Garden Plans

Living Off The Land – Permaculture Gardens & Future Plans

Our 3 acres of land is divided up into smaller garden areas, the inspiration for this was taken from Dan’s time spend living with Jungle tribes in Borneo and Vanuatu, our gardens are also inspired by Permaculture Design and No dig gardening methods.
In this video we share the story about each of these gardens, our future plans and an insight on how we live off the land with up to 80% food self Sufficiency.

We are Dan & Laurie and our land is called Freedom Forest – Its 3 acres in the South of England where we are creating an edible oasis and trying to provide as much for ourselves, from our land as possible, where we are completely off grid.

Our food growing journey began together in 2017 when we created our first No dig lasagne bed. Every year we grow more and more and now we are currently around 60-80% self sufficient in our food needs.
Our style and methods are inspired by permaculture and we try to be thoughtful about how and what we do, to be as gentle on the planet as possible.

We are MASSIVELY grateful that you choose to watch our Videos and support us in this way, however, If you appreciate and get value from what we share and would like to help us a little more, you can become a Freedom Forest Patreon (link below).
It takes us about a day to film some video and another few evenings to edit it, Patreon provides a way you can support what we do with any size donation you wish, it could simply be the value of a packet of seeds! We have many projects coming up, as well as wanting to improve our videos with better camera equipment… maybe even a drone one day to make our videos even more detailed and better quality for you to enjoy! You can help make it viable for us to keep putting the time into making these videos by becoming a Patreon. In return your name will appear in the end credits of our videos and we’ll message you a password for the ‘members area’ of our website where we share more of our favourite recipes exclusively for our Patreon’s 💚

Beautiful jungle print top from @tweedyclothing9577
(one of my favourite sustainable clothing brands)

Enjoy & Thanks for Watching

✌️🌿 Peace and Plants

#Freedomforest #gardentour #permaculturegardening #selfsufficientliving

[Music] we are Lori Dan and Murphy and this is our three acres of land in the southeast of England that we call Freedom Forest within our three acres we have divided the land into smaller garden areas the inspiration for this was taken from Dan’s time spent living with jungle tribes in Borneo and venatu our Gardens are also inspired by permaculture design and noed gardening methods this area here is the jungle and it was the first area that Dan created almost 10 years [Music] ago this is an area for wildlife reconnection relaxation and Shelter From the Sun on the odd [Music] occasion behind the camera right now is a magical project which Dan has been working on for a few years which I’ll hopefully get to share soon and heading over this way is an area which which we don’t film very often and this area we call the heart of the world or the Food Forest extension it’s an area which is still very much evolving and it’s going to be a big feature on our Channel next year when we begin building our offgrid outdoor kitchen here it’s hard to see right now but there is already a number of fruit trees planted in this area at least 12 I think there’s medas pears figs apples it will be a whole food forest in here eventually if you could grow any style of garden what would it be and where do you get your inspiration from we would love to hear from you so let us know in the comments down below this area here was actually our original vegetable bed for a few years it is now known as the new food forest or the wild bed we’ve already got about 10 fruit trees planted up here and a whole Bank of gbes and black currents that we grew from cuttings and one day Dan is going to hopefully build a nice deck area for yoga or seating up here and it’s going to be all surrounded by the beautiful fruit trees and banana Palms this is our main growing area where we have no dig Market Garden Style beds and you may hear us refer to this area as Dubai and that is because when Dan was terorist in the area making the beds the shape that it Formed reminded me of the man-made Island in Dubai we grow mainly annual crops and garlic in this area we’ll be harvesting our garlic next week and hopefully if it’s a good quality Harvest we’ll have some to sell this year and if you’re enjoying this video don’t forget to subscribe to our Channel and click the bell for notifications if you’d like to see more videos like this this is our 5-year-old Food Forest and we have over a 100 different Edibles in here plus support species like flowers and comrey there’s about 36 trees in here now most of which are edible and about 6 years ago this whole area and the growing beds above us was just thick with Bramble and GW if you’re like to take a closer look at our food Forest check out this video here for our most recent tour this is the Village Green it is the only real lawn area that we have on the property it also has a wildlife Pond and this big bed here where we grow corn beans and winter squash the three sisters which is a native American method of gardening which we love we are considering maybe having some chickens or ducks in the future that we might use this area for though this is a section of regenerating Woodland that we leave alone as much as possible and this is a lovely patch of native Woodland with hazel Beach and mature sweet chestnuts All Along The Boundary which give us an amazing harvest in the Autumn and this is called the new land it’s about half an acre which we took on in 2019 it was completely overgrown unfenced and had trees growing up through the poly tunnel frames it’s another area which is still very much evolving but each year we move closer to the vision that we have for this area reinstating the shed and the poly tunnels has made this land super valuable to us and with the big potato beds it now plays a huge part in our self-sufficiency journey we’re now able to grow 60 to 80% of all all of our food year round and that’s about 95% of all of the fresh fruit and vegetables that we use which is a lot as we eat a mainly plant-based diet the only things that we still buy in are bananas and some mushrooms this is a little eucalyptus Plantation that will manage for firewood in the future we’ve got our solar panels down here here for electricity where this land is completely off-grid and if you’re interested I could share more about our water system in a future video so let us know in the comments down below if that’s something you’d like to hear more about and then finally over here we have a little aggro forestry or Food Forest strip with another six fruit trees and lots of blueberries and honey berries this is going to be a beautiful walkway with fruit on one side and banana Palms on the other in a few years time I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s video thank you so much for watching we look forward to catching you here again soon peace and plants oh [Music]


  1. You’ve got a really interesting project going on guys!
    I’d love to see your rain water set up.

  2. I'd love to be playing around that space wow, the forest is magical, you could make it a secret wonderland, but was gonna say how about a video of your daily lives and how much you put into that fantastic space, you've always inspired me thankyou and happy growin on!

  3. Thank you for the tour once more, I’d like to see the water system you use it’s great you can produce 80% of your own plant food, and use solar I’m sure that your on batteries as backup in nights etc..😁🧑‍🌾

  4. Morning Lori and Dan
    Wow. What a sight to eat my breakfast to. Your gardens/forest look absolutely amazing. You can feel the love and passion in your planting across the screen. Just fantastic.
    We use ducks as slug patrol; my duck of choice is the Silver Appleyard duck. Just so lovely and rewarding.
    Your outfit as well on this video is just WOW too… it suits you and the environment so much. Love your videos.
    Lisa and fam.

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