
Controversial hoya care opinions

I'll go first. They need more water than you think. Waiting until the leaves are soft and droopy or wrinkled risks dry root rot and leaf loss. I started watering mine like I do my aroids and they're happier. Growing more, blooming, just happier plants. (They've always been in a soil mix that drains really well.)

by mountainmule


  1. ElaineMK2222

    Agree. I water like my other plants. Since I started watering more regularly and not letting them go completely dry they grow much faster.

  2. JoesyTwo

    Not controversial at all! Here’s mine: I use Black and Gold organic succulent soil with (usually) vermiculite mixed in, on all my indoor houseplants plants regardless of the type. 🙈 don’t come for me substrate fam! 😂

  3. I agree. I grow my Hoya in self watering wicking pots and don’t let the reservoir go dry and my Hoya are happy and grow like crazy.

  4. Conversely when I tried to stay on top of watering, some of my hoyas some got root rot 😭 even being in very bright light and/or having a well-draining mix. 

  5. princess_bubblegum7

    I didn’t realize this was such a hot take! I just commented the exact same thing on a post asking for hoya advice and was contradicted 😂

  6. Nikmassnoo

    If I hear “taco test” one more time I’m gonna lose it. If a so-called plant influencer says that, it’s a clear sign they know nothing about Hoyas

  7. lirynnn

    You can’t treat all Hoyas the same. Not all of them thrive in super chunky substrate with a trellis, harsh light and high humidity.

  8. Significant-Stress73

    I don’t water mine as frequently as the aroids, but I do keep them in the bathroom!

    They are sooooo much happier now.

    Also in the bathroom? The Rex that was uber dramatic. She gets watered barely more than the hoya. Thriving. Like was tempted to throw her away a year or 2 ago and now she is one of my favs.

  9. Plant_in_a_Lifetime

    It just depends on which type you have instead of just putting “hoya” in one care guide. The bellas and lacunosas prefer more frequent waterings than my “dinosaurs” and latifolias.

    Similar to aroids. Monsteras, Philodendrons, Aglaonemas, Syngos are all aroids. But I care my melanochrysum differently than my dean mcdowell.

    Just like succulents. I water my haworthias extremely differently than my echeverias even when both are in the same substrate and experiencing same environmental factors.

  10. Kantaowns

    The idea of PON and everyone losing their minds over it is stupid There, I fuckin said it. It’s literally rocks and slow release ferts. Ive done this same test with calcine clay and osmocote with honestly slightly better results. PON is also not viable for permanent adult plants imo. Anyone who argues this keeps their Hoyas in tiny ass cups stunted from constantly cutting “mother plants” in grow cabinets like a dork.

    The absolute best rooting cutting method I have used is Stratum and fert water. I udually put some drops of SuperThrive in my bottle every couple weeks before topping off cuttings.

    Once fully rooted and growing like this guy here I will mix all the stratum into some Fox Farm potting mix and put it in no dmaller than a 4″ pot so I can trellis properly.


    Second rant, but short one. Hoop trellises are absolutely stupid. Wraping a Hoya downwards will stunt their growth and nothing grows in circles like that anyways. Holy crap I hate circle trellises. Use a friggin 2′ bamboo trellis and cut it to size if needed.

    Third and final. If your “mother plant” is the size of cuttings I sell to people, you’re an asshole. Let them grow before you insist on chopping.

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