Grafting Plants

Help grafting for the first time


So my cacti had a little accident last night while it rained, they fell off and broke 🙁

I think the pink one was rotting already from a baby that fell, and I was considering to cut it off anyway. I have no idea how to do this though, and I find the idea of grafting really scary.

The yellow can maybe survive if I don't touch it? But I'd like the other piece to live if it can.

I only have small cacti, definitely nothing like the one it is on at the moment, for grafting them onto something.

I'm really lost, I need help please.

by Sebastiao_Pereira

1 Comment

  1. TerraVerde_

    well the yellow one is going to need to be grafted to something and i dont see any room for that on there. got anything you can use as rootstock? more dragon fruit?

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