Plant Propagation

trying and failing to prop succulents

my first attempts at propagating succulents. I have no idea what I'm doing and despite trying to follow some tutorials and stuff these guys have not been doing well and I've been putting off fixing it.
these have a been here for many months and have either died or made very little progress.
pieces of a luck tree I got from a friend, living but not growing and always look dehydrated.
luck tree leaves have sprouted tiny little babies but the other leaves in their tray started rotting and I have no idea when to give them water.
some sort of echeviera leaves, most have rotten, one is alive and has roots but no growth and one has two babies.
last picture has my succulents that I pulled the leaves from.
none of big guy's leaves have survived, the smaller one is the one with some survivors.
there were more but they've all rotten or dried off over time.
the little aloe pup I accidentally snapped off today and just stuck it in there.
no idea what I'm doing
should I separate them based on plant?
what container should I put them in? I feel like the ones in the pot have done significantly better than the tray ones
and when should I water and how?
at the beginning I would spray it with water every morning, eventually I started to forget to do it. I haven't touched them in a while cause I've been scared to make it worse

by WitDotBit

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