Plant Clinic

What is wrong with my Alocasia?

I have this Alocasia for over a year. It grow lots of leaves but now they start to disappear. Since 2 weeks its leaves start turning yellow one by one (always the oldest). There are some wrong spots sonI checked for pests but there are none.

It gets water when the soils is dry (1 or 2 times a week) and its getting a lot of indirect sunlight.

What could be wrong with this Alocasia?

by stikkesstininio69420


  1. Existing-Bumblebee22

    maybe a fungus in the soil? idk i hav a rly hard to w this one indoors and then i stuck it outside and just let the rain water it and she’s thriving

  2. ChinchillaSilver

    mine is doing something similar. Dormancy, root rot, or overwatering will cause leaves to drop. I think I stabillized mine but i wont know for a few days. Needed more sun.

    Humidity is an issue w these guys. Might want to consider a pebble tray. I’ve not had success with those though. My room is pretty humid and I have tons of plants so the atmosphere is pretty mild and warm.

    Let that leaf drop and wilt. The plant will reallocate some resources from the leaf back into the plant. Pick a new spot. Don’t water or fertalize. These plants are so dramatic .

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