Indoor Garden

Strawberries North of 60

Good morning folks.

I'm a resident of Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic. I brought home some strawberry root from a big box store in Ottawa at the beginning of April and this is where we are today!

I've never grown strawberries before so it's been interesting to watch how quickly they grow and propagate. From the rootstock I purchased, I ended up with two decent June-bearing plants and one decent ever-bearing plant.

The ever-bearing plant has flowered and produced a small number of strawberries once. The June-bearing plants have not yet shown any indications of flowering. I've been taking advantage of the prolific runner production on both to propagate more plants. I now find myself overrun and I've started snipping runners as soon as I spot them.

My grow media is an 80:20 mix of coir and perlite amended with Gaia green all purpose and power bloom organic dry nutrients. I've recently also started adding a mild liquid seaweed fertilizer when I water.

The plants in the tents are growing under a 50 watt OpticLED COB on a 14 on, 10 off cycle. A humidity controller is keeping things roughly between. 45 and 55% Rh.

The overflow plants are getting near 24-hour sunlight but definitely don't do as well and the plants in the tent.

Happy growing all!

by GXrtic

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