
Do i need to top this up?

This is my first time using a tumbler and wondering how much longer needed to let this break down? I think i started it maybe 2-3 months ago and its purely grass clippings and and shredded paper/cardboard and a pinch of old potting soil. I know it looks super wet but im assuming thats from the rain we’ve had here in sydney. I havent added anything in it for about 3weeks and just wondering if you would consider this almost done or if i should add more grass clippings and shredded browns (i struggle to turn this as it is)? Im pretty proud of it! Despite it looking super wet it actually smells “earthy” or little to no smell at all. I was super worried it would become anaerobic since i havent been turning it regularly. Also want to mention, it doesnt feel warm/hot when i stick my hand in

by m0nekk


  1. RincewindToTheRescue

    How does it feel? If it’s really crumbly and cold and everything looks like it is broken down, I think you’re probably good to use it.

    If you’re not going to use it for a long while, you can add more fine stuff that break down fast.

  2. andehboston

    Needs more time, it looks like you’ve got an adequate mix, but you could always go more brown to soak up the wet. It’s too small an area to be producing much heat, adding coffee grounds will help though.

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