Plant Clinic

did i straight up kill this colocasia ….

Y’all …. i picked up this plant about two months ago. After re-potting it absolutely blew up, doubled in leaves, and was pushing out growth like crazy. Last week it started looking a little wan so i gave it a good soak (my mistake) and now here we are. I think i was overwatering and I don’t think it was getting enough sun so I moved it outside today and now …. i’m almost certain i’ve cause certain death lol. Is there any hope? Am i a monster

I was watering about 4 cups at a time once every two or three weeks. The plant was placed basically inches away from a south facing window…. pls guide me plant gurus

by cbvdw123


  1. Fermifighter

    Looks like thrips and or spider mites. I think the latter.

  2. SetHopeful4081

    Well, watering issue aside, it looks like it has a spider mite infestation. If you’re only watering it once every two to three weeks, overwatering should no longer be an issue. To be honest, I would have done the same as you and watered it thoroughly after a transplant. The leaves look like they’ve mostly recovered from any watering issue, but the spider mites are really feeding on it and sucking up all the liquids.

    Stippling as you see in the picture and any webbing = likely spider mite infestation. Spider mites thrive in hot, dry areas, especially if the plant is or has been already stressed. They don’t like humidity though. Trim off any dead leaves, clean it up and blast the leaves with some water. Since these are nice big leaves, I would take a wet cloth (maybe with some rubbing alcohol) and wipe down the leaves to physically remove the mites. Don’t let it sit in the sun after you’ve put alcohol on it though, or it will burn.

    Repeat this for a while until you no longer see any new issues.

  3. thisisajojoreference

    I think the spider mites killed it.

    This gentleman is a thirsty boy. I have mine sitting on a south-facing balcony and it’s been thriving in the 80-90 degree NYC weather in direct sunlight. I water every to every other day. I find these guys are hard to overwater.

    For the spider mites that i also had, i got some insecticidal soap spray that I’ve been applying with good results.

    I’ll try to find pictures, but he’s bounced back really well from when i underwatered him, had him inside, and when he also had spider mites.

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