Gardening Supplies

Did you know these benefits of gardening for your health?

The flowers are back in bloom, and that means it’s time to dust off your gardening tools. If you’ve never done any kind of gardening before, you may want to give it a chance. Not only can it be enjoyable, but it’s good for your health, too.

flowers Are Back In Bloom and that means it’s time to dust off your gardening tools if you’ve never done any kind of gardening before you may want to give it a chance Dr Benzel with Cleveland Clinic explains not only can it be enjoyable but good for your health too gardening is exercise and it works your strength and it’s weightbearing exercise so it’s really good for osteoporosis prevention um and so I really like to think of gardening as like the perfect exercise particularly as we get odor that is past 30 or 35 when we have to start thinking about these things Dr Benzel says some other perks of gardening include the fact that it doesn’t really feel like exercise and you get to spend time Outdoors which research has shown can benefit your mental health also a sense of accomplishment from seeing the fruits of your labor and while gardening can be low intensity it’s still important to make sure that you’re taking the proper precautions to avoid injury so Dr Benzel says try not to hunch over which can put strain on your back instead kneel down or use a stool to sit as you’re planting and don’t forget to do some stretching first just like any exercise you need to build up to it you need to prepare for it um you want to um you know stretch a little bit before and it’s really really important to stretch after you’ve done your gardening again just like any exercise it when you’ve twisted and turned and all the rest of it take that five or 10 minutes to really kind of allow your body to settle back into its normal positions by doing those um gentle stretches it’s also important to be careful when lifting heavy mol your soil that’s another easy way to hurt yourself Dr Benzel suggests using a wheelbarrow or keeping the bags at waist level on a shelf or truck bed for example so that they’re easier to carry

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