Container Gardening

Late May Garden tour of container garden with Dwarf tomatoes, lychee, figs, pineapples and more.

Tour of my front yard garden with all my edible plants grown in containers with a few also grown in ground and in raised beds.

hi welcome to the channel today we’re going to be going over the container garden inside on the front yard and going to start off with the uh dwarf tomatoes and I will say we got a really big uh storms here had Lady M winds it blew over some of my trees and since I had this one tied up it blew this one down too so it did split this one but we still got some really well that one’s gotten R it on me I can feel it but uh this is a Tasmanian chocolate the Frets tied and thing about dwarf Tomatoes it does not mean the tomatoes themselves are dwarf cuz that’s a good size tomato right there and it’s looking really well it’s got a couple more Tomatoes down there this one here’s the CU cabur cackle uh it’s got some nice ones wrapping on here so you know done really well had a bunch of rain uh which is not good for tomatoes and so overall like say the the dwarf tomatoes have done really well and uh I’m really pleased with them so uh if you’re going to be growing in containers even if they’re a little bit bigger in containers like like this I still really recommend that way these these plants don’t get monstrous on you all of a sudden any before they start making uh we’re going to go over here to show I won’t forget with the pineapple and the green tea uh these are pineapples that’s already started fruit on them that I bought them with the fruit at the nursery uh jrn Nursery here’s the other one that was a little bit bigger fruit and uh it’s kind of leaning uh this green tea one thing I did learn about it is it needs very uh low PH even lower than blueberries anywhere from a 4.0 to 5.5 so kind of treat them like you would blueberry to keep the the uh City low on those come back over here we’ve been getting temperatures in the 90s here lately so the carrots are starting to struggle but they did grow well this year uh just pull one up show you that we but uh they AR get a lot of these hairs on on them so we’re going to try to pick some of these and kind of thin them out cuz like I say it’s just it’s just that time of year U here’s the uh lime tree Persian lime again it just doesn’t really do anything uh see it’s throwing on a little bit of and there’s a one of the caterpillars some people really like them but a small tree like that you can’t really defoliate it uh here’s one of the other I think this an orange tree uh the lat tree is doing well going to try to keep it from getting too too vigorous because you don’t want to get too big CU that’s why we got in the pot so we can take it inside or pull it underneath the deal so you don’t want to get much taller than this uh another one of the always which one this fox tail uh Rosemary and uh it better uh Barbados cherry it’s not going to bloom this year I don’t believe but I do need to trim it up get shaping up a little bit better uh like I say it sat out outside with 15° temperature suffer some more damage you know it’s it’s not made for that it did survive it though so I will give it that uh over here we got another one of the orange trees that I’m growing uh and there’s the lemon grass and this here groovy Tunes I believe is a the these these came up by uh volunteer let them grow in the same bucket don’t want you know that’s too much for one bucket but I figure by the time these make these should take over and it should be okay got the pepper plants they aren’t doing very well uh they need have the peppers picked I don’t pick the peppers uh my wife does so U she don’t come out very often until she gets feeling better and uh more of the kind of row of the there should pull that off I might let one go I’m not going to one in one uh so Bello this one here not going to go through all the different ones but they are growing good you got the new growth here make sure it darkens up this is the color that you want on your orange trees so when they do have a flush of growth they will go ahead and flush out and grow well uh this the Rosemary over here that’s I’ve been growing for I think this second year on it this is my uh Tropic go Tropic snow uh peach it’s got some some on it it’s made one or two uh they’re not quite ready uh most of them hadn’t had much Brown rod on these yet I hope they don’t uh I did thin some but I should thin more uh that’s going to be a hopefully next year I do a better job this is some of the ginger that came back from SE from uh last year didn’t pick it uh it kind of got small and planted late in the year so I let it come on back and it did come back from uh just naturally came back so that’s what overwintered for us uh this is I never can’t remember the names of these trees uh the Clementine a mandarin it doesn’t look real good so I did put some more fertilizer on it I don’t really like that color that well this one looks a little better and this is I think the pumpkin uh yeah pumpkin Mandarin it looks more like the color that you’re wanting on it uh try not get you too drunk we come to over here uh this is the ginger that’s I mean mint that’s your chocolate mint the orange mint and then I got a couple more mints and I’m going to put these uh in those containers that look like that over there with sweet potatoes in it that way they won’t go everywhere U this one here is Apple mint and pineapple mint never have tried those so uh my wife want some different kind the in so let them look at that the Fig that I got to go ahead and come up Roots already growing good I am having a hard time keeping it moist I’m going to have to pot it up uh if I don’t I’m supposed to be melt somebody but they ain’t got me the address yet so but if I don’t get pretty soon I’m going to pot it up in probably one of this size parts or something uh just try not to get too big I because I do have to Mill it uh I don’t want it to get you know cost your arm and leg on shipping anymore come back over here uh this is the Jiu-Jitsu uh sweet lemonade tree and it’s put on a flush of growth as you can tell so I pref feriz it a little bit and it responded so I’m going to cut back on it because uh I don’t want it get too big uh this is the fruit on it it’s growing well doing nice there’s not a whole lot of fruit set this year got those two I got two over here but uh it did make more last year uh this is the fires lemon it’s got a lot of fruit that’s falling off I think it’s stressed I do need to repot it make it do better uh okay let’s go over here gu uh Mr the pumpkin Chandler pumpkin uh again does it work very good but I’m also not want to put too much growth on it so I’ve not quite figured out you know I got three right here one there one there uh surprising that side didn’t produce so another thing you got to be careful of is when you leave these straps on you don’t want to get them too tight that didn’t hurt nothing but when you see it go ahead and loosen them up so it will girdle the tree they can’t take a whole lot of pressure on it doesn’t take much this is the other pumpkin uh pamelo that hasn’t done as well I mean it’s produced more but doesn’t look as good so I did fertilize it some I’m trying to get it to grow a little bit more it’s a year or two older than the other one so you know one’s growing one I’m trying to keep down from growing too much uh and then the other ones uh I need trim it up and take a lot the dead wood out and things so uh just need to shape it up this is a Ley Tree uh made a few of the lies it did one it was one of ones that fell over but you got three there you got a couple there um there some on the other side didn’t make a whole lot but I think it’s it’s a cross-pollination issue and the other tree that I got to cross pollinate didn’t Bloom out this year uh it’s still too young it should Bloom hopefully next year uh I do need a tie these things down put a TST of it and tie them down I will tell you if you’re going to use bungee cords they only to last about 3 months and then they’ll rot on you won’t be any good uh the other dwarf tomato that I’ve got sweet soue and tomato worm got after it really knocked it back but it still got a couple on it uh and looks good uh this is a Sweet Leaf uh you put that in your salads it’s got a real Sweet Leaf to it this it’s also called kuk um this is the other low quat that we got growing in the pot it’s first year it’s been growing in the pot and uh you know let’s see how it does and this one I forget what it call it’s C cheer the Rio Grand I can’t remember the name right off hand it is starting to come back from the base I figured it died almost wish it would die because it hasn’t really produced any fruit for me so uh this is the the uh nectaring tree that I grew this year and it needs to be trimmed back so I can get it down shorter uh and needs to be put in a bigger pot and right now it needs a little bit of water on water them tomorrow uh the blackberries uh pretty much quit making uh you know they’re small most of them are bigger berries than this this is the first year that they were put in uh pots so this can right here uh I’m going to need to cut it back all the way back to here cuz it’s not going to make any more fruit this one here is the one that came up this year and it’s still going to make fruit on it and it is very dry that is one way to tell on these that’s real so I know it needs some water and you can tell these here are starting to wh why I suspected it did where this one here is heavier so it had to used up all this water so it’s got more water in it but still I’m going have to water that one ants got into that one so it’s probably made it drain even better and I did poison ants got rid of them the other pineapples that I had I’m going to move them over here I think you’re getting too much sun see they kind of you know got some sun scars on them or whatever something like they might be eating on them uh I need some water on them too that’s the one that I Grew From A a top and it’s starting to put on a new uh deal there so it’s doing pretty good uh probably going to need to pot it up pretty soon so it’s growing well this is the other uh Jiu-Jitsu it just needs a bigger pot better fertilization that’s what it looks like it does and the fire ant’s got in it too so that doesn’t help anything uh so anybody talks about ants being in your garden you don’t fire ants you don’t want in your garden they will destroy just about everything as well as bite you this here is one of the time it’s a pink time uh and it’s creeping along the ground and I end end up taking over that whole whole uh container this is is finally the uh okanawa spinach is finally starting to grow starting to take off it likes hot weather and uh had three plants of it they all came back so they survived good the oregano that takes over everything that’s what I like in that type of pot hangs over the side it’s not taking over the whole garden it’s just taken over that one one pot so that does well that come up over here the rotenberry uh peach it did blow over no it didn’t blow over the other day it does got a little bit of you know it’s starting to put out some some leaves on it uh it’s got some of the will produce later in the year uh that’s one thing I don’t like about it cuz you’re going to have to spray more often but then again I may get some pites later so peaches later this here is another one of the Tropic snow and uh it’s looking good some of the have made I’m starting to get some brown Rod that needs to be taken out of here that’s what it does and just get C certain size and it just takes them over you want to pull these off and then haul them off you don’t want to just throw them down because these things will stay together and it’ll make it worse next year uh this tree here it’s looking good we got we’ve gotten over 50 Ines of rain since the beginning of the year it’s just too much rain for this thing and uh I don’t know if it’s going to make it or not probably not but if you get so much rain pie just don’t like do not like wet soil I think it just stay too wet for it so it just couldn’t handle it U come over here this is pomegranate I always have a hard time remembering that one it’s doing good it has not bloom I think there’s one that did bloom in the other other yard or the other uh Garden this here’s going to be the uh blueberries uh I did fertilize them and they started putting out some more growth on it you want to start getting your growth on now going to get them up good size the leaves are looking good for New Growth they’re light but they’re not different colors so I think my pH is okay on them and I’ll continue to fertilize them kind of try to get them the going uh I think most of these blew over too didn’t they Patrick U uh two I think two of them and you know they do need to be trimmed up and all that this is snow Chaser this is sweet crisp and then oh there sweet crisp and that’s O’Neal uh so chant going and get them up and growing need to take out some of these limbs that are probably dead and then we’ll come over here and look right quick at the big and they’re starting to put on put on all the different figs and things uh so you like figs you know they’re uh have done well I did plant one fig in the ground and it lost all his leaves look like it might die and I I don’t know if it’s just got too wet or what but down there so I don’t know of course this in here is getting stressed out too you don’t really know why it’s looking like that but uh I don’t think that’s fire BL but it could be they do get uh the low quash are akin to the PA pear family so they do get uh fire blight just like pears do so and this is my INR fig if you can get them in ground that’s the way to go uh this is strawberry bird believe it is and it’s a shorter one not not near as vigorous uh you put on put on a little bit of fertilizer on but not too much if you don’t fertilize your lawn at all they need a little bit of fertilizer you fertilize your lawn at all they don’t they just need a little bit of fertilizer if you fertilize them too much they grow too fast will not produce fruit you don’t fertilize them enough they you stress them and they won’t produce fruit so they do need to be stressed a little bit just don’t go overboard with it they do need water uh because like water would kill them like fertilizer won’t but they’re just sitting there not growing at all don’t be afraid to add some fertilizer to them so and this is the one that I planted look plenty good while I put it in the ground and it lost all its leaves so we’re going to find out if it comes back or not uh I mean I did everything I knew that was right and it’s decent soil but uh we got a lot of rain I don’t know if it got too dry sometimes we put these in pots didn’t get too dry but we had a lot of rain so I don’t think that was it uh but just maybe the shock of it who knows sometimes I I don’t always figure things out uh I try to uh I know they always say you learn from your mistakes but if you don’t know what you did wrong it’s kind of hard to learn but anyway hope you enjoyed the tour uh if you have any questions uh leave in a comment if you’d like to uh if you like the content Please Subscribe thank you


  1. Gary, I still have NO tomatoes, waahhh! Not even tomato worms can hold back your production. I'm beginning to think you're not sharing your tomato secrets! 😀

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