Plant Clinic

Please tell me there’s a way to save this!

I haven’t watered it much cause I tried getting the roots to come in and it said I was not supposed to put it in soil for a few days then I come downstairs today and I see it’s barley clinging onto life! I put it in direct sunlight but now I’m starting to think that wasn’t a good idea. What are the odds some sort of miracle happens and I get it to come back to life?

by Name_in_development


  1. AutoModerator

    Thank you for posting to r/plantclinic!

    It looks like you may be asking about a cactus or succulent. In addition to any advice you receive here, please consider visiting r/cactus r/succulents for more specialized care advice.

    A common problem with cacti and succulents is etiolation. This is when a succulent stretches or becomes leggy. Reply with “!etiolation” for advice.

    *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/plantclinic) if you have any questions or concerns.*

  2. Name_in_development

    I forgot to note, this is my first succulent

  3. Independent_Bet_6386

    This is donezo buddy, sorry.

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