
Has anyone attempted a vertical wedge cut like this?

I've been working with air layers on a crepe myrtle recently, and due to the nature of the tree, I have a lot of mature and boring straight trunks to work with.

Seeing a "fusion style" bonsai made from many seedlings recently inspired me. I like the cone shape trunk they were able to achieve with it.

So, I am going to try a vertical wedge cut like the diagram. I will have to find some way to pull the tree together – clamps, ratchet strap… Some nuts and bolts. The cone truck will stay on the parent tree for another year and hopefully get maximum recovery since a mature tree will be feeding it.

Has anybody seen this method for tapering a trunk attempted before?

by turbo_time


  1. -zero-joke-

    I think Hans Van Meer did a bunch of stuff like this.

  2. Tiger313NL

    Interesting idea, but how do you think this is going to heal? For all that to heal over properly, I think you’ll have to have a sucker sticking out the top of each section. As far as I know, that’s the only way callus can form. Now I could have this all wrong of course. Be interesting to see the result, but I’m skeptical as to how it’ll work out.

  3. Ok_Manufacturer6460

    Cutting out the Heartwood will basically disconnect the root to leaf connection and kill the tree

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