Vegetable Gardening

How are my tomatoes looking?

Northeast Ohio, United States. Got the tomatoes in the ground a week after Mothers Day. I use a Florida weave and steel stakes to support them. The black stuff on the ground is woven plastic matting for weed control. I fed them with a direct application of Gardentone/Veggietone granulated fertilizer about a week ago. I have treated twice with Funginol to try to get ahead of the awful wilt that destroyed most of my crop last year. Mix of varieties: big boy, better boy, Roma, Rutgers, celebrity, early girl, maybe a couple others. How do they look to you?

by ReadRightRed99


  1. Adept_Blackberry2851

    Great way to stake them. Looks amazing.

  2. galileosmiddlefinger

    Nice setup. It’s definitely time to start pruning the indeterminate varieties. Clear out the lower leaves that can catch splashes of soil-borne diseases and improve airflow so that you aren’t nailed with mid-late season problems.

  3. That-Gardener-Guy

    You know how they look! But I will praise you anyway. OMG this is so great! You are going to have so many tomatoes. Wow wow we wow.

  4. Emotional_Peanut1987

    It’s been said, but yes you gotta prune some!! Besides that they look quite happy. We use the same weed mat and stake-weave stringing method at my work. And I work for Dr. Tomato, essentially, so you’re killing it lol

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