Plant Clinic

Anyone know what this is on my Amish paste tomato?

I picked it a bit green because it had little spots, it ripened in my window and looks like this now. Is it safe to eat? Is this a pest or disease? Please help

Ive been watering it every day for a while because our soil dries very fast in this heat. It is growing in a raised bed

by ActiveFly3081


  1. AutoModerator

    Thank you for posting to r/plantclinic!

    While r/plantclinic permits posts related to outdoor plants, they are not the focus of this sub and you may not receive the advice you need. Please consider visiting r/gardening or r/ukgardening for general outdoor gardening advice, and head to r/marijuanaenthusiasts (a subreddit for trees, we promise) for advice related to trees and saplings

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  2. Cultural_Wash5414

    I’ve seen that before. I just cut that section off

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