Vegetable Gardening

Vegetable Garden Tour | Zone 9 Zone 10 Florida Garden | February

My channel focuses on sharing my personal journey in growing our garden, farm and food forest to achieve a sustainable lifestyle. I have a passion for growing organic food and living off the land. I share monthly garden and food forest tours, recipes, and gardening tips. Please like, share and subscribe if you would like to watch my farm and garden grow through each season. Hopefully you will learn something along the way! I’m not an expert so if you think of something I could be doing better please share so I can become a better gardener:) My goal is to inspire you to get outdoors and enjoy some Southern Dirt and Sunshine!

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GreenStalk Vertical Garden
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Click & Grow Smart Garden
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Neptune’s Harvest Organic Fertilizer & Bug Control
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Vego Garden Raised Beds
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Gardening Devotional

How to Make Comfrey Tea:

Helpful Videos:

What to Plant & When Zone 9 & 10 Series:

Fall Planting Guide Zone 9 & 10:

Garden Prep & Soil Amendments:

Gardening for Beginners Series:

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Devotions from The Garden:
Crazy Plant Lady Devotional Book:
Vego Raised Garden Bed:
Soil Amendments-
Mushroom Compost:
Neptune’s Harvest Kelp Meal:
Neptune’s Harvest Crab & Lobster:
Bug Control-
Nematode Control:
Neem Oil:
Worm Control:
Pump Sprayer:
Seed In Soil Digger:
Neptune’s Harvest Fertilizer Fish & Seaweed:
Neptune’s Harvest Fertilizer Roes & Flowering:
Neptune’s Harvest Fertilizer Tomato & Veg:
Neptune’s Harvest Seaweed Plant Food:
Obelisk Trellis:
Microgreen Kit:
Sprouting Kit:
Seed Value Pack:
Garden Supplies-
Seed Starting Soil:
Organic Soil:
Seed Trays:
Plant Supports:
Garden Markers:
Non-Fading Marker:
Garden Hat:
Garden Boots:
Pruning Shears:
Tool Set:
Favorite Books:
Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods Book that I love:
The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies that I love:

hey everybody welcome back to another episode of Southern Dirt my name is Summer and in this video I’ll be sharing my central Florida Zone 99 backyard garden I have over 1100 square ft we love to vertical garden and we also grow in containers along with in the ground and race beds and today just started the greenstock vertical garden sale which is if you buy one you get the second one 60% off as you can see I have three pictured here I own six I absolutely love them I ordered a seventh one I’ll be sharing what I am planting I’ll be planting in that one as well um so make sure you go check them out check the sale out I will put the affiliate Link in the description below so click on that anytime you click on any of my Affiliates I make a small commission to help me to continue to keep doing these videos so I appreciate all your support over the years I absolutely love sharing my garden with you sharing my struggles and everything that I’m learning along this journey I’m also wanted to tell you about my new series I put out which is called um devotions from the garden series I just put out one recently I’ll make sure to drop that link in the description on pruning that goes over John 15 I would love for you to check that out I’m working on one right now that um I’ll be sharing how I overcame my anxiety through the truth of what the Bible says and the tips that he gives us to keep pushing through so I hope you guys enjoy this video make sure that you subscribe so you don’t miss another video and also hit that Bell button also make sure you are are following me on Instagram so here is our entrance to our 1100 squ ft Garden we actually just trimmed back this trellis this is a queen’s wreath and as you can see I’m starting to get some flowers popping up anytime we trim this back a few weeks later we will get some blooms but this has been a really fun project try to find you guys some more blooms I propagated this plant and we have put them uh all over our property so I will show you we have some blooming right now here later in the video so over here we have our two Veo Gardens and our green stock vertical garden and we have strawberries growing on this we recently had some struggles with some squirrels coming uh into the garden and stealing our strawberries so my daughters have set traps for the squirrels and I’ll show you those here in a little bit what we do is whatever they are going after we’ll actually pick um the fruit and put it in a little um trap like this right here and we try to figure out where the squirrel or animal is entering from which we know typically the squirrels come from this tree and come down um so we’ve been successful with doing that we put corn or we’ll put peanut butter with bread anyways that has been uh very helpful on managing the animals in our garden we have another property that we actually go and transport them um and let them go there so over here we have strawberries on our first two tiers what I love about vertical gardening in the greenstock vertical garden is that they have all kinds of ACC accessories y’all my voice is terrible today allergies are my allergies are going crazy um there’s so much pollen everywhere and it’s definitely affecting me but we have an um automatic watering system which I hook up to a timer and oh yeah hi kids I told my kids make sure you don’t come outside and yell they are doing Valentines today inside um but anyways there’s an automatic watering system so you don’t have to to worry about watering your Gardens you just set a timer and it automatically waters for you you can do it twice a day once a day it’s so wonderful when you go on vacation you don’t have to worry about your plants dying but on this other tier here we have some roma it looks pretty beat up from the squirrels but we’ll be harvesting that today as well we have this beautiful salad bowl lettuce here that is growing so nicely we got a actually Harvest it pretty soon before it goes to seed anytime you let your lettuce go to seed pretty much with anything it will get bitter so if you can catch it right before um you can definitely uh make sure it doesn’t go bitter I also have some beautiful kale here I also have what’s called it’s like a purple kale here look at how beautiful that is so I have a purple kale at the bottom here a uh what’s called a dwarf kale here on the second tier lettuce and strawberries and so far this is really worked out nicely it just grows really well um kale doesn’t require a whole lot of uh nutrients just like a collar green would not as well so um I really like how this tier or this green stock vertical garden has turned out look at all this beautiful vegetables so here’s my other green stock vertical garden we have got some sweet banana peppers growing in here we’ve got lavender oh and I am growing some leaks right in this pocket and carrots and I’m I’m going to harvest one of the carrots right now with you guys oh oh my goodness look at that oh that looks so good I’m so excited look at that that is a beautiful carrot that I just harvested from my greenstock garden um I want to do an entire tier of carrots my carrots will not look this pretty When I grow them in the ground so um I’m actually going to harvest some more for you guys and I’m going to put them all in my basket like I did with the other um green stock we’ve got some eggplants down here some more Peppers this is like a black pepper we’re just going to pick it off there throw it in there we’ve got some oregano some more leaks up here I have a cabbage right here look at this parsley I have so much parsley anybody have any cool recipes that I can use with all this parsley cuz I’m about to harvest all of this to allow more to grow it’s about that point where it’s just kind of leaning down I’ve got some white eggplants down here some more sweet banana peppers we can Harvest I love growing peppers in the green sock Garden look at that these are mustard greens that I have right here I also have some more peppers down here we have I think these are my hot peppers that I planted as you can see I’m irrigating right now and you can see how the water is trickling down through every tier absolutely perfect to make sure every tier gets the right amount of water I’m going to harvest another carrot see how this side did holy cow look at that oh my goodness look at that carrot oh I’m so excited look at that that is beautiful so here is our Harvest from this green stock I’ve Got The Parsley some mustard greens some of my peppers and a couple carrots we got plenty more to harvest but we’re just going to go ahead and let them grow get bigger and only Harvest as we need them so here’s our other green stock vertical garden we have at the top we have some onions I actually harvested one just the other day I have some beets I have some flowers growing and look at these beets I’m so excited I’m going to harvest one with you guys today look at that I’ve never been really successful with growing beets in the ground so I’m excited to pull those we’ve got some beautiful purple cabbage growing here I have some kale down here I have some cauliflower don’t know if I have any that are oh look at that that’s so cute I’ve got some cauliflower starting right in there then I have broccoli growing down here I have some more beets mixed in down there more broccoli on this bottom tier I got some Dinosaur Kale right here all right we’re going to pull this beat nice look at that that is perfect look look at the bead I just pulled up wow isn’t that nice it looks like a purple carrot yeah these are so healthy for us now I don’t know if you guys know this but you can actually harvest the leaves of cauliflower and broccoli and they’ll taste just like the actual vegetable so I’m actually going to give this broccoli just a couple more days before it goes to seed and then we’re going to have broccoli since I’ve already harvested so much food I’d rather Harvest fresh but we have so much growing on this greenstock vertical garden it’s hard to know which one is my favorite this year cuz I have so many favorites so here’s my other greenstock vertical garden in the color Glacier blue I love it over here gives a nice little pop of color right up by my patio and today we are going to harvest some Sage I’ve actually been propagating this plant I wish I knew knew what it was called but look at how beautiful it looks in this green stock vertical planter it just kind of flows out I also have um a variety of cilantro it’s actually not it tastes like cilantro cantro anyway somebody recommended this to me and uh we’re going to be harvesting that we’ve got some more parsley we have some beautiful lavender I want to make some lavender lemonade made we’ll Harvest some of those and we also have some oregano down here we have more oregano up here um we have some aloe today we don’t need any aloe but you can certainly grow aloe in there and then we have some mint down here growing and then I have some chives that I’d like to go ahead and harvest we’ve been harvesting a lot of basil for tomato soup and different recipes in the house have some cilantro been using that as well and maybe we’ll cut some flowers for Valentine’s Day so here’s our Harvest from our patio greenstock vertical garden we’ got some oregano here we have some flowers to go and put in the house for Valentine’s Day we have some mint we have some Sage some lavender and some cantro and chives I’m think I’m saying this wrong but we’ve got all that here oh and we’re going to propagate this one I absolutely love this plant so if anybody knows what this is called let me know it’s so easy to propagate and I just love how it flows here’s my my other green stock vertical garden this is actually My Salsa garden and we have onions at the top I have bunching onions at the back look at how beautiful those are I have regular bulbing onions on this side I have cilantro on this tier I have some uh little mini tomato plants I actually trimmed these back after the last video um if you go back you can tell that my plants were sick they had been basically abandoned since Thanksgiving with the busy time of the year we got a we had some problems with white flies so as I cut those back they already are starting to produce flowers this one I’ve got a little bit of Tidy fruit coming up so we have two tiers of tomatoes then my bottom tiers are peppers look at that this looks so good so I really enjoy this tier it’ll look better next month when we have fruit on it um it’s been so hot and cold lately just total random hot crazy days and then super cold uh days but on those hot days our cilantro cilantro is bolting whenever it bolts you can just trim it back and use the bottom so we will do that so here’s my other green stock vertical garden I’m actually moving this to a different location and getting it prepped and ready to plant potatoes in super excited um I planted sweet potatoes in uh one last season and it did so well so now I want to do all the tears in potatoes I’ve got red and white and I will show you the reveal um we’ve always grown potatoes in containers and I thought why not try it in the green stock they have had a lot of success with doing that so I will be showing you how to do that soon all right so now I’m at the beginning of my garden typically where I start my garden tour thank you guys for sticking around for seeing everything that we’re growing in our green stock vertical Gardens I absolutely love them and that’s why I wanted to show them first but we do have two Veo garden beds here I am an affiliate of them as well they are great beds they look awesome I’ve got the color pearl and they have a 20-year warranty on them um recently I have put some more soil in these as you can see this actually came out of my green stock that I’m getting ready to plant potatoes in because I want to put better soil in it so so instead of wasting the soil we just went ahead and dumped it in here but I’ve got some beautiful oregano growing here I have some parsley I have some flowers growing here in the center um we have some Swiss chard this was actually taken out of the green stock that I’m putting potatoes in I uh I pretty much had harvested all the lettuce and everything else out of it but um these will continue to grow so I wanted to go ahead and continue the season so I just went ahead and planted these in here I also have some basil and I always forget my plant here that my Costa Rican friend gave me I think it’s like a lemon barbam and I also have a very old sweet potato sitting right here and I’ve just been letting it grow I want to see how big and how many sweet potatoes I can get in this bed look at all the bees this is actually a Mexican heather plant I really need to trim it back cuz it’s taking over a lot of the space in here over here I think it’s time to cut back this Vine This is a butterfly Pea Vine my daughters have been saving the flowers and the seeds to sell I have uh some information in the description below if you want to look at that I did put my seed Sals on hold for a while but we have an overabundance of seeds and the kids want to do a little project and sell those so if you’re interested in that check out the uh Link in the description below um as you can see we are getting some nicer Vines here but I think what I’m going to do is kind of hack a lot of this off so it will encourage more Vines I had to pull this this the reason it looks so rough is I had to pull this off of our house because recently we had our house painted so that’s why it kind of looks rough right now so here is a plant I keep forgetting to show you you but this is actually one of our corn plants um I brought back some purple corn from a mill that we visited in Jamestown um on our trip not too long ago and the kids wanted to plant it so I’ve never really grown corn a whole lot in my garden because it always falls down looks really rough and we garden organically it’s always so hard to keep those little bugs out of here so um I’ve always had dreams of having a nice corn field in the fall and this really isn’t the time to grow corn but I kept it um against our wall here so if we did get any freezes or cold weather I can easily pick this up take it inside um and it will stay warm along there so thought we’d show you that that’s kind of like our our children’s project there over here we have our lovely collar greens I actually just made collar greens this week I have six plants and this is plenty enough to feed our family um it’s actually plenty enough to share with other other families anytime we have big events coming on we typically will use that um I know once before somebody said why do you grow so much kale and collar greens well it’s so easy to grow it’s something that we can share with our neighbors share with our friends and it looks beautiful um our daughters sell eggs to our neighbors so whenever they go over there they always offer a free plant or some free collar greens or kale so that’s always something special they like to do um I had carrots in the middle here and I’ve got it um prepped for lettuce to go in here and I’ve got some onions around here I put some curly kale um around the edges there I have uh two red cabbages and I also have a little uh Dalia plant that’s under here I just trimmed back so we’re hoping to have some of that plant pop up I’ve actually propagated one here so if we don’t that’s going in the ground cuz they’re so pretty um I also have leaks on this side as well that’s something new um that we’ve added to the Garden this year so next video hopefully I’ll have some lettuce um growing on this area so over here recently I had planted some kale and as you can see some animal had dug all these up I was so disappointed so excited to finally get outside and plant something and our plants got dug up thankfully I came early in the morning and grabbed all the plants put them in this little area here was able to save them thankfully but the reason why an animal came and dug in the garden is I didn’t water in the plants which you always should do um so I used some really great stinky fertilizer we love using Neptune’s Harvest liquid fertilizer and their soil amendments um I actually have a coupon code you can use which is Southern Dirt Garder sdg um to save 10% off your order but make make sure you always water it in it does wonders for the garden it’s the only fertilizer that I use other than my compost and it is a great uh organic fertilizer so over here I’ve have planted some flowers they turned out really pretty and I wish I knew the name of them but I don’t and I don’t know the name of this one I know these are zenas so if anybody knows this flower name put it in the comment section below over here I have what’s left of my tomato plants my tomato plants got really sick we had an overabundance of rain white flies um and just kind of they were struggling so I have this black tomato here it’s doing really good I’m excited to harvest these soon and I have planted another this was actually volunteer tomato plant that was randomly in my garden that we’re starting there I plan on going down to my local garden shop and seeing what other tomato plants that they do have but look at my balloons all my blueberry plants this is so wild look at how many blooms I have I’ve never had this many blooms and this could be for the simple fact that I’ve been using Neptune’s Harvest Fertilizer all throughout the garden and we had so much rain look at this bee but look at all the beautiful flowers in that bee right there so here’s another tomato plant that’s looking pretty rough I harvested all the tomatoes off them to see if we could get a little more green back and we are I don’t know we might let this one see what that does but it’s still pretty sickly we pulled this one um I’ve got tons of tomatoes ready to harvest over here here this is actually my neighbor’s plant that she always gives me they’re these little um cherry tomatoes that are so delicious and I’m so thankful that she gifts me these types of plants so I also have some onions growing over here and I don’t know what’s up with these onions but have any of you guys ever had this happen where you plant one onion bulb and you get two or three that pops up from them that’s what’s Happening Here and I thought about removing them just to let allow them to grow bigger but I’m just going to see what happens so as I need onions I come out here and and harvest them now these are red onions over here those are regular onions look at the how pretty those are right there I’m so excited about these red onions because it’s been a really long time since I’ve harvested or grown red onions and those don’t seem to be double ball beam either I got to get in here and pull some weeds that’s what we’ve been doing the past few days and here’s my beautiful mustard green plant not a big mustard green fan but I wanted to grow it for to show you guys I love the way it looks in the garden and it’s something we can certainly share with our friends my plan along this area here in the spring is to plant some more animame I kind of planted early just to see cuz I so excited um we got some animame um early winter but with their cold nights they just have not been doing good so I pulled them and I’m going to replant for spring over here we have our carrots our kids have been pulling lots of carrots see if I can pull one for you guys right here oh little baby the other day I was making some tomato soup and I came out here and pulled some decent ones oh still a little edible every day I have the kids come out here before dinner or lunch to grab a snack from the garden and they typically go for the carrots over here we have our beautiful ComFree plants I always forget to show you guys them but you can actually make your own fertilizer from these plants wow it’s gotten massive so I actually put together a quick little video of how to make fertilizer from comfrey I’ll make sure to drop that in the description below look at my sunflower I sound so silly with my voice the way it is but these are our Mammoth sunflowers this one’s just a little peekaboo and at us and this one opened not tooo long ago and over time they will start to lean and that’s fine as you can see we left this one leaning doesn’t look amazingly beautiful in our garden but the reason I do that is to allow the seeds to dry because we eat these seeds and we can use these seeds for another planting at a different time our chickens also absolutely love them and you kind of wait till the top of the flower right here gets yellow or brown I typically like to wait at least 30 days and kind of check it out so we still have a couple more to open here this was our tallest one I think I posted this on my Instagram page and said how big it was I think it was 9 and2 ft so that’s super fun I forgot to show you guys my celery here’s my celery plants and I’ve got some more onions planted here I’ve been really trying to plant more of my food vertically this year just does so much better for me it’s easier for our family to harvest not a whole lot of weeds to pull so as the years go on you’ll see me planting less vegetables in the garden more flowers in the ground versus in the green stock vertical Gardens so over here we have some more sunflowers this Garden I’ve kind of let go because it is shaded by this huge tree um over the years it just gets bigger and bigger um the soil is not as great as my first Garden that I put in over here um I wanted more space to grow and since I’ve got my green stock vertical Gardens I can grow more vertically and that’s kind of where I’ve been putting most of my stuff we’ve got several Mammoth sunflowers over here this one’s starting to open up and I just basically have onions and flowers growing over here um along this area a ladybug so cool I have this one opening up so I think that completes my garden and if you have any questions please feel free to ask me I haven’t done a video of my food force in a long time I can tell you that I’m finally getting some flowers on my mango trees and we have harvested a lot of low quats lately so most likely I will show um my food Forest Area when we come early spring when I start to have enough to show you oh and our our mulberry trees are full of mulberries so make sure you are subscribed or sorry you are yeah subscribed to my Instagram page so you can see pictures I post lots of pictures of all of our harvests and things we’re doing in the food forest and also in our garden thank you guys so much for watching and have a blessed day he


  1. Summer, those carrots are awesome. I do much better in a pot than in the ground also. The rains hurt my tomatoes also. Blight. I am going to have to try a tower one of these days soon. I have been seeing how well you're crops are doing in them. Thanks for the video Summer.

  2. Wow, your onions are hugh, when did you plant them? Were they from seeds? FYI-Patrina from Homegrown Florida did a comparison on soils in the greenstalk and Promix was the winner. Thanks for sharing your garden, it looks great!

  3. The flowers were Allyssum …and one was a weed lol😂 but your purple cabbage was so gorgeous and I love the way you set up the greenstalk ❤❤❤

  4. I had squirrels digging up a large garden bed. I placed a fake but realistic snake in the bed. I haven’t had issues with squirrels since. Maybe you could place one near your green stalk. I move the snake around every other day or so to keep up the lie. 😂

  5. It's pronounced coolantro and it's great to add to foods like a bay leaf. I prefer the regular Cilantro but Culantro is more heat tolerant. My mother in law is cuban and thats what they grew in Cuba

  6. Does that variegated plant that's easy to propagate smell like oregano? If so, it's Mexican oregano and is great for medicinal purposes. You can soak it in alcohol for 6 weeks and then take a shot to get rid of the pollen issues, cough and colds and alot of other congestion type things.
    You can also soak it in apple cider vinegar

  7. I love seeing your garden and especially when you harvest. Everything looks so beautiful. I love that purple cabbage, too. I am going to try that next season. ❤

  8. Wow, your flowers garden and vegetables garden are gorgeous! I'm gardening in zone 5, I plant a lot of vegetables, too, unfortunately The growing season in zone 5 is so short. Love your beautiful garden and subscribed!

  9. My onions did the same thing I planted: 1, and they grew clusters of 3 or more. I just pulled them up and separated them, and replanted them. They are now growing into bigger bulbs. It does not hurt them.

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