Plant Propagation

Rooted Fuchsia cutting

Hi there,

I started this cutting around three weeks ago and it's grown massively! I'm thinking of continuing to grow this plant in water as it seems to be taking well and I have a small interest in hydroponics.

I have a few questions about what to do best for this plant as I'm kinda new to plant propagation that I was hoping someone might be able to help me out with.

In the second picture I think I can see some new buds! To my knowledge plants use alot of energy to flower so I was thinking of removing some of the buds from the smaller stems and only having a few flower if they will. Would this be bad for the plant and should I not remove any?
If these aren't buds please feel free to let me know, I would feel a bit silly but happy to learn πŸ™‚

In the third picture you can see some new shoots that are growing next to the root base. These are usually submerged under the water as I don't want the roots to go dry for too long (it's a thirsty plant so sometimes the water just disappears). I've always been told not to let the foliage of cuttings, e.g. cut flowers, to be submerged so I am a bit worried about them rotting. The first stem grew within the first week of being in water so it has spent a couple of weeks under water and looks a bit limp.
Should I cut the stems by the roots off? and is there a way to stop them from growing? theres now three wet shoots :/
Maybe this isn't a problem as they'll grow out the neck of the bottle and help support the plant eventually

thanks for reading, and hopefully this peaks someones interesting πŸ™‚

by LeoNerv221

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