
My grandfather died and I will take care of his greenhouse (Advice)

Hello everyone, recently my grandfather passed away suddenly. He was a man who loved working in his greenhouse. He grew the most delicious peppers, tomatoes and green beans I have ever eaten in my life.

I have committed myself to care for and continue to grow everything he had already planted. However, I don't have much experience (my only experience is growing cannabis indoors).

I would like to know if, with the photos I have taken, you could give me some advice on how to continue with this. Anything would be useful, such as identifying a species that I'm not quite sure what it is or, for example, how I can keep the insects away but without using powerful chemicals.

The first thing I will be doing is clearing the greenhouse of weeds and getting rid of as many insects as I can.

Just so you know where I am, I am in the northwest of Spain, Galicia, so the climate is humid. Also the greenhouse is on a slight slope so the rain water keeps the soil in the greenhouse rather damp.

I know that there are a lot of noob questions and that I can use an app (I will do) but I will appreciate any advice you can give me about this.

by MrArbizu


  1. lazylipids

    1 – pepper
    2 – bush bean
    3 – more peppers
    4 – more beans

    Your grandfather looked like someone who knew a lot about gardening, such a nice greenhouse and great looking tomatos

    When you harvest the tomatoes and peppers, make sure to keep some of the seeds for next year, and let a couple of the beans mature fully so you can do the same with them

  2. obsessedchickens21

    Don’t be discouraged if things don’t go right. Looks like he was a skilled gardener. That comes with years of experience.

  3. darkmatterskreet

    This is awesome. He has a serious operation here. Did he sell or can everything?

  4. MerrySkulkofFoxes

    There is a little piece of your grandfather in that garden. He breathed his life into it. Idk why I find this so incredibly touching, but consider, you’re going to have some more lunches and dinners with your grandfather. Whatever comes out of the greenhouse contains his effort, and when you eat the rewards of his and your work, it will be a moment of connection between you, even though he’s gone. I agree with u/lazylipids – save some of the seeds. Every harvest will bring your grandpa back for a little bit.

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