
Lawn guy killed my maple with a weed eater. Any advice on how to seek compensation and how much to ask for? I grew 3 trees to honor my dogs who passed and he damaged all 3, one fell. 😞

He’s an individual contractor with Your Green Pal rather than a full company so I’m not sure how to approach this. I’m hoping maybe you lovely tree people can point me in the right direction

by DrainedDogMom


  1. bmoorman05

    Check out r/treelaw they might have some better input

  2. Fun-Parsley952

    someone on here said to contact an arborist to get a damage assessment if you want to go the legal route. i’d personally probably just say to them they owe you at least $500 maybe as much as $1000 or fire them. those look to be a several years old and replacing them at that age wont be cheap.

    but this is why i hate lawncare folks.

    my neighbor uses them and no joke, this lazy POS mowed ONE strip on my side because he wanted to use the self-propulsion instead of just pushing the mower back up the hill.

    they used to drive their big ass riding mowers through my yard until i confronted them because some asshat did a 90° turn in wet soil on my side. it was a mess.

  3. JaredTT1230

    You need to have the trees appraised by someone with the ASCA’s (American Society of Consulting Arborists’) Tree & Plant Appraisal Qualification (TPAQ).

    On another note, lawn-care people do an insane amount of damage to trees, and so I’d recommend protecting future trees from such damage by _eliminating the lawn_ surrounding them. Put down a 5-10 cm layer of wood chip mulch over as large an area surrounding the tree as you’re willing to, taking care not to pile the mulch up against the root collar.

  4. Tortuga_cycling

    Call an arborist. Not a “tree guy” and actual arborist. And if need be, they can consult with your attorney to determine the value lost

  5. Maddd_illie

    I wouldn’t go the legal route unless he won’t agree to compensation or replacement. Those trees aren’t well established and honestly, not well planted. I would consider the replacement cost and the cost of upkeep for how many years old they are, ask for a price you think is fair, then replant and make a proper mulch bed below the trees. Your landscaper could have done better but you gave him a very difficult job of mow/weed eat the lawn but don’t hit the maples planted in the middle of all the grass. Instead, for next time, have a good mulch bed that gives him no excuse to get the weed eater anywhere close to

  6. Plenty_Nectarine_345

    In addition to mulch, try putting a 10in long 4in wide perforated pipe around them. Just cut a slit and slip it on. This will work as a trunk protector, which will protect them against weed eaters and rodents.

  7. Zealousideal_Tour849

    Did you tell him not to do that? They are small trees its not hard to replace em.

  8. ForgetsToWipe

    Company owes you 3 new trees then.

  9. PublicPea2194

    poorly planted, don’t look to be well kept or well established. the one on the ground was a silver maple? autumn blaze? half joking,,,, if it were either of those two, you should thank him. clearly it isn’t right that he damaged your trees. It wouldn’t be right for you to shoot for the moon for compensation.

  10. Have you talked to the company? Any responsible business owner would be offering to replace them for you, and if they don’t want to cooperate, or don’t want to admit it was them, it’s time for a different lawn company and legal action. But don’t just go to a lawyer without talking to the lawn people

  11. Birdamus

    I feel for you, but you planted young trees in a yard without a mulch ring to protect them, then hired a lawn guy to do lawn guy things.

    Live and learn, buddy.

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