Plant Clinic

Baby Rubber Plant Rotten Stem

I recently acquired this Peperomia Obtusifolia (baby rubber plant I believe) and I noticed today after being away for the weekend that one of its stems has rotted near the base and has just about collapsed

It’s in a well-lit room but it’s indirect light. I’ve owned it just under a week and it was watered 3 days ago. Hasn’t been repotted.

What should I do? Break the stem off? Repot it and remove all the rotten stem?

Can I do anything to save the otherwise healthy looking stem that’s broken, such as propagate it into a new plant?

Thanks everyone

by OllieNom14

1 Comment

  1. catsandplantsandcats

    This usually happens due to overwatering, they are sort of like succulents with those thick leaves and need to dry out before being watered again. If you have only had it 3 weeks it was probably overwatered in the store.

    You can leave it or pull it out of there. I would probably give it a week or so and see if it comes around (it probably won’t), and then cut it.

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