African Violets

Is this chlorosis?

Hopefully Qs about gesneriad buddies are allowed here… Petrocosmea minor, previously dark green for years, but crown is now yellowing with no change in care. No visible pests or evidence of any.

It was in a very small pot as it’s been happily recovering over a year after root loss. I suspected this yellow was lack of nutrients, so have just repotted it in fresh violet mix with added perlite. Third image is of the new pot for size reference. Any flecks on the leaves are peat dust from repotting.

Does this look like chlorosis, or could something else be going on?
Would you do anything to help it recover, in addition to the repotting it just got, and maybe some outer leaf pruning?

(Current care: Bottom watered when needed with filtered water + weak fertilizer, natural eastern window indirect light with some supplemental LED.)

by QuantumYarnOver

1 Comment

  1. plan_tastic

    This is the most unusual thing I have ever seen. I don’t know what to make of this.

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