bike yeah they moved the dirt over the hair and then they charged us to move it back I’ve been moving the soil here getting it all soft it’s been a bit of a pain in the ass pulling a lot of stones out but it’s good I got to get the wheelbarrow down and start moving [Music] so I’m going to till all this sort of even it out and then take the remainder and spread that top layer which is which is the uh the good soil the good stuff uh once that’s finished and I have it all contoured properly then I take the fabric and I lay it over I tuck it in in the front areas and then I put the drop Edge in and then I tack uh stake that top Edge in and then once I have the fabric over then I cut little squares out everywhere I’m going to put uh plants and then plant and then once those plants are in then I get some uh darker hardwood chip put that chip in and then and then we’re done yeah you can see here I mean that I get a lot of there’s a lot of Squish here which is good I think it’s it’s got a lot of potential [Music] okay so I tilled it and screed it down I got a little Mound there little Mount here some mounding there but sort of undulating to the other side a nice pocket on this side too that I need to breake out I’m going to put the leftover dirt there and then head off to the hospital to get my x-ray soon yeah so I was helping a neighbor across the street carry a Stairway that uh he wanted to put on his deck like it was it was like a seven step stairway with a little Landing made out of like composite decking and looked like 2 by10 or something and it weighed a lot actually and so I got my dolly and we strapped it to the dolly and when we did I thought it would might be falling over so we were we were holding it and it was pretty precarious we even got on the slope of his yard and and like the whole stairway was like on an angle and we were like holding it I was I was a little worried it was going to tip over so I was really tweaking my body to keep it straight and then we got to his patio we had to lift the whole thing up and and and lift and turn it at the same time which again was precarious and then when we got it on his patio we had to push it and so I was getting down low and using my body and my core and everything to turn it and none of those points were where I I hurt my ankle it was only when we finished I shook his hand I said no problem neighbor he said thanks and then I stepped off his patio and the moment my foot hit the ground it it it it did this inside so this is my normal foot that is my normal ankle sort of how my foot looks from behind pretty standard this is my ankle if you can find it there it’s sort of a mess if you can see them side by side I don’t know if you can tell how that foot is and that foot is anyways I hope these results come back with a uh it’s not that bad and uh I don’t have to wear a cast and stay off my feet cuz literally can’t stay off my feet right now of course it happens now okay so um I originally wanted to go to the doctor’s cuz I have a a hernia which is not a good thing to have in the first place I have a umbilical hernia basically my belly button looks like a smiley face it should be round but there’s like whatever so I’m working on that then I go to the doctor and I told him about my ankle and he’s like that doesn’t look good so we ended up I had to go get some x-rays I’m back he looked at the x-rays he says it looks like a tear I think I might have to cast it up tomorrow he’s going to have me get a second opinion from a guy who does like sports medicine and everything and we’ll see if it needs to go in a cast he’s like you got to stay off your feet I I can’t stay off my feet like it’s that’s impossible I’ll try to take some weight off and I’ll tell you what these these work boots they help to stabilize the you know the ankle and everything so so that’ll be as as much as I can do but I have to continue forward and work on finishing this front yard but not good anyways back to work okay so we’ve spread out the soil we’ve got three layers the base the mix and then and then the top layer good I’ve got it mounded Annie thinks it’s mounted way too high but I think it’ll be nice but now we’re going to lay in uh over the fabric which there’s a lot of I wasn’t going to do fabric because I was told through a bunch of YouTube videos that I watched that you’ll end up having a lot of weeds growing through the fabric and the fabric and the and the weeds kind of get entangled and it’s just not such a smart idea but then I went to the nursery and I was kind of convinced the other way in the fact that if you use really really good quality Fabric and the this fabric is is not porous not porous for for allowing weeds to to latch on that this stuff it’s like the professional stuff you’ll have you know really really good success with it so Eva just had her first softball game uh she’s on the softball team the I don’t know it’s like little league I guess and so she’s she’s doing that she’s super excited about that she had her first game today and Annie is cooking up some huge steaks like like monsters look at these monsters I mean I don’t know if you can see how big these things are but they are huge [Music] is [Music] good this is a massive piece of meat I don’t know you can tell how big that is it’s up hi everybody what I’m doing now is I’m taking uh these steaks these like u-shaped steaks and I’m just them inside tacking them in huh and I saw them glowing yeah it’s pretty cool right yeah I saw them yeah cool yeah I there it was there it was dark by the door and then it was so dark yeah can I S one of your chairs you sure [Music] can she’s just hanging out glow stone glowstone yep there’s a whole bunch everywhere where’s Eva right now she’s inside she had her first softball game today can she come can she come at the workout you can uh you can open the door and ask if you’d like now I’ve I’ve cut out the the concrete I’ve taken and made sure that everywhere it goes in that the material rolls up so the The Mulch will sit on this and keep it down and seal off the edge now what I’m doing is I’m going to trench around the whole edge here and then drop in my Edge have the fabric go down on this side and then build it up on that side and then stake it in into the material from the side don’t stake down if you can stake over so that when the frost builds up and you got like changing in temperature it won’t rip that that edging right out of the ground you kind of want to have it in sheer sheer strength is better than straight up and down so you want to kind of jam it in from the side and then over time it’ll sort of Harden itself in there we’ll be good to go I came across a few of these and I was so nous I thought it was fiber optic cable cuz there’s an AT&T cable but it’s just the flag that says underneath that is fiber optic cable this was another [Music] one all right so I’ve dug the trench and I’ve laid in the border now I got to seal it in


  1. I started the front yard landscaping on my yard, beginning with purchasing the plants, getting some advice from the nursery, tilling my soil and laying out the landscape fabric.

    Also talked about my ankle and hernia, Eva’s softball, and our cutie neighbor makes a visit.

    Super & Son Nursery & Landscape
    7095 Newark Rd.
    Imlay City, Mi 48444
    Office: 810.724.0050
    Cell: 810.614.9828

  2. Looking forward to seeing the end result 🙂 I hope your ankle heels quickly. Cheers from Australia.

  3. Ha ha I kept thinking “Annie let him go by himself to the nursery to pick out plants?” And then the captions started popping up “Annie vetoed the junipers, the geraniums etc.!” 😂

  4. That hurts Matt . Ankle injuries hurt . O and Jesus them Steaks are HUGE lol .Man Matt I would be 300 pound if I had an Annie cooking for me lol . When Annie Cooks Annie Cooks 👍🏽

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