Gardening Trends



Shop the southern manor here

hey guys welcome back I’m assuming most of you have clicked on the video because the title um and we are going to get to that it’s concerning my big news so this is the big news video um but I have some things to do today I’m going to take you guys along with me I’m wet cuz I was just changing the sprinkler and I got it in my face and my hair is back because it’s humid and my hair is Frizzy right now so this is the look for today um but anyways I had guests for the last few days they just left about 30 minutes ago and um I want to get the floors mopped I need to go upstairs and get that cleaned she’s off my sister stripped the bed and brought everything down she’s amazing um I just want a vacuum up there not a big deal um but I do want to get the floors cuz I’ve had my kids come over and the grandkids come over and everything and we’ve been cooking and visiting and and everything and so the floors desperately need it but um so we’re going to be taking care of that I’m going to share with you guys um the information uh I also have a gentleman coming he is going to come and measure the last two windows that I need shutters on in this house it’s taken me a year and a half but little by little I’m getting all the window coverings done um so he’ll be here I think in the next 30 minutes or so I’m going to let him do that get those ordered um they’re upstairs in the Loft and the home decor room those two rooms need window treatments I’m not doing the doors the French doors I’m going to buy new curtains for up there but Ernie wants shutters in that little window and then I want um to finish out that bedroom the um I’m fogging up over here the home decor room is going to change um I decided that I wanted want to turn that into a bunk room for the grandkids they spend a lot of time here they love to be at lethan lethos and I only have the one guest room we lived in the house for a year and a half now and now we know what kind of things we need to do and so we’re going to be turning that into a bunk room and that’s going to consist of getting rid of all my home decor that I no longer use we talked about that in another video earlier I mentioned that I’ve lived here through all the seasons so things that I’m not going to use I’m going to sell off so I’m going to be doing that and then working on getting some bunk beds up there and everything else also Ernie’s apartment we got it so that’s going to be fun coming up I can’t wait for you guys to to see that that’s going to be fun I’m so excited I haven’t seen my stuff in two years so I am excited to get my hands on it oh I got some stuff yesterday from we went to Franklin Tennessee um beautiful little town and there’s a new store that opened up it’s called the southern Manor let me show you what I got from there okay first and foremost I started reading it already but I got this beautiful design book love it and then I got this beautiful candle it smells so good it’s their signature scent so I don’t have a name for you but it is the signature scent for the southern Manor and it smells amazing you guys so I got that I’m going to bring I got to get my um candlesticks out my candle holders I found these beautiful candlesticks there so I got a couple of those so that I could place them here on my dining room table alongside my beautiful hydranges which um wilted overnight so what I did was they were all wilted Ian you can kind of see this one is still a little wilted they’re coming back to life and I’m going to tell you how I did that this one is still a little wilted too but all I did I mean they were all flopped over most people would have just taken them and thrown them out all I did was fill my sink up with water I cut the end off and then slid it up the stem and then I put the whole thing flour and all I submerged in water and let it sit there for about an hour took them out put them in water with the um flour food I started this at 6:00 a.m. it’s 10:03 10:03 right now and I started this at 6:00 a.m. and they are all coming back to life so I’m going to put these beautiful hydrangeas on my table with my gold candle holders and these beautiful uh Candlestick so we’ll do that too okay and then I got this beautiful little toothpick holder and I told everybody that you can’t use these toothpicks they’re just for Decor purposes and I picked this up I love it it’s a cereal bowl but I’m using it as a a pinching Bowl um at Kirkland home they only had two bowls left I guess they were selling this pattern at Kirkland home and it sold out really quick when Kirkland home first started they used to they used to cater to like the southern annabellum like type homes like that’s the kind of home decor they used to have and then they switched over to Pinterest so um it looks like they’re starting to dabble a little bit more um in that southern charm so very excited about that I don’t have a ton to do because I cleaned my house really good before guests came as you guys know and we kept up on the house while they were here so um I knew that all I was going to have to do is basic cleaning and getting the floors clean but like I said I don’t want to do that until he leaves so we’ll take care of that and then we’ll do some chitchat [Music] [Applause] w [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] n [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] okay guys I got all that done checking it off my list I also got the Pod delivery set up to the apartment in Florida and I also got mover scheduled so we are good to go so excited to share that with you guys okay so now for the big news I have been debating on how to share this with you guys for a while now but but um where do I start so first of all those of you who have purchased real estate um will understand those of you who have not purchased real estate won’t understand um and um I’ve just been it’s just been a roller coaster so Ernie and I started about a month and a half ago the process of buying a bed and breakfast and I didn’t have any quorums about sharing it with you all because um we’ve never had an issue buying real estate we find a house or what have you we want to buy it we buy it we’ve never had an issue with buying real estate before um there are things that are done differently here in this state versus where we came from but not enough of a significant difference that would change the purchasing but what is um different is the fact that we were buying a business so um we put in our offer they accepted um you know we were had our money down we were going to buy that without selling this house we were going to keep this house and just buy that um it was it was all a beautiful thing it was lovely I was so excited about it it was a 1927 Plantation on 2 acres and I was dreaming away I was finally going to be able to put my garden in for food get my chickens for eggs and garden my heart out in that place not only that I was also going to be pretty much redoing the whole house um because it except I wasn’t going to be taking away any of the 1927 characters I was just going to take away a lot of the decor that’s been done since the 1980s any who um so we went first through Fanny and Freddy and Fanny and Freddy do not loan to bmbs so that was out secondly um our lenders said well let’s go through um um hey uh Larry if you’re listening thank you so much for all your hard work Larry’s our lender and um he worked his tail off to try and get this to work out and he he did make it work in the end but it was our decision in the end to stop the deal um and Samantha if you’re watching she’s a real estate agent kudos to you you worked your tail off too so thank you so much but um so then we decided to go through FHA or he decided to go through FHA it turns out there’s a rule that if you have an FHA loan right already you can’t have another unless it’s 100 miles away so that threw that out the window um which is a really strange Rule and the mortgage company was completely flabbergasted and they were just frustrated as heck because not to brag or anything but we are your ideal clients for purchasing they were very frustrated they didn’t really um couldn’t really figure out what the heck the deal was so that took that deal off the table by this time I was starting to feel like we were getting pushed back um and this is where our faith comes in um and for those of you who are not Believers you’re not going to understand this for those of you who are believers you will understand this 100% um sometimes God opens doors and uh he asks you to walk through those doors and you have to learn to listen and that is exactly what we did God opened an opportunity for us we listened we went forward with it and since day one and our real estate agent can tell you I said to her the day we looked at the place if this does not work out that’s okay that means there’s something else on the table and um so Ernie and I were completely content we love our home sometimes you don’t understand why God opens doors for you you just don’t understand it and um and so we didn’t understand it because we love where we live we love our home we still have so many plans for it um and we just we could not figure it out but we were being obedient and we were listening to him um in hindsight 2020 and I’ll get to that in a minute it makes complete sense and that’s usually the way it works uh we like I said couldn’t understand um why were we being told to move forward with this because we love our home and we love where we live and I’m completely content here you guys know that I still have so many plans for my Gardens and yeah it was it was really just tugging in my heart but like I said we were being completely obedient to God and we were just listening and um so I’m going to fast forward a little bit because all the little tinyy details don’t really matter what matters is the outcome the other day I was we were driving Ernie and I were driving and we were so frustrated you know we’re like there’s so many people out there that are not qualified to do things but I feel like they get everything and here we are honest good people and this is something we really wanted and um it wasn’t coming to us as easy as we expected it to and so I was talking to Ernie we were on our way home and I was talking to him and right when we pulled into our neighborhood I said looked over at him and I said did I just talk us out of buying the B&B and he goes I think you did and I said wow I said okay I said well the next the next thing cuz we were waiting on our lender to come up with the third option um for purchase for a loan and I said well if Larry calls and it’s not the news we want then flip if Larry calls that’s going to be the call that’s going to be the Make It or Break It deal and we didn’t anticipate a phone call from him on this day but I said we’re going to wait for that phone call so we came home and about 10 minutes later Larry called uh so Ernie picked up the phone and he sat down and I came and sat with him and we Ernie put him on speaker and he told us what the deal was and the terms they decided to take it inhouse um because we’re a good risk um they decided to take it inhouse and you know and all of that they were going to hold the note but it didn’t come at the numbers that we had planned on so as soon as I heard the interest rate I said no and you know Ernie shook his head at me and you know we listen to Larry again Larry thank you so much if you are watching um you worked your tail off and we appreciate it um it just wasn’t the numbers weren’t making sense and if you’ve ever purchased a home then you you understand that the numbers have to make sense not only that we were still going to have this home so um we had to take that into account uh so we were we were going to list this house but we were waiting until that other property closed and we got the keys to it and everything and then we were going to put this house on the market because uh it was just too much to to do both so for those of you who thought they the photos that I’ve been sharing are listing photos you were right they were um and thank you Samantha for giving those to me um I love them they’re beautiful uh so it’s just it’s fabulous that I have professional photos of my home now and I can show it off for what it really is because it is a beautiful home um but anyway so I shared with you guys probably too soon but the reason why is because like I said we’ve never had an issue with purchasing so I didn’t see any reason why this wouldn’t go through what I wasn’t factoring in is we’ve never bought a business before so um because it’s it was a bed and breakfast and listen we met um even as early as this morning that I’m recording this the owners they knew that we were so excited that we were going to buy from they even reached out to their real estate agent to tell our real estate agent to tell us that you know we could probably go through their lender that lended them because they knew we were so excited and they were so excited to have us by because they had put their heart and soul into this business and they took their time to buy to choose the right buyers um and so I I feel bad for them because now they have to go through that process again um it’s a very personal thing I was so excited you guys I’ve been writing recipes and I’ve been trying recipes Ernie said I was getting them fat when I went to Arizona to visit my son he said he was like Mom you can’t keep feeding me like this I mean I was I was trying all kinds of I was so excited to get in there and start cooking for people and decorating I mean that whole business just really um would have allowed me to do everything that I truly enjoy gardening homemaking um hosting people feeding people um and everything so we’re not upset about it we are not angry about it and if you are a Believer you’ll understand that um because we said from the beginning look how blessed we are we are so blessed already so you can’t you can’t be upset over something like this um but we do understand that what God did and this is now the 2020 Vision coming into play what God did was he said cuz Ernie and I have been praying for a very long time Ernie’s been praying really really really hard about it um about retirement Ernie’s been praying about retirement when’s the right time and and all of those things and so for a minute we thought this was God’s answer you know um but it wasn’t but what it what it did do is it showed us that there are opportunities he opened our eyes see unveiled the opportunities that are out there for us and that um he’s not done with us and um and that is such a good feeling it’s a good good feeling to know that he’s got us like that you know um and and we know that on a day-to-day basis we thank him all the time you know we’re nothing without him and uh it’s just uh it’s a love thing when you realize how much he loves you and how much he’s protecting you and how much he um he wants for you uh it’s it’s really a good thing so when you get what you want it’s God’s Direction when you don’t get what you want it’s God’s protection so as long as you always remember that um you’re going to be okay and we’re we’re totally okay so I really feel bad to have to disappoint you guys because it really was going to be big news um I was so excited for for you guys I was excited for the content we were going to be creating for you guys and um and I was excited to do all that but that is not going to happen now now so I I really feel bad about it um but I hope you guys understand um anyways so what now now we have we put a lot on hold for this um over the last month and a half I was moving forward with Gardens I was moving forward with my library I was moving forward with a lot of things I had a lot of content coming up for you guys and um and that was kind of just like you know the braks were put on and uh and so now I get to move forward with those things of course now it’s you know super hot right now and uh being out in the garden does not sound good uh but we’ve got lots of projects to do inside Ernie really wants to do his bar and I really want my library and and all of those things so um we’re still going to Garden as long as the weather allows uh and all of that but um we got a lot of home projects to do and home making so we’re just going to continue to love on this home um for as long as God tells us to and uh and that is it so um again I hope that today’s video was not super disappointing to you guys I hope that you guys completely understand and understand that uh the door is wide open um we are going to revisit some things um in the future but this time I will not say anything until it’s a done deal um and it’s uh I don’t believe it’s going to be a business at this point so um anyways that is the big news and the want want part of it um for you guys I I really um like I said feel really bad about it but hey it’s our life and um it is what it is and I meting grow because I said something and I was so excited to share with you guys but uh I I mean I had no reason to believe that this wasn’t going to go through like I said so um yeah uh so that is it that is it I was really really um I’m not afraid to get on here and you know I’m an honest person you guys will know that I am the most honest person you guys will ever meet um I’m the most um transparent person you’re going to meet so I don’t feel um embarrassed or or anything like that about it I’m completely content with it and um I’m excited actually because it’s done something to us um spiritually um emotionally it’s done something to us and so uh we are um we are just going to continue to remain in our blessings and thank God every day for them so anyways I hope you guys understand I hope you guys will still stick around because nothing here has changed changed it’s all still going to be the same um homem making content and gardening content so I hope you guys are looking forward to it and also we’ve got Florida coming up so super excited about that I know those of you who have been with me for a long time or even you newbies that just found me um that I just adore so much you guys are so supportive I andan I know that you guys are going to continue to support me and I appreciate that so much anyways until the next video bye by


  1. I just wanted to say thank you to you all for your kind words and your continued support. We truly appreciate it! You guys are so awesome!!❤❤😊

  2. Sorry you didn’t get to have the B&B. Understand it’s hard but thankfully you are a believer & know things work out as HE intended. Love you Anna & will be here watching your videos as long as you post them! Take care! Hugs!

  3. Anna & Ernie
    God bless! What a beautiful testimony of your faith. I'm sure God knew your hearts enough that He could go through this with you & you would bring it to your channel & again be a testimony of Faith. Which is far more valuable than a new business (not knocking the business) but what you just did for the Kingdom with your expression of faith is gorgeous. Far more beautiful & valuable than any home decoration. Your life & love is an expression of faith.
    Your marriage & family & how much of yourself you share, is Gods WORK!!
    ❤️ I have commented before on your marriage & what a testimony it is.
    For what it's worth I will keep your intentions in my prayers.
    In, J*M*J (Jesus * Mary *Joseph)
    -Mary ❤️❤️🙏🙏

  4. As a Realtor in the Denver Colorado area, let me just say how awesome it is to hear you say thank you and show appreciation to the loan officer and real estate agent that were helping you ♥ So, 4 mons back when you posted the video of you and Ernie driving to Florida I had a feeling that you might have been planning a move lol at any rate, God has his plan on his time for you and your family. I enjoy watching your videos!

  5. Anna, hearing your story was so inspiring! I've never heard the phrase about God's direction vs God's protection but I love that and it makes total sense! I know He has great things in the future for you and Ernie! Sending you a huge hug!

  6. Your guess would of had great meals but you would of been so busy with Ernie away so much. Would you have had time to enjoy?

  7. God bless you for your faith! I am a strong believer and absolutely know that when God closes a door He always opens another. I love your acceptance of His Will. Just keep praying! 🙏🙏🙏💐🌺🌷🌻

  8. I love how you are so bold in letting us know how good our God is in leading where He wants us to go! So many lessons learned along the way and what a testimony in your faith to share with others the struggles we all face! Jeremiah 29.11

  9. ❤Hi Anna, Heartbreaking, but fulfilling! God opens and closes doors everyday! So happy, that you are happy about how it turned out! You are both so sweet and thank you for letting God open the doors! The Real estate market is so different now, especially with a business. You did not eat Crow, you were just excited! We will support both you and Ernie!

  10. Hey Friend, Happy Friday. I’m so excited to finally know the big news that you have been putting off telling us! 😊 I agree god opens and closes doors through his timing and it’s hard to understand why he does it at times. 😮😊 Normally when doors are hard to open, it will be more than worth it when the opportunity occurs. It took me forever to find a job that will give me experience with my degree but it finally happened and it was well worth it. 😊🥰 Sometimes what you think is an opportunity or something that is in god’s plan turns out that it is not 🥲

  11. " when you got what you want its God direction, If you don't its God protection" that just ministered to me!
    I'm so sorry things didn't work out, though this news is great. to hear your heart and how you are trusting God in the midst is great News. He is Faithful and that is Big News for us! Thank you so much for sharing!

  12. Hello Anna, it's been a little while. I enjoy watching your channel, your meals, and your Decor ideas. Now, I must say I absolutely love your natural hair growing out. When I first started letting my natural grays out it was hard for me. Especially that I had ALL the grays and my husband had NONE…. he is 5 years older but age doesn't matter, it the genes… anyway I learned to accept me, now I found that was the best thing for me. No More Chemicals on my head. All this to say , I love your New Look. God bless you 🙏

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