String of Plants

No signs of growth, what am I doing wrong ?

Here’s my string of pearls, I rescued it from a local nursery, it was looking rough so I brought it home.
I was advised to coil the strings on top and just leave it be, so I prepped some chunky mix, put it in two pots and coiled the strings on top. I watered it and just left it alone.
After over two weeks I see no growth whatsoever and the plant is just not looking right.
Info: the plants are outside so they get a lot of warmth and humidity, indirect light, and just a little bit of direct light very early in the morning.

by Background-Egg157


  1. jomacblack

    Two weeks is nothing. It needs to root first and establish itself. It looks good for a string that’s not even rooted. Just give it time

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