
Wild blackberries?

Wild blackberries?

by lauraelizabeth3


  1. lauraelizabeth3

    Hi! Just seeing if these berries are safe for eating, in Mass.

  2. Acceptable_Smoke_933

    Mulberry tree. Yes safe for eating.

  3. Spidman1900

    Safe to eat, best when fully ripe (they fall off the tree when ready). Just be ready for them to stain absolutely everything.

  4. ThisSpecificThing

    Mulberries. Makes amazing jam and pies. Great in yogurt. Stains everything purple. One of my favorite fruits. Cover them in water then strain with a wide wire strainer to get the bugs and dirt off.

  5. Benbablin

    Mulberry. Good food. More sweet and less tart than raspberries. Some trees can be absolutely loaded with seeds and others have none. Idk why, just something I’ve noticed.

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