
Leaf Mold?

First time collecting leaf mold. Just rained in my area so it was a little wet. I grabbed about 3 gallons worth. I sifted through it once already to get leaves, twigs, worms, bugs out.

  1. Is this a good batch of leaf mold?
  2. Should I let it dry out some and sift through it more?
  3. Is it appropriate to store in 2 gallon food grade buckets with lids?
  4. Will it continue to break down in storage?

Thanks for helping a noob out!

by KcCap


  1. My home made leaf mold gets much much finer. No sifting needed. This is 75% done but I would totally use it for just about anything.

    Collecting it? From a forest? If so that explains the larger pieces. This is great to jumpstart a compost bin, inoculate a garden with microbes, or to boost organic matter.

    Oops forgot to answer the questions?
    1-yes, 75% done
    2-do not bother unless you want it for seed starter. Do t ever let it dry out.
    3-stores done, keep moist.
    4-it will continue to break down just til it looks like fluffy brown organic matter.

  2. Regen-Gardener

    looks good, its just not completely broken down. it needs air so drill some holes in those buckets

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