Plant Propagation

Please help – succulent

The only maybe viable leaf looks like it’s dying(?) do you think it needs less sun or more/less water? I’ve barely watered it maybe a few times just barely but I’m scared it’s going to die, I know the rest weren’t even viable/were kinda dead anyway but just threw them in there so I’m going to toss those I guess.

My original succulent is dead from someone else overwatering it.. (see my post on succulents for that lol) but it’s like the only leaf I have left of it 😭 I also have no idea what kind of succulent as it was a gift, I’ve had the plant for years so I’m really sad if it’s gone.. I didn’t figure out till it was too late someone overwatered my main plant and now it’s dead.. 🙁

by AppointmentAble1405


  1. Comfortable_Use_9536

    I’ve had better luck laying props flat on the soil and letting em be. The mother leaf should provide enough until roots form. I keep em in the shade as well until transplanting

  2. cryptomir

    You should not water them until you see some growth.

    Also try just to put tips of leaves on the soil, no need to burrow them.

    Take a leaf, put it on the soil – the tip should touch the soil. Leave it like that for a few weeks. After that you can moist the soil and soon new plants should start growing.

    Should not be in direct sun.

    Another important thing – you have to be very careful when taking leaves. Try not to chop off the very tip of leaves. If you try to root a leaf with the damaged top, this what you have in the photo is going to happen.

  3. Lay flat and mist with water instead of pouring water like a normal plant. Place on the porch or partial shade but not direct sun all day.

    To me this takes forever even when done correctly. Usually I just forget about them and then when I remember I’m like “babies!”

  4. MissCagney

    Lay flat and leave, I’ve had ones like this prop just by leaving dry on a windowsill

  5. Cthulhulove13

    Did you let them dry out and scan over before trying to mist? These look rotted. I would try again with some new ones. Sorry these didn’t take!

  6. regshugsstrugsluvs

    I would try propagating in perlite! Then a tiny amount of water can always be sitting at the bottom but won’t have to actually touch the parts you’re propping and get them wet. I have only done that with the stem part of the succulents if that makes sense? But it works 95% of the time for me. Maybe it’d work with a leaf too? Also I stick mine directly under a led grow light and it’s working so much better since adding more light!

  7. iCantliveOnCrumbsOfD

    Lay them flat. And they do still need a little bit of watering from time to time

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