Container Gardening

Tips to grow watermelon larger #shorts #plantingtips

Planting tips, manage watermelon

when your watermelons are the size of an egg you need to start managing them here are the tips insert a toothpick into the front of the watermelon this will prevent the nutrients from going to the front of the watermelon allowing the rest of the watermelon to grow larger insert Another Toothpick into the back of the watermelon this will disrupt its growth preventing it from using too much nutrients also forcing the nutrients to focus on the main body of the watermelon as a result the watermelon will grow larger and rounder in the later stages it will also have better marketability


  1. This is garbage all you are doing is causing wounds that will be susceptible to infection and the fruit will likely just drop off or be aborted rather than growing. Leave it alont the plant know full well how to grow its fruit sunce that is exactly what its purpose and untention is, to produce fruit with seeds to provide the next generation. Stupid video this is. Also im a qualified hortuculuralist just fyi

  2. One toothpick to send nutrients to the watermelon and another toothpick to stop so many nutrients from going to the watermelon! Double talk, this is trash, donโ€™t try it, misleading deliberately!

  3. If you hadnt shown what your doing your word choice wouldve have had my watermelon stuck with 2 toothpicks. You stuck the stem. Doesnt matter i dont believe any of it anyways.

  4. Damaging the vines makes them susceptible to diseases such as gummy stem blight and phytophthora rot.

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