What's this plant

What’s this Plant i found on the grass?

What’s this Plant i found on the grass?

by ethan0makyavelli


  1. ethan0makyavelli

    It’s spikes don’t poke that much. And it’s really soft.

  2. beethovens_lover

    It’s a chestnut! The unopened seed!

  3. myowngalactus

    Looks like Sweet gum ball, from a sweet gum tree. They get dried out and brown and are a general bane on lawn maintenance.

  4. BaubeHaus

    I have a tree that produce this. It’s a chestnut, some of them you can eat, some of them you can’t (I mean it can be toxic so don’t take any chances!). Mine sadly aren’t edible !

  5. SpiritGuardTowz

    Aesculus sp. (Horse-chestnut, buckeye)

  6. TossawayTits

    It reminds me of a datura seed pod.

  7. Alias_Black

    looks like a horse chestnut still in it’s husk, step on it, if there is a buckeye inside, you know what you got

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