
What can be done to save this guy?

I noticed this guy was rotting on one side. Is there anything I can do to save him 🙁 Should I perform surgery to extract the baby inside? Although he just finished losing old leaves about a month ago so I’m not sure if the ones developing inside are big enough yet.

I don’t know what caused it since I hadn’t watered him in two weeks so it shouldn’t be overwatered especially being in 100% inorganic grit. He was outside in the sun all day and yesterday night I sprayed some insecticidal soap on him but I don’t know if either could cause something like this.

Please help! Thank you ❤️

by Additional_Plum_8165


  1. Stugotts5

    Trim the bottom roots until there is about 3/4 inch left, plant it 2/3rds deep in a good mesemb soil mix, bottom water once, and then leave it alone for at least a week, maybe 2 weeks. It should root for you.

    The Mesemb mix that works for me is one part equal; Miracle-Gro moisture control potting soil, pumice or perlite if you can’t find that, and one part general purpose sound. All three are available at Home Depot! Sift it through a 1/4 inch screen just to make the particles even before planting.

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