Gardening Supplies

How I Water My Dahlias in my Cut Flower Garden – Sunshine and Flora

Soaker Hose :
4 Way Hose Splitter :



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Sunshine & Flora, Locally Grown Fresh Cut Flowers
Zone 5A, Northwest Iowa
PO Box 146
Holstein, Iowa 51025

hey again from the garden it’s Christina from sunshine and florid if you’re new to my channel I grow cut flowers in zone 5A in Northwest Iowa here on my Urban flower farm I sell at our local farmers market I offer bouquet subscriptions and of course I take special orders and I wanted to hop on here today really quick and share with you guys how I water all of my dalas the setup that I use is super easy in fact I just got it all set up in under 15 minutes for over 100 dalas there’s no drip irrigation knowledge needed and that is what I want to show you so this is a view of one of my growing spaces I call it the fenced in Garden because well it is it’s between my two buildings and it is fenced in from the street you can see probably some cars going by over there that is Main Street but this is one of my large growing areas and right here in these five rows are all of my dalas and I have8 planted in this space now if I were to water these by hand every single day it wouldn’t take terribly long because I only have five rows in 108 plants but you know over the course of an entire summer that really adds up and when I have thousands and thousands of other seedlings and plants and pumpkin Hills to water something just has to be automated so with my dalas the past few years I have relied on soaker hoses to to water them so I know a lot of gardeners use drip irrigation and I actually do use both drip line and the 1/4in black poly with emitters in different spaces around the garden and I’m actually going to be setting up a new area which I will show you in a separate video but for me and for these dalas it ended up being easier and a timesaver just to set up the soaker hoses so the way that my dalas are planted is I have twoot walkways between each row and then each row itself is 3T wide and the dalas themselves are planted 12 in this way and 18 in this way so they’re pretty close I have two rows per 3ft planting area and it is very easy to run a soaker hose right along the base of each plant one really important thing with dalas is when you’re growing them you don’t want the leaves to touch the soil kind of like tomato plants because they can get yellow they can easily pick up disease and that’s just not good for the plant and they may end up uh not doing very good so you want to make sure and take the bottom leaves off of the plant and you also want to avoid overhead watering because that can cause disease things like powdery mildew so it is great when you can water directly to the soil with things like drip line or soaker hoses so in this area like I said I have 108 dalas in five different rows and this only took me two soaker hoses to water and I will link them in the description down below but I get them off Amazon they’re very economical and let me zoom in here so you guys can see exactly how they are working here’s a really good spot where you can see the water just slowly leaks out kind of like a drip line and soaks right into the soil just at the base of the plant and I usually leave these on for about 15 or 20 minutes and it seems like the exact amount I water this area daily and I don’t start watering until I see the actual plants popping out of the soil once the tubers have been planted and now let me show you how I hook it up to my hose line so the soaker hose itself does run across my path here and then I have it coming through my bed of status and it hooks right up to where my hose spet is and you can see I have a fourway splitter here this came from Gardener Supply I will link another one down below in the description that I recently purchased off Amazon and it’s going to go on the other building but I have four hookups here um this is to a soaker hose for my panies this is for a wand that goes out to the other Garden this is for a handw watering wand for this garden and this is the one for the soaker hoses so if I were going to turn this on right now I would of course turn my hose SPI it on but then see these little dials here straight down on this one means that’s on so this one I want want to turn off so that the line is going horizontal that means water is not going to run to that line so this is my soaker hose line so then I would want to turn that vertical and then that means water’s going to go down through the hose and it’s as simple as that I hook the soaker hose up run it out to where I want it and it Waters everything now when you turn these on they do tend to shift a little bit so at my Corners I like to put a landscape staple there just to hold it in place I don’t have any where it’s going down the rows because the plants will eventually grow up and hold it in place and when it’s going in a straight line it doesn’t seem to move very much but at the corners I like to put a landscape staple and you don’t want to put it all the way down in the ground I have it about an inch and a half or 2 inches out of the ground because you want your soaker hose to be able to move freely you don’t want it to Kink or that’s going to cut off your water supply then right over here you can see where the two hoses connect and literally that’s it I have two hoses that zigzag up and down the paths so that’s going to do it for this video I just thought that this was a really great thing to share with you guys because this is such a simple way to save so much time and efficiently water and soaker hoses and drip lines also take less water than hand watering so that’s a plus twoo but anyway um stay tuned for a lot more of course this Garden season probably the next video you guys are going to see in a few days as me turning over my hoop house with summer crops so make sure to watch for that and make sure to subscribe to my channel so hope you guys are having a really great week and we’ll see you soon


  1. Awesome!! I’m just growing my little flower gardens and wondered if soaker hoses would do the trick to suit mine and my plant’s needs!?? 🤔 You read my mind and I could honestly hug you! Thank you so much!!

  2. Love love your videos. I have a question. First time grower here. I live in zone 8a. When do I need to order plugs ,like stock, bells of ireland to put in my high tunnel for them to flowering at the end of April? Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us

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