
I topped my peppers like a month ago when I bought them, and they haven’t grown since 🤦‍♂️

I got these at a big box store. One is a spicy Jane, the other is a similar small chili (I wanted Thai peppers but couldn’t find any). I read that topping them and deflowering them is recommended, which I did as soon as I got them home. They’ve done nothing but make more buds. I was hoping for more branching by now. I added worm castings when I planted them, but should I fertilize more? I took this photo before removing the flowers again. Apparently it’s best to do this until the days start to get shorter, in a couple weeks?

Did I mess these up? 😅 if so I’d rather know now so I can put something else in the container that will do better, and try peppers next year. 🤦‍♂️

by Lost_Reindeer5940

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