Horticulture Terrariums

How can I secure the screen for my gecko’s new tank?

The screen I bought is a lot flimsier than I thought, and the clips I had on the old tank don't hold it in place. I just cut a square in the top so I can feed my gecko but it would be pretty easy for him to escape, since the only thing keeping the screen closed is two pieces of cardboard as seen above. Any ideas on how to get a more secure screen for him? It's a hexagonal tank so it's kind of difficult to find a manufactured screen, and I got the tank second hand.

by P_jizzle_fra_shizzle


  1. damnitineedaname

    Hot glue gun. Preferably the gorilla super glue kind if you can afford it.

  2. PatientMammoth5059

    If you’re going to need to continuously remove it maybe try to get some strips of Velcro to put on the mesh edges and the perimeter of your enclosure 🙂

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