Plant Propagation

Slow Money Tree Propagation

My propagations are taking a long time to root. First photo is a cutting around 8 weeks old, then the next photos 6 and 4 weeks

All have developed the white material around the stem but no sign of roots in any of the 9 total cuttings.

They’re being kept in fresh water in a fairly sunny part of my room.

Thinking of putting them into soil and seeing what happens.

Any suggestions?

by EJP_50653


  1. thisisajojoreference

    I’ve had a cutting in water in an east-facing window since December and even tried putting it wi the a pothos cutting 3 months later. It started developing tiny roots and even a new set of leaves now – so around 6 months later. -_- Are we doomed to months of waiting or what’s missing?

  2. CreditLow8802

    they have to be kept warm, about 30-35°c (not sure)

  3. mathletic05

    My money tree prop took 5-6 months to grow a root, they can be verrrrry slow

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