
I once had a Boswellia sacra. During winter indoors, it somehow put out leaves and I was still not good at indoor growing at that time so I overwatered and it died. Now I have successfully overwintered other Boswellias. So one more time, I got another Boswellia sacra seedling.

I once had a Boswellia sacra. During winter indoors, it somehow put out leaves and I was still not good at indoor growing at that time so I overwatered and it died. Now I have successfully overwintered other Boswellias. So one more time, I got another Boswellia sacra seedling.

by lordlors

1 Comment

  1. Different-Variety-2

    Do you use LEDS in the winter? A heat mat also really helps to dry the soil indoors and prevent rot

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