
Do they need more sun?

Hello, those are my first lithops. Right now they are in a small greenhouse that I leave open on sunny days, with some kind of fake vegetation curtain, to avoid direct sunlight. I'm worried they look like they need more sun?

by Sebastiao_Pereira


  1. Quirky_Phone5832

    I’m so jealous of this pot OP 🤩 in case you didn’t know, you don’t just have Lithops in there. I see pleiospilos, conophytums, and maybe an argyroderma in the back?

    IMO I’m not seeing etiolation on these guys. The pleiospilos (the purple ones with large protruding purple leaves) might be stretching a little, but some species do just grow like that. I’d leave them be and keep a close eye on them. Some of the Lithops could also just be planted deeper but that’s a personal choice.

  2. acm_redfox

    yes. they come from places where there’s nothing to provide shade, and they’re adapted to sort of roasting in it all day. they will get etiolated in part shade.

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