
Well this just makes me mad

Well this just makes me mad

by davidolson1990


  1. Illustrious_One_8755

    Temporary trees part of a rotating crop….

  2. DanoPinyon

    Just today I went back to a large parking lot that was planted in ~1990 in California’s Great Central Valley for a brief look-around; at the time the code was proud they had lots of “planting” “areas”. Little island squares half this size had ~70% mortality, island rectangles this size had ~50% mortality. Peninsulas connected to larger landscaped areas had ~25% mortality. Perimeter trees were pretty good.

    Anyhoo, this looks not bad so far. Of course in a few years the roots will be out of room and the tree will begin to decline, despite the loving care it is getting today.

  3. Sometimes I’m a psycho and just ask the business if I can help out a tree and most aren’t adverse to me removing old stakes and the like. If you’re feeling spicy, just say “hey, it’d be a benefit to remove the landscape fabric on the roots” and help the little tree homie out.

  4. Yeah, those people are nuts parking like that

  5. CheezitsLight

    Needs a shopping cart to attract the Cart Narc.

  6. x79133000

    Those rocks, and plastic cover 🤦🏻Best way to kill a tree

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