Gardening Supplies

Hydrangeas in a Hot Climate!😍 Small Space Garden with A BIG Impact! Zone 9 California Garden Tour

Welcome Gardeners! I’m visiting my friend Katie in Sacramento today to see her incredibly romantic, incredibly diverse and incredibly beautiful home garden! I’m so impressed with her gardening skills and what she was able to cram into her neighborhood property! πŸͺΊEnjoy!

πŸͺΊ If you see a Western Bluebird in your garden, contact Cheep Cheep Homes for more help!

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417 Mace Blvd Ste J # 238
Davis, CA 95618

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#gardentour #romanticgardentour #zone9b

[Music] hi everyone Jamie here welcome back welcome I want to introduce you to Katie Katie is a gardening friend SLV viwer right but I should say gardening friend because we have been friends on social media for a while now right Katie lives close by she lives in Sacramento and she has sent me pictures of her garden specifically pictures of your hydr which I’ll show you in a little bit and they are gorgeous so we’re going to do a little tour thank you you’re welcome how long have you lived in this property 13 years 13 and you have three boys three boys so you’re a boy mom yeah and Katie homeschools for boys which is so yep I’m home all the time a lot of the time that’s why I have a lot of time to work in my garden when did you start cuz Katie’s obsessed with Garden by the way like we I can solidly say she’s obsessed when did you start getting obsessed um well I think I mean I’ve always liked flowers and I’ve and I’ve have a lot of memories working in the garden like my parents Garden but I think I probably became more obsessed when I had my own house yeah so when we moved here and then we planted lavender right away they were right here in the front and do you guys see this lavender it smells incredible and I see bees on it and I see butterflies on it it is gorgeous so this is about a decade old Garden is and it’s stunning it is absolutely beautiful now just as a reminder Katie this is Sacramento so this is zone 9ine so we’re hot and we’re dry so to be able to grow the type of plants that Katie grows you have a Magic Touch I don’t know about that you do I can’t I can’t grow what you grow that’s probably the reason that I wanted to come and see it let me grab my camera and then we’ll take a closer look okay okay yeah you know it’s it’s really really too bad that my this little birds box it had a nest of birds and they fledged yesterday yesterday oh no that’s so cute yeah okay so do you know what is this a maple red maple red maple this is gorgeous this was here when we got the property and um it turns bright red it’s so gorgeous it oh my goodness so we got another one over there oh it’s not as happy this one yeah is right and you guys that one it’s beautiful this one was established look at the bird house isn’t that just the cutest thing Western bluebirds Western bluebirds I can yeah they’re cavity nesters and so they need a cavity you know hole to build their nest fun and your boys put that up you put that up with your boys NOP my my mom is an avid my mom was an avid birer and she has a lot of birding connections and she knew that I had got Western bluebirds in my you know yard and she told the guy who a guy who loves who monitors bluebirds oh and so she asked him if I could have a bird box he made one for me and oh my gosh he texts me and ask me like you know how they’re doing how they’re doing checking in on him because he monitors a whole bunch of boxes across California oh my gosh so like I know I need to give you info about that yeah because if you’ve ever seen one in your yard you need a box I want to be a birder yeah I want to be one of those people that watch birds and like know the name know specific ly what type of birds they are last year um last year the bluebirds didn’t get to be in there because an oak oak tip Mouse um yep took it that’s too funny a okay I let’s we have to talk about your lavender cuz your Lavender is stunning it is so beautiful and you said you just got this from like the big box store you know I’m not sure so we when we started we started with hi coat and we my husband chose it because it’s a smaller variety like you know 18 in kind across 18 24 in across right um and it’s a darker purple but I don’t think any of these are hi coat anymore I’m not sure and what we’ve done because we’ve been this is a hard place to grow lavender because of the tree yeah you can see it’s totally shaded right now um and so and we lose some every year but they self seed and so I am um I found that the best way to just you to take the self seeders is I take them out and then I baby them a little bit in a pot and then I then I plant them later when like is this one that you’ve babied you know I’m not sure I I think that one came up in the right spot ah you could just leave it this this one I planted um straight in and see that’s what happens I should have I shouldn’t have done that you got to let nature do a little but I got to I have to fix the line every well my husband and I we fix the line every year yeah cuz we always lose them and then tell me what this Big M that’se Becka and it’s self seated and it’s just so exciting when it comes up it’s so gorgeous I can imagine how beautiful I’ll have to send you a photo when cuz you can just see that it’s going to be incredible with the NEPA in front of it oh my gosh and then perfect for like fall kind of so pretty I love it and I didn’t know it was going to self seed and it’s just like such a gift it’s beautiful and I see you have some zenas planted oo and you planted verbina banerian sis yes last year and I realized that’s a funny spot for it cuz it’s right next to this C you can’t really tell from far away so I and then it came back and I was like okay we’ll leave it there but yeah it’s obviously happy there it’s pretty good and then helot Trope my favorite oh I love it I thought that would be a good place to try it yeah it looks and it likes it it has not struggled at all it looks so good and Katie your house I just I’m obsessed with your house it’s so beautiful did you guys do the brick facade or was you bought it and it was here yeah oh it’s so pretty and even look at her driveway you guys I know this is a garden tour but I just have to point out how beautiful her driveway is yeah so this side yeah I knew you would like the Dry Creek bed oh my goodness look at this right here yeah so Katie you and your husband did this um I was say he did more of it than me aren you sweet giving him the credit because this was heavy lifting although I did um I did uh make sure that I like the way the Rocks were I wanted them real natural looking yeah this this is Perfectly Natural I mean it looks so good what made you decide to do the Dry Creek bed over here just to take up room or um you know my aunt and uncle had one well actually okay um this spot didn’t have any irrigation okay and so it was just dead grass in the summer and if you can see my window there when we’re in our house this is the main view that we have like that you you know you could see and um it was either add irrigation but that was going to be kind of complicated or um do it kind of a drought tolerant take out the grass mhm and um I just really was up for the challenge I was like I want to see what we can do without water I love it yeah when we got the new driveway um we had irrigation put in so now I’ve added additional flowers but um this eona comes back well it there were like three or four of them but like the Salvia come back so pretty and they don’t have water this is I think this is a I think this is a um a California Native it’s a verbina deina yeah it’s my fave one of my faves and that one is so it it is so strong it can take so much oh my gosh I need to put that in my of the West Gard you do and it does not need water in the summer I mean you could give it a little water but and that one butterflies are like obsessed your feet I don’t want no falling on rocks no falling so speaking of best this is another one this is another Best of the West that’s the California fuchsia oh yeah um I had a gorgeous one that didn’t survive the new driveway and so this is my second one but that does not need water nice and then tell me about this the Calia I think that’s what it’s called goodness I just love it like has these poppy flowers and it blooms so long it’s you know a succulent so this you said it blooms in the it opens in the morning and then it closes as the day goes on and it’s just so gorgeous it’s I mean this is Katie told me that they’re at Home Depot for 10 bucks I think I no excuse me Lowe’s oh Lowe’s okay even better cuz there’s one right one close to here they’re um they weren’t flowering but yeah hey but if you wanted to plant a whole I I I think this would be so pretty so is this hooked up to drip at all the calandrinia no oh my goodness so there’s drip on a few new plants um my rose that’s at Olivia Austin oh pretty um it had a grasshopper on it so it’s a funny shape that’s what happens when grasshoppers eat yes do you get a lot of grasshoppers here um I not I don’t know you know we have a whole little ecosystem here yeah so there sometimes we have pest issues and sometimes we don’t so here this is one of my favorite that one doesn’t need water this is a tapian verbina yeah this is stunning and it looks so good in between the Rocks like that yeah and I have like it’s really carpeted like all over this place but I cut it back you know this is really sunny I have a lot of California poppies here but they were all done they just finished yeah and I let them all go to seed and then oh how fun oh I’ll have to come back in the early spring it’s really pretty so tell me about this beautiful Bush right here yeah this was um I just I just love butterfly bush doesn’t it smells so good yes my goodness it’s probably one of my favorite scents in the garden or butterfly bush the one in my backyard is even more fragrant but this one this one oh I just love it I love touching I know um butterfly bush so I think this one’s called Wier Lane I can check um I planted it in a pot because it said it would work in a pot and it definitely was on its last oh there’s another butterfly actually it might be the same butterfly just we’re watching a butterfly just enjoy itself where I don’t see it oh oh you’re right oh there zoom in yeah you definitely you’ve got the pollinators here for sure like you obviously have planted all the things that they like and we have lots of lizards and that that are around eating bugs I’m so glad I’m I’m so thankful we have the lizards have found found their place yeah um lots of hummingbirds how fun well this is absolutely gorgeous Katie okay so your front yard is beautiful like absolutely beautiful it’s nothing compared to your backyard let’s take a look let’s go yeah okay so first off can we can we talk about Matteo’s yeah Matteo’s business basil yeah um he’s he decided to grow some seeds um to sell basil plants so Matteo is Katie’s oldest son yeah oh I see a carpenter bee over here oh do you oh yeah we get so many bees oh I love the carpenter bees they’re just so big I love them okay so Matteo is Kat and here’s Janie was so sweet and bought some of his basil so he is selling he has a business he is growing and selling basil which is fabulous I bought four of them thank you Matteo I’m very excited can we see his um his stash that he’s working sure you want to see it yeah oh look at this Mato I am so impressed so where where is he planning to sell these what’s the plan he’s just going to make a little stand at the park oh my gosh it’s like lemonade no and by the way it was my idea look at the book she has Gert J on gardening I am obsessed I want I I want that book so bad okay so hopefully we can see let me hopefully my phone is going to adjust look at her sidey yard so narrow sidey yards are a huge huge thing like you have to use them she has her garbage cans here you have your amazing composter oh my goodness tell me about these okay so this is Bia um I planted it because this is just a chain link fence and I have my la station over there and I was just I was like I’m just going to make this pretty yeah and so I planted the Bogan via first and I think but maybe I planted the grape and the Bogan via at the same time I’m not sure and I was just like we’ll see how they go how you know there wasn’t any irrigation and that’s just crazy yeah and um and this is the east side of your house right but you said it’s does get some pretty good Sun mhm it’s um I think it’s it’s Northeast okay yeah I I bet you the sun bounces off of the white of this house and it gives it lots of heat that I’m sure it likes yeah and then yeah and then these grapes they just were so happy right away we got grapes I think the second year may you did I think so um go but they love it here and they’re planted right next to the compost so so they’re getting a lot of nuty lots of nutrients and then a beautiful succulent garden too yeah oh that’s really fun you know that was one of my first gardening loves with succulents oh how fun I just got really um confident I went actually went to a Master Gardener’s class at the library and I learned about how to I just learned a lot about cyence and I was just like okay I can do this they’re kind of a Gateway plant like a gateway drug for gardening and then all of a sudden you become absolutely obsessed because I think probably because are so easy to propagate and you’re like I’m so good at this I think a lot of people give them too much sun most of the time that would probably be the number one thing is that they some of them can handle Sun but a lot of them need afternoon shade yeah just a little bit of protection now is that irrigated right there that is now because when we got the new um pavers then we we were able to add irrigation and everything beautiful can I show off your door color before yeah let me close the door what a beautiful door color you this this is um I think it’s called willow tree it’s gorgeous so as you all know I have a green door and where did I get my inspiration from me Katie because yeah because when you moved into your new property I was like your office store has to be that sage green that’s on your you know aesthetic of your YouTube channel the logo and everything like that yeah I what I remember you messaging me and then you’re like yeah I have this green door and it’s like oh done I mean just done okay ready mhm T the sun the sun is getting it but look at how beautiful it is you guys okay so this is not a big backyard but it is a beautiful backyard thank you first of all your trees Pho carpus Pho carpus they were here when we moved in and um they’ve just grown a lot and my husband is just really good at um pruning them keeping them neat and tidy he does it about twice a year oh they are so pretty and you’ve sent me pictures of these before yeah cuz I was worried about your poto carpus hedge that you were saying you wanted yeah because some of these some of these um drop berries and they’re just a mess so I was like get the ones that don’t have berries they’re a mess they’re so pretty I just Li I mean like to have this as what you look out at your backyard that’s just incredible yeah and there’s a parking lot behind here it’s a school right yeah they block it they yeah I mean it just makes this whole space like this own little I don’t like an oasis or something I’m sure all of you are staring at the most amazing incredible beautiful thing Katie has the Magic Touch the Annabel hydr she can grow Annabelle hydranges and they’re so happy they actually propagate themselves my first Annabel was that one and all the rest are just propagations from it that I mov not this one no sorry yeah I have two of the these are Endless Summer and I don’t remember if I planted two separate ones or if one is a propagation of the other but they I get propagations of this one too mhm how do you propagate your you you just get they just make babies over like they they just spread they’re just so happy they can’t help themselves I can see one in the back look at how beautiful this is you guys so I you know whenever I talk about hydrangeas Katie text me a picture and was like oh no we can totally grow Annabelle hydrangeas yeah yeah the Annabelle does a lot better than the is are those macro Filas yeah I was going to say these look better than those yeah so um that one over there usually gets burned at some point okay um they’re all in shade by 1:00 is it weird that that makes me feel better that your ey just get burned yeah mine do too that one gets burned and then I just clip it and it’s just kind of you know it just has some holes in it but it just I just the rest of it’s healthy so I just let it go oh um but um yeah these they get a little droopy in the heat but um they don’t I haven’t had any of these burn do you ever have to stake them up this one um I have had to stake and those baby ones I think they might have something I’m not sure those younger ones this is the original one that I planted but I use a different pruning meth now I prune like much taller and they just seem to be stronger oh interesting interesting so giving giving the old wood a chance to harden get a little bit stronger I just can’t get over this and I can’t stop touching them and they’re just so beautiful and I just love it so much and this is such a gorgeous view this is when I come around the corner it’s just it’s so breathtaking it’s just stunning so tell me about your roses the iceberg roses so when I decided that I wanted to try roses here I found out that I could grow Iceberg they just won’t be as floriferous because they get more shade yeah but yeah I planted this one when my husband got his green card a and I just was so excited and I had the whole day off of work and so I was like well I’m going to plant something yes it’s a it’s a a congratulations how fun and I was pointing this out like the sign of a healthy garden right so leaf cutter bees yep oh so this is the Green Card Rose which is so exciting what’s your husband’s name Nico Nico from he from NE from the Netherlands what is this the that’s a um a geranium it’s a or I think that’s technically a poonian right it’s the Martha Washington yeah yeah is that these two this is a different variety and I prefer the one that’s in the bed the ones that has burgund well they both have some burgundy but this is like a brighter pink and that’s like a lighter yeah yeah and that’s kind of like my color palette yeah I would say so it’s gorgeous I started out with this whole area just um white and Katie why was it just white I chose I chose to do this back area all white because um I just knew I wouldn’t mess up that’s just with the color palette you can’t go wrong with all white right and so we had um some white um fortnite lies they were here when we moved in oh yeah and so they were they were here long time um I eventually took them all out they just spread and they they’re just so messy too I mean in this application yeah um there was a lot of that Heavenly Bamboo um but that was pretty much all this was was the fortnite lilies and the heavenly bamboo yeah and um yeah so I changed everything to White and then um slowly I added I added some magenta um snapdragons one year I really liked those and then I slowly started um sneaking in some pinks and lavenders and I kind of like this mauy mauvey pink kind of Tes here so over the years I just look at my pictures and kind of try to figure out what colors I like the best with it decide what you that Martha that Martha Stewart the Martha Washington the Martha Washington geranium or palagonia um I feel like that’s my that’s my color that seems like palette for this when I imagine your garden that’s that’s the color palette I imagine Katie’s Garden for now you have another grape over here that’s a Thompson seedless the one um by the compost was a um red flame and this one has not fruited yet it actually fruited last year but when I was taming it I knocked off some uhoh yeah uh oh and so it’s never it’s never it’s not hasn’t Fred yet this year so I don’t know if it’s going to maybe it’s not as happy is which one was that the that’s red flame and those are table grapes because where I’m I’m from um the Bakersfield area I’m from a little town called shaer um north of Bakersfield and they grow lots of table grapes that we all eat how fun um and so Thompson seedless and then the red flame they’re just really common varieties oh and you have is this EU eucalyptus the silver dollar I ordered that from Etsy as a little baby you did you are such a gardener by the way you are such a gardener Ka um yeah and I don’t know if it how long it can grow in a pot but I was in the Netherlands with my husband and somebody there at a little cafe actually I think it was a Flores shop I’m not sure a little shop owner had not the silver dollar but a different um you lip this in a pot and she bring brings it in in the winter and I was like how long has this been in a pot she’s like eight years or something I was like well that’s that’s good I’ll keep one in a pot for a few years although they’re in the Netherlands not in California so I don’t where and Eucalyptus is going to grow probably pretty happy so tell me about this tree we planted it last year um when we moved here um there was actually a gorgeous red maple just like in the front but it was really really big and um and so it had to it had to come out it was too big um so I had asked for crepe myrtle it took us years to finally get to the point where we got the creep Myrtle so this is a smaller one it won’t get real big but it’s just been here about like less than a year but it’ll Bloom white which is wonderful because there’s a lull like in August where well you know everything just comes and goes but several times I’m like I just wish I had a flowering tree right now I was like I got to get a crepe myrtle yeah yeah and crep myrtles will Bloom July August all that wow I can’t imagine these dark leaves with white blooms I bet that’s gorgeous yeah and it looks really pretty through this window oh yes I I have kind of two gardening well I guess I have a lot of little gardening philosophies but one is consider the views from your windows like look out your window and what do you see and help that shape your your landscape yeah and then um the other one is well for me is I had heard once to make your favorite bouquet but in a garden what I’ve never heard that yeah oh I love that so like when you’re getting you when when you’re kind of deciding on Plants you know do these all you know marry well and mingle and yeah so your favorite bouquet is this well I have a lot of my favorite bouquet plants um they you’re just not seeing them I have I also grow tulips and ranunculas and an enemies and I saw C Cales down there yeah oh but I mean even you know I love like all kinds of gardens so like this is this is a real romantic you know kind of story book kind of feel but I love I would say all genres of garden and so like if you were to just mix different just different things together to see how they all play together you know yeah you don’t have to stick to one thing yeah I love it and you were saying when you moved into this house it was a Zen Garden right it kind of so that was a pond um yeah this little area and as soon as we moved in my husband um drilled holes in it he was like we’re not having a pond yeah and so I was like well as long as we fill it with dirt and so yeah I love this little area just feels very like a meadow like a smallow say like a little little Meadow I love it and this Arch what do you have going here that is Eden I got I got it last year for my birthday so I have white Eden on this wall okay and that’s been there a few years it’s just taken its pressure yeah this one is the original Eden and it is going fast it is so fast I’ve driven by my old house so so that Eden probably was only 2 and a half years old and it’s C I can’t wait I’m so excited oh my goodness I have to get more Edens I wanted an art chair for a long time it’s I mean it’s perfect it’s exactly what it should be and then I mean look at how cute this is It’s just so cute yeah I when I workbench or what is that a kitchen a little mud kitchen yeah I’m a advocate of kid playing outside yes I just yeah I advocate kids play outside four to six hours a day oh I you know what I agree that is fantastic especially little boys three little boys but you have the perfect yard it’s a beautiful garden but there’s still so much space for kids to play oh my gosh look at how cute yeah don’t Bonk your head cuz I bonked my head a few times on this little guy oh like what’s above my head yeah um yeah I always say I like if I had more space I don’t know what I would do here now that my kids are older I kind of think I I could plant more things here but I’m I can’t take away the mud kitchen it’s just so precious does the 5-year-old play with it still sometimes but he loves playing with his brothers and they’re doing Legos so he a lot of Legos oh no you know and it’s so sweet you know Gardens just invite children and when I have little when kids come over and visit they ask if they can pick flowers it’s so sweet and and they often have a a flower too like you know different kids are attracted to different flowers yeah that is so oh I just love that that’s so cute I have to point out here oh my goodness look at how beautiful um I got some Holly Hawk seeds from my dad last year and they were why I don’t know because I’ve I ordered a fancy one from Etsy and that’s not what it’s supposed to look like so I just don’t know what’s going on I cuz the seeds that my dad gave me were Pure White and these were supposed to be like the ones I ordered were salmon so but it’s so pretty and it’s actually better this is gorgeous I think I just think it’s so pretty this is a beautiful beautiful color gorgeous so this is kind of your veggie garden right yeah so over the years I’ve um I have kind of decided what kind of Edibles I prefer love fruit trees love berries love herbs those are my categories and then add on tomatoes and whatever kind of my kids ask if we can plant right but that’s kind of it like I don’t I don’t um yeah so herbs I guess I cook with all the herbs and berries you’re going to have a taste one oh so these are raspberries and they’re amazing oh my goodness yeah you got to grab one let’s see they come off really easily what what kind are these um you know we’ll have to look it up it’s a thornless raspberry delicious I don’t have any raspberries yet this is my first Dalia that came out oh so pretty I grew a lot of delas from seed and they’re just doing great sunflowers aren’t blooming they’ll be here soon they’ll be here soon look you can see it’s starting this bird is just a Mocking Bird yeah it’s just has so much to say to us yeah I don’t know where it is I’d have to look yeah so my my youngest he really wanted to plant popcorn he got he got popcorn seeds in his stocking at Christmas and so he’d been asking if he can plant the popcorn oh that’s so so I’ve never grown corn but look how it’s going it seems happy it seems totally totally happy yeah that’ll be fun very cute and you have these gorgeous wine barrels oh my goodness yeah cuz I just didn’t have enough space it was too much concrete out here right so tell me about these raised beds cuz they’re in concrete yeah so this um when we bought this house it was actually this was advertised as a like boat or RV parking um and that fence was a little closer but to access it well we don’t have a boat or an RV but to access it you would actually have to go on our neighbor’s driveway to get there so it’s kind of silly very silly so this was just um all concrete and um my husband he was he said I’m going to I’m going to cut the concrete and we’re going to have some race beds so he did the math and um said that they’ll be at an angle and but it’s perfect and I and he said we’ll grow veggies and I said well I’m not very I I don’t know a lot about growing veggies so this is a real risk he said we’ll learn and I started with um a method a friend had recommended to me called the square foot gardening method oh yeah I’ve heard of that so that’s how I started and that’s where you look at a square foot and then you figure out how many of that thing you can plant right and um that’s not really this method but it’s all crammed in together so it’s similar but it’s funny it’s crammed in but you can tell how much it fits like your strawberry kind of just lining the Border behind your sunflowers and your Tomatoes perfect you know and I know certain things aren’t really supposed to mingle but I just I just always I mean I think gardeners who are really like gardening they’re they’re always willing to try it I 100% agree with you like push the boundaries it’s nature TR let’s see if and what’s the worst that can happen it dies yeah and you know that like these sunflowers I grew them from seed and so what’s you know what’s oh this is so pretty these are zenyas did you plant these yeah those are zenas mhm gorgeous yeah and then is this is this Bordeaux or a fake BAU no it’s that one’s just doing a lot better it’s just a sixpack of something from the Green Acres W it’s just happy but these are super Tous Green Acres is our local Garden Center the one that I usually go to and this is bubblegum love it yeah Bubblegum with buganvilia I love it oh my goodness I got this topiary and I just figured it wasn’t I was like it’s fine if it doesn’t topiary you know if I can’t maintain that but this year it made this like double I mean and it’s amazing wants to be a double poodle I was like I hit the jackpot this is it’s doing so because this is the so hot cuz it’s next to a wall and and this is south and um yeah but the Bogan via here is just so happy you have like it you have the most interesting microclimates in your garden they’re all different right and it has a lot to do with the stco you have and it has a lot to do with like you know all the trees and stuff but just looking at you and looking at Super Tunas Bugan Vila Yaro buan Vila behind you and then a maple tree and it’s like this is so cool Katie this this is smell this one this is stunning did you limit up to do this I did just so that I had more room for underneath but you have a budia tree yeah I want a budia tree yeah you just have to limb it and then and then just you know it’s it’s a high I mean it’s a little high maintenance it’s keeping up with that not too bad because you just really only have to do it in the spring so there’s no Edibles in this one is that right just the blackberries just the blackberries oh wow Katie there is so much going on back here it’s so interesting this is parsley that’s gone to se gone to flower it’s just so gorgeous I love it and you can still eat the parsley and the bees probably love it right isn’t there some butterfly that really likes parsley you know I think you’re right like isn’t there one that you’re supposed to I feel like I could try to guess like but I’m so let’s just say that okay well there’s this butterfly that really likes parsley that’s gone to seed and that’s why it’s gone to seed and then you have your sweet peas which are just about done well see this one is later than all the rest cuz it’s just a little it’s shaded from this a little bit so this one’s a lot happier than my trell you know all the ones I have in the heat so they came kind of in succession are you letting these go seed and are you going to take the seed from those yeah I’ll let some of them fall and then I’ll collect some of them and oh how fun you have just taken up every little square inch you could possibly Doo and um this is too warm for this to be always be like this this time of year so they sit on my table out in that other part but I moved them for for this and these are your lavenders from the front these are the lavender babies and then these are some dianthus I propagated cat mint from seed this is verbina from seed this is anation from seed oh my goodness well Katie this is absolutely stunning I feel so lucky that I finally get to see this in real life GL you could come because I’ve seen it on Instagram for so long and now that I’m here and I’m seeing how beautiful it is I just love it you are a very very inspiring Gardener and just real quick the color of your fence um bear slate bear slate I love it you’re lucky I remember that yeah right I’ve been nice I haven’t asked too many questions but gorgeous thank you so much for having us I hope you all enjoyed this and I hope you all have a chance to get in your garden today [Music]


  1. WOW! Unbelievable creativity in your garden, Katie! Creating all these beautiful vignettes and cozy garden rooms within your space is such a gift.

    Also a fellow homeschooling mom of three! Gardening & homeschoolingβ€”wouldn’t want to spend my days any other way. ☺️

  2. When Katie said "gardens invite children…." my heart melted. She is so right and my 3.5 yr old grandson is proof of that. What an incredible gift to give to a child. Katie's garden and landscape is beautiful and so inviting. All the space is utilized but not 'overcooked'. Thank you, Janey.

  3. "gardens invite children" – reminded of my grandniece visiting my front garden with 4 cattle panel arches that went in a circle, growing pumpkins and squash – and flowers everywhere – she was mesmerized!

  4. Gorgeous! What kind of trees are those planted along the fence line between the hydrangeas? Couldn’t make that out in the video

  5. I live in a very warm climate, so watching this is giving me inspiration of what I can do in my own yard. I am so glad I turned into this video.

  6. Thank you, Janey, for featuring my garden on your channel. So many of us appreciate all that you do to educate and encourage fellow gardeners. Spending time with you is an absolute delight!

    To everyone in the DPWR community, thank you for all your sweet comments and kind words. πŸ’•

  7. Thank you Janey and Katie, that was such a treat! Katie is definitely a master gardener of her lovely space!πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸ‘πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

  8. I have to ask…is Katie in any way related to Tracey of Plaids and Poppies? She makes me think so much of her, sounds a lot like her, and obviously has a natural gardener’s touch. She has the same easy, happy way of sharing her knowledge.

  9. Thank you, Ladies, for an interesting and informative tour of this beautiful garden! I consider myself a neophyte gardener, living in Zone 9B – very helpful 😊. Love the driveway, too! Oh, and it’s Swallowtail butterflies that like my parsley, dill, and fennel plants πŸ˜‰

  10. What an amazing dry creek bed…it looks soooo natural!!! What a fabulous garden in every nook and cranny of her lot! That line of trees along the fence is stunning! She makes everything sound so easy and her mix of formal and casual is amazing….makes me believe anything is possible!

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