
Not bad for not having any idea what we’re doing. Lots to improve, though…

We've been at war with a previous owner's invasive bamboo since we bought our house last summer, and every time we gain a bit of ground, we build something semi permanent to hopefully keep it from coming back.

First was a 15×15 foot garden plot, quickly followed by our pallet bins – The left side was already built a couple of weeks ago when I inherited a few pallets from work because they were doing some spring cleaning of our shop area.

In clearing out the back of our lot, we found a raised flower bed that has been lost to the brush, which we converted to a sandbox for the kiddos – but in the process, we used all of the topsoil that it was originally filled with as filler for the pile of brush and grass trimmings we had available. So now we just have a pile of dirt with grass in it because we didn't know any better… Hoping we can eventually dilute it out with proper volumes over time

by dyljeridu

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