African Violets

Sunburnt violets. Please help!

I had all 4 of my violets in that window today where they were getting pretty good sun. Yesterday I had them in the same window and the pink ones got a burnt flower. I cut it off. Now tonight, the purple and white ones which I just got got a burnt flower too. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. The leaves seem fine-no yellowing, but the flowers are getting sunburnt. There will probably be no flowers left on any of them if I don't figure out how to fix this issue. I'm going to try moving them to a different window where it will hopefully be shadier. Any tips for saving my sunburnt violets? 🙁 I want them to be happy.

by MarieGrace91


  1. Total-Worldliness-39

    They’re fine as long as you move them away from direct sunlight like that. Even moving them farther from the same window will help, if you have room, so they aren’t in the direct path of the rays

  2. Catch1FallingStar

    Amazon sells sheer curtain panels and friction curtain rods rather inexpensively.

    Look at the shadow your hand casts when you block the sun. If you see a shadow with hard, distinct edges, the light is too strong. What you want is diffuse light, which is when your shadow is blurry or hazy.

  3. Plantaehaulic

    They can easily burn with direct sunlight. Since also summer sun is intense. Your Portulacaria is enjoying it because its a full sun plant. Need to pull them back atleast 3 feet away from the window. Put them in a small table or cart. Also hot temperature wilts blooms much faster. They wont stay forever but you can enjoy them longer.

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