
Tips for moving cross-country?

I know there was a recent post on moving advice, but I’m moving across the country (USA) and plan to bare-root most of the collection. I’m not worried about the adult plants, but I have a number of 2-3 y/o seedlings (100-ish) that concern me a little bit. The tiny babies in the 2nd photo will stay potted.

Does anyone have experience with this? How soon before the move should I water?

The plants I get in the mail always struggle to adjust after I pot them, so I’d like to minimize the stress as much as possible.

by ricecars4life

1 Comment

  1. Milksmither

    I wouldn’t overthink it. They’ll be fine without light or water for a lot longer than you might expect.

    I often buy plants from eBay, that are shipped from China, and take 2-3 weeks to get here. They’ve always arrived fine, if not a little bit sad.

    I’d dry them out, and put the nursery trays in a box as they are, and maybe cover them with a pillow or some other filling, and stack another one or two on that way.

    The rest, I’d try to squish into a box as well, or stick em on one of those little plastic pallets, and drive carefully.

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