String of Plants

Repot Variegated String of Hearts?

Hello! Got this beautiful plant a few days ago like this. The roots look good and the top is definitely full. I want to repot this in something bigger and wrap the strands around the soil to make it fuller. Should I wait a bit since I just got it or is it okay to do it now? I also want to put this outside on my west facing balcony. I’ll take any tips too since i’m still a newbie!!

by twisterncats


  1. frozenbananers

    Good to be repotted! A 4 inch pot would be ideal

  2. cottoncandymandy

    People will tell you all kinds of different stuff regarding repotting, but I always do it as soon as I get a plant. I don’t wait for anything. Middle of winter? I’ll repot it idc but others will tell you no don’t do it. 🤷‍♀️ follow your heart lol

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